Western character """""""""""""""""""""""""design""""""""""""""""""""""""

>Western character """""""""""""""""""""""""design""""""""""""""""""""""""





why is it that whenever a woman tries to look or act threatening, i just find it cute in a pathetic way?

i'm not sexist but it's just hilarious imagining a woman drill sergeant bossing people around because it seems so non-intimidating

I will never understand why Boon and NRS are never called out for shit character design by any publication. It's not like they don't live off clickbait anyway.

>implying any game from the west actually follows that

>What is Uncharted
>What is Mass Effect
>What is Dragon Age
>What is Last of Us
>What is Bioshock Infinite
>What is Witcher

>mass effect
>last of us
>any on that list

you almost got me

>litterally nothing but superhero characters , save from geralt who actually isn't a human

>white guy gets beat up by a black woman

Well, you aren't wrong.

>Japanese character design

>can make flawless, beautiful human beings
>doesn't cause of societal forces at play

way do you keep getting her making a face

Fucking kek


Not defending those games but
>Last of Us
>Superhero characters.

Hello fellow imgurian :D

Its not blowing any time soon

Netherealms just can't into women.

There are some amazing female designs from the West.

nice meme

That Injustice 2 Superman is literally the worst design for his character in the nearly 80 years he's been around.

Aquaman looks pretty bad too, come to think of it. All the characters look a little pudgy and have poofy hair.

love this joke

because the game is not finished

It's less the face that bothers me and more of that fucked hair. And tacked on clipped cape.

What the fuck? I'm not even the type to notice this shit.

>Eastern character design

>Eastern character "design"

>proving his point by posting ugly man-jawed apes
wew lad

I don't understand how getting set on fire somehow made her more attractive

Quiet isn't attractive.

I think watching people get bodied by cgi monsters is hilarious

epic meme guy

>Literally just scan a real human being

He was being ironic

Aren't you the same nig who defends Cassie Cage and all other MKX girls

be quiet

yea thay look good i dont see the problem what not anime for you


But in all seriousness, why do a lot of western studios actually do this?
What possible reason could they have to objectively make a female character less feminine and more masculine?

you should stop lying to yourself user, it's okay to be gay in the current year, there's no more need to hide it

Well now I have to ruin another orgasm into my mouth

because the only way a female character can be strong is if she's in every way a man except for downstairs.

show me something better than that

D'vorah's the only real waifu and she's a monster.

so is this a man jaw too

>Eastern character """""""""""""""""""""""""design""""""""""""""""""""""""

delete this right now, seriously

stop this

>western """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""character design"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Yes, now stop posting Mortal Kombat characters.

nice try

Get ellie outta there right now

>he thinks all anime artstyles look the same

keep crying kid

>West makes both attractive and unattractive women
>Japan only makes attractive ones.

>western ''boss fight''


No, that jaw isn't square it's soft, nor constitutes a considerable amount of the face, nor angular.
This is a manjaw.

Literally fucking ruined.


are you even trying

I remember when bioshock infinite came out I was so obsessed with Elizabeth I actually bought a cheap chinese chastity cage for my dick. When I started finding sfm shit of elizabeth being fucked I chose to keep myself locked up and only came with a vibrator pressed against the cage. Shit got weird

>Clementine in that list

Damn, this is a nice image. Fukn saved.

Weebs don't try at anything. They don't try to make friends, they don't try to get a girl, they don't even try to find a decent hobby. Their entire existence is defined by not trying.

>western character design

Defend this, America

>its another cherry picking falseflagging episode

Fucking reruns thats all this channel has


those tears fuck off weeb lots of video game jaws look the same

Delete this right now.
Don't fucking insult my husbando.


>Patchy the pirate
>not the pinnacle of character design

you just cant understand his deep lore

>cant prove him wrong


Patchy was so fucking based. Does he even show up in the newer SpongeBob?

I think he was in a recent episode for a moment.

I barely play any Japanese games at all, I just recognize ugly women when I see them.
I'm not falling for the, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes bullshit, specially when a character looks like a tranny.
Once again you're a tard, Cammy's jaw there is not large nor long nor square, it has a soft curve to it, but keep posting side shots.
A shot from the front is the best most honest way to see a manjaw, which is why you keep posting profiel shots, hoping to minimize the difference.
Here's another example of a manjaw.

where's shovelknights endboss?

Cassandra is cute, tho.

fuck off idiot

Only girl I don't much care for on the left is that chick from Bioshock. All the rest are A+
Jinx is best girl. Love me some hot skinny crazy.

>western developers make characters that look different from each other, some attractive, others not
>"hehehe fucking gaijin developers do not how to character design"
>japanese developers copy paste animu girls with different hair
>"absolutely amazing, japanese devs are so creative, much better than those gaijin"

Weeb logic

Where's Morrigan? Fucking homo.


I dont know whats worse, the dying light ending or MC harping on his one true love and soul mate jade every other second.

I like what you did there user

Women with manjaws are objectively less attractive and less feminine.
There's nothing idiotic about what I'm saying, maybe hurtful to women with such features, but that's the thing about attractiveness, not everyone has it.

That's not a manjaw, it's a strong jawline that is considered attractive in both genders. It's just a bad photo of a woman universally considered attractive.

An actual manjaw would be where you lose the angle between the jaw and the chin.

how are ellie triss fetch ugly

You need to step away from the computer for a second and quit obsessing over something so inconsequential.

and only one is an in-game image

life isnt anime.



>I walk around with old times calipers and measure women's jaws on the street. Those who meet my strict standards are then compared to cartoon women in video games which are nothing more than expensive toys for hobbyists and children

Opinion discarded.

Stop watching too much anime.

>he thinks they don't


I work for the Coast Guard, and I think female company commanders are hilarious. They aren't intimidating at all, and every time I see them I just sexualize them, even when they're yelling. All I can think about is how smelly and lewd their feet are getting from all that yelling! One of the CCs was even in a dunk tank for a community event, and I took pics of and masturbated to her bare feet!

>girls have to look like my animes