Will we ever get another game as good?
Will we ever get another game as good?
We get mediocre games all the time so yes.
There are plenty of half finished walking simulators for you to play so yes
You can use Deus Ex as your methadone to wean yourself off VTMB, but that's about it.
Alpha Protocol hit a similar chord for me, not as hard though.
What is this game even? I keep seeing it but its only ever boobs that I see, never gameplay.
RPG set in the World of Darkness setting. Just pirate it, apply the unofficial patch (fixes a lot of important stuff) and give it a try.
That's because the combat itself is kind of shit. Rest of the game is GOAT though. If you like Western RPGs, this is the hidden gem that will break your top 3 games ever list once you play it.
The combat may look clunky, but I like the feel of it. It feels like you hit hard, and it's satisfying to send people flying out of your way.
>literally a bethesda waifu tier game
Prove youre not 13 and like this game. Literally trash with tits to sell to angsty virgin teens
I couldn't bring myself to finish it.
Vampires are lame. Werewolves are cooler actually.
This guy gets it.
It took me five years to notice Heather has nipples on her model.
Also Jack best Vampire.
There's a good reason Sup Forums circlejerks around this game. It's worth trying out.
Is there? I bought it and got bored instantly.
If you're not baiting (this is pretty common with people who just want to bash something Sup Forums posters like even if they haven't played the game in question), you either hate RPGs or didn't stick with the game. You think it's a coincidence so many people drop games instantly but get immersed when they actually play a bit of the game?
I agree too, the combat has a nice meaty feel to it. I think what fucks it up is the floaty movement, hit detection and poor AI. It also suffers from poor encounter design too, most of the game they just throw hordes of enemies at you which gets boring fast. Also the hardcore flinching is annoying too. However despite these flaws, once you get some high level disciplines going it feels really good.
Hey, how many girls can you fuck in that game beside Jeanette ?
I never managed to fuck another one than her.
I bought the game wanting a fun game. I bought it cause Sup Forums hyped it up, maybe too much. I played it, didn't think it was that special, got bored quickly and never touched it again.
Maybe I have to "stick with it" for however many hours but to me if you need to stick with a game then it isn't a masterpiece. It should immerse you from the very beginning and keep you hooked and interested especially if it's an rpg.
I thought I was the only one. Sure, it's not going to win any complexity awards but melee combat, for example hacking people with a katana is oddly satisfying... Bashing people with a sledgehammer feels just right. Even brawling is alright, albeit clunky. Gunplay is pretty horrible throughout however.
Disciplines are also handled appropriately. Celerity and Protean are awesome, as are Obfuscate, Dominate and Thaumaturgy, all of which change the way you approach combat. All in all, I don't think it's as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It just stands out because the rest of the game is unbelievably good.
So you've never played a great RPG that you couldn't get into at first but tried it again and loved it? That's pretty unique. I've played many RPGs Sup Forums considers masterpieces, including cRPGs that I dropped after a while but then stuck with them and came to absolutely love them. Hell, it was the same with Deus Ex. VTMB was actually one of the RPGs that immediately sucked me, but this varies from person to person.
My point is, just because you haven't had this "bored first, immersed afterwards" RPG experience yet doesn't mean you can never have it, it's not some kind of rule. My intention is not to doubt you, but to convince you that, as an RPG lover, chances are, you're missing out on a great RPG experience which is worth trying out again. You're not the only one that couldn't get into this game at first and loved it after replaying it. Nothing to lose. If you don't like it anyway, that's that, you can actually criticise based on your experience.
I think it's more of a guilty pleasure game, not something you'd put on a greatest ever list.
You raise good points. I'm probably wrong, I'll have to give it another go then. Maybe this time I'll enjoy it.
Hey man, I'm the one who's glad that there are still people who listen to other people's points.
Don't try to force yourself to enjoy it, just keep at it until you're immersed and get into character as a vampire. The rest should take care of itself. Have fun. I know I'd give anything just to play this game for the first time again.