King of Fighters XIV


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Nelson is Brazillian
Zarina is Columbian, but currently lives in Brazil
Bandeiras is Brazillian

There, now shut the fuck up about it already you faggots

>Zarina is the non-BR
wew lads, did not expect

Kek, I predicted this some months ago.

>Zarina is colombian
Noice, some variety, it seems I won't chimp out tonight

>Nelson is Brazillian
>Zarina is Columbian

No, SNK. No.


Now you idiots jumping to the conclusion they were all Brazilian look like retards. That's what you get for jumping to conclusions.

BRfags got the coolest characters lol

She is a Braziboo

As a BR i'm really sorry for this fellow SouthAmericans

Ether way I was expecting her to use her tucan.

Is that some vitiligo?

>Nelson likes Churrasco
Nelson confirmed white Argentinian in his heart

Nelson is trying to save his hospitalised waifu
Zarina is an eco-terrorist
Bandeiras is a turbo-weeb

Makes about as much sense as the usual team setups I suppose

Why? No other KOF character has gimmicks like that and it wouldn't fit the serious tone anyway.

>b-b-but Nakoruru!

Nakoruru is just a guest character.

Brazillians love Churrasco man

>coolest anything

I don't really know if Americans asTHIS stupid or they just pretends to be.

She is living in Brazil though

So yeah, this is esentially a BR team.

Speculation its scars from a car accident

We all love Churrasco, let's be honest, who doesn't like Meat?

>not cool as fuck
Wew lad

I didn't say anything about Bandeiras. He IS cool as fuck.

they have a "Columbia" in the states so it's a common mistake

I think Nelson is pretty rad

Did I stutter?
I was expecting that and many others too. The leak made it sound the tucan was a big deal.

Só that's why she knows capoeira. Well at least it's not full BR team

>Well at least it's not full BR team

Well, she is living in Brazil, so....

Still not Brazilian, thus Team South America still sorta makes sense.

That's the first i've heard of a Braziboo.

>Colombian living in Brazil, that basically looks brazilian, does capo, her special shows the brazilian national flower, etc
This is beyond retarded, you don't fool anyone SNK. Should have call this Team Brazil, and nobody will have gave a fuck. Hype dead.

In the end, it was the BR team.


Makes sense since it's on the same side as his robo arm.

Is there a provisional tier list yet?

How does Nelson work? I can't make any sense of his movelist on the official site, he has a metric fuckton of command normal follow-ups?

Same. I expected the boxer to be chilean or some shit


>Bandeiras dislikes frogs

Well, more frog for me.

>Same. I expected the boxer to be chilean or some shit


kuk, i was actually expecting to him to be Argentine like some anons said or Colombian.


Like Angel and Gai.

Where i can see the profiles

and me

>Sudacas en cuidado de suicidio

Yup. it was pretty obvious that they were originally designed to be BR's.

But i think that they just decided to change Zarina nationality to Colombian to appeal more South Americans.

Even if each character was from a different nationality some of them still would've been.


you did not just do that
do it again and i will hunt you down to the ends of this earth


Nelson should have been Chilean just to add more salt to Argies wounds


They don't have to be all 100% I'm-an-uptight-nerd serious. And you can't be saying that when you have Yuri and her climax.

The """""Ninja""""""" is the most interesting character of this team


>serious tone

>Favorite food is Sushis
As if he couldn't get anymore weeb.



Triggered as fuck

How many Colombians live in Brazil?

Opa, tudo bem, my name is Senhorita Zarina.

I’m a 27 year old Colombian Sambamaniaca (Brazilian dancing fan for you hispanics). I dance Samba and Funk on my house, and spend my days perfecting my dancing and fighting superior Brazilian fighting styles. (Capoeira, Boxing, Brazilian Ninjutsu)

I train with my Butt every day, this superior weapon can cut smash through steel because it was twerked over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my butt license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Portuguese fluently, both Northern and the Favelado dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Brazilian history and their malandro code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Brazilian visa, I am moving to Rio de Janeiro to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become a sambista for Carnival Schools or a eco-terrorist!

I own a rare toucan, which follows me around town. I want to get used to owning him before I move to Brazil, so I can fit in easier. I kiss and hug my elders and seniors and speak Brazilian Portuguese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Brazil!



It's tough man.

>Always smiling
>Love for nature

s-she is cute

Not a whole lot, i believe

>No Argentinian short dark haired tomboy Tango dancer girl
>No Peruvian / Bolivian "Diablada" masked fighters
>No Chilean MK-Ultra Psycho ex-military fighter
>No Venezuelan dark skinned soldier girl with bit tits
>No colombian ballenato singing old man / shaman

its like having fun its outlawed these days

>Fighting style: "Kicking techniques"
I guess that's not wrong.

>Favelado dialect

>thought Nelson was colombian
>is brazilian

>thought Zarina was brazilian
>is colombian

What the fuck is wrong with them chinks?

>they just decided to change Zarina nationality to Colombian to appeal more South Americans

pretty much this

underrated post

>yet another character's wife is in coma

>Hey, we need to appeal South American players

>I have an idea, let's make them Brazilians, after all, Brazil is the biggest and most important country in SA

>You're right! But wait, what if someone of them is actually from a different SA country?

>Oh yeah right, but make sure that character is living in Brazil ;)


Where is Sylvie's video

If they are all friends it makes sense that they are all from one country

Is Sup Forums doing this for you guys?

>and their malandro code, which I follow 100%


>not being a Malandro

>I train with my Butt every day

Nice, thanks

losing weight for a boxer means falling down a whole tier in competence.

>Another capoeira girl.

Really Japan?

Laura isn't Capoeira

Hi, Capcom.

Agora já não é normal

Did you unironically call KOF serious?

>he doesn't know Y-NO

Well the idea is that Zarina is a Braziboo so of course she doesn't fully understand the culture

It is very rough for fighters after all. Like I've watched some fights where the guy drops weight divisions and it affects him very badly sometimes.

You have to be stupid to have included Laura in that instead of Elena.

I completely forgot about them

Also there is nothing like surprise portuguese

When i opened the trailer for a Koei Otome Visual Nove set around the Sengoku Period i wasn't expecting Japanese Bossa Nova to begin playing

>I speak Portuguese fluently, both Northern and the Favelado dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Brazilian history and their malandro code, which I follow 100%

whoever wrote this is a genius

I also thought Nel would be Valenzuelan or some shit.


Also, it amuses me that Zarina's more Rera than Nakoruru in her desire to protect nature with butt Attacks.

Well, yeah. It is serious.


It has some seriousness to it, but it's not 100% serious. Hell, the franchise started on the concept of just a fun crossover, try reading MMCafe sometime.

Even 94 was entirely serious outside of Choi and Chang.