Sup Forums, I think Watch Dogs 2 is shaping up to be a good game...

Sup Forums, I think Watch Dogs 2 is shaping up to be a good game. The new protagonist we get to play as is a breath of fresh air and the music/editing in this gameplay video is pretty sick.

They also released another gameplay trailer for us showing what we can do while playing as the new protagonist.

Even more gameplay. They come to Sup Forums because I see the sad green frog and the white troll face. They also parody Anonymous, you can't believe that. They also feature a Donald Trump as a bad guy too.

Other urls found in this thread:

>nigger protagonist

>Sup Forums, I think Watch Dogs 2 is shaping up to be a good game.
t.ubisoft montreal employee

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Watch_Dogs 2

I can't tell if this thread is satire or not

>$.10 has been deposited in your PayPal account

the game looks like garbage

All I want to know is if I can hack planes and cause 9/11.

>Sup Forums

Nice try Ubisoft

>Sup Forums

I hope this is a joke

>Sup Forums

Stopped reading there. Drink bleach ASAP.

Go buy TV commercials and leave us alone.

>They come to Sup Forums
case in point: this thread

I wouldn't even care if they went full Prototype 2 and had Aiden become a retardedly evil asshole for no reason and gave the new guy hacker shit because... I dunno, white guilt

IT's not like Aiden was interesting anyway, might as well go full retard

This is now an fanart thread. Post good fanart

Ban shill threads

Helps if the picture actually goes on the post..

Yeah, Watch Dogs 2 is pretty cool, but if you really want some hacking action, why not get into some hacking action with Fallout 4 + the Season Pass DLC content.



>all this uncovered shilling
Go home pajeet.

whacky thread, OP

This game just SCREAMS tryhard. It's like a perfect amalgamation of what old people in suits think is hip and cool.

It's legit cringy. They went a bit off the rails in trying to make this not boring and bland like the first one. Like "LOOK, IT'S TOTALLY NOT SO MOODY AND BORING ANYMORE, LOOK AT HOW COLORFUL AND HIP IT IS NOW!!".

Aside from that, the game itself still looks like garbage. I expect a soulless world filled with fuckall to do again, this is Ubisoft after all. The only "innovation" here is that they stopped using towers to unlock the map. Good going Ubisoft!




>shilling isn't real

I didn't like the original Watch Dogs, but this somehow looks worse. I don't even care about that "hurr durr stupid black protagonist" shit that people keep whining about, it just looks like the first game while shamelessly pandering to the we r legunn hack-tivist minellial crowd.

And fuck that meme-face guy. I don't like any of the character designs, but his just pisses me off.

You can't trick me twice ubishills


Nope not here no way

>Two videos with no gameplay
>The one video that would have gameplay isn't working
>Says gameplay 3 times in his post

I see what you did there op

Hopefully on purpose

so how likely is it the evil not-trump shown in the E3 demo is actually going to be entirely innocent and rather the hacker gang have been played like fiddles by the actual villains in order to push their agenda onto the world?

yeah because you definitely have your finger on the pulse of new, hip and exciting youthful trends.

I miss this game

oh man, I gotta pull out an old one for this

Here is some more gameplay footage for you guys. Stuff is WIP it's not final so it'll even be better by the time it comes out.

I'm super stoked for this game, fellas.

I will buy it. Loved the 1st game. I hope he runs into Aiden at some point. Or maybe, they could make you create your own newb hacker in the 3rd game and you collaborate with both Aiden and this guys.

I hope it is at least as good as the 1st.

You will get fired for this ill attempt

Zero. Do you think that Ubisoft would dare suggest that the #BLM teenager they're pandering to are being played by their corporate elite, like George Soros?

No they'll just stick to the #activism bullshit and make Trump the villain.

You dont have to be hip to know whats not hip

>mfw this is an anonymous board and fags try to guess who's who

would make for the better story though
a decent message about the dangers of unguided activism and a warning to select your opponents carefully

also would make the actual villains feel truly threatening and make for a good act 2 where your character is the only one to have escaped the police raid and now has to lay low, rescue his fellow hackers and deal with the fallout of the temporary victory of his opponents

also could be a fantastic time to say have the way the whole sequence plays out depend on if you killed people or not, like say if you and your group are actually guilty of murder its going to take some extra missions or added difficulty to succeed because the charges against you are significantly worse

The game looks pretty good Op. Ubisoft isnt going full tryhard like they did with watch dogs. I plan on playing the orignal one later in summer when i finnaly get my ps4. I actually like marcus and he seems to a cool homie i would want to hang with.
Aiden reminds me this autist from mr robot. >Creppy, cringy and cucky.
The game is faraway from any white guilt or sjw pandering shit. Meh 80% of Sup Forums hates blacks and african americans anyway so no part typing anymore.


I agree, but guess what? The target demographic doesn't want to hear that everything they think is "the most important issue in the world" isn't actually so, and that their priorities may be completely out of alignment with the real world. They'll stick to the lowest hanging fruit possible.

How do i become a paid shill?
I really want those neetbucks

I think only employees of the actual dev team are paid shills, to be honest. They're sure not spending their time making the game enjoyable.

Seems like there is going to be Dark Souls-like mechanics too! I can't wait to get really competitive with this game.
OP here. Not sure what you're talking about but Black Lives Matter is a legitimate movement because black people are oppressed and unjustly killed by white people/cops.

It is funded by the people of color for said people of color. I'm not sure why you're being anti-semitic as well. You didn't know George Soros is a philanthropist like Bill Gates, did you? He is making a positive impact on this world.
No I am not a 'paid shill'. I am simply an avid fan of the Watch Dogs series and the sequel seems extremely promising. It's building upon its predecessor's mechanics while introducing new ones and streamlining the gameplay for all of us to enjoy.

Cool i really thats the direction they're trying to push. I wounder what can hacks is marcus going preform with ctos 2.0. The addition of the drone is a cool concept but i hope something more cooler to use as the game progress.

Okay, this is a bait thread, no actual shill is this on the nose.

Why would you take the time to create such garbage b8?

eh perhaps, personally I think its a little bit to obvious and on the nose to be played truly straight
besides it could lead to some more interesting gameplay elements like say after you're caught by the cops and escape them whatever hacker the evil corporation uses turns the city against you and you have to deal with all the shit you've been pulling on other people while simultaneously trying to make it to safety

and after that mission there's a constantly present threat of said corporate hacker getting a lock on you requiring you to escape his notice before everything calms down

I am neither baiting or shilling, I'm simply a hyped gamer who wants to get his hands on this game.
Please stop trying to derail my post discussing an upcoming game.

we wuz hakkrz

Again, I agree, cool ideas, but this is Ubisoft we're talking about; a misleading advertising campaign is beyond them.

>discussing on a up coming video game.
>discussing the mc and his possible back story as black individual.
>discussing about possible game play elements and new hacks with ctos 2.0
>discussing on ubisofts direction and how they could improve from the original.
So this bait according to Sup Forums.

on the other hand Ubisoft is not particularly original so they could have tried to lift their plot for this game from various other popular media in the same genre
and the corporate overlords using the good natured hackers as their tools is a VERY common cyberpunk theme


>Sup Forums

How do you do?!

Seriously tho, shill more.

I dont get how he is shilling. So if you dont like certain video game but someone else likes it then that makes them a shill?

" dont get how he is shilling. So if you dont like certain video game but someone else likes it then that makes them a shill?"

qft (quoted for truth)

Really makes you think.

Couldn't have tried a little harder, could you?

Is this Ubisoft? I feel like I just got an ad.

Any reference to Fremont would be nice. Even just Hayward would be cool. Us people from Fremont need to be represented.


Who did Trump better?

>remote control car
>cracker volley as melee weapon and wire hanger
>3D printed gun

At least ubisoft tries to be creative this time, but I doubt there's not much they could do to increase its replayability.

except donald trump isn't a career politician.

Nintendo, because at least it isn't agenda pushing.

Try harder Ubishill

Hello (((OP))), 0.02 have been deposited into your account.

Also how's the wife doing? I heard there was an accident at the clothing factory she works at.

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

No, this is bait.
7/10 OP.