No, this game is still shit so I won't

>b-b-but muh Samus isn't a strong independent womyn who don't need no man!!!!1
Funny thing is this is how a woman would realistically act in a combat situation.

federation force will be better than this

When they named the distress call baby's cry I knew it was going to suck.

Nobody cares.

Read the image, and look up Korval and Gamingbrit. /thread

I'm sorry that you killed metroid


why people hate other m? are they retarded?

Got the Star Fox one?

Why do people call him anything other than Andrew Dobson? It's his fucking powerword, there is literally no better alternative.

>wahh samus is hot
>wahhh samus acts, thinks, talks like a woman
fuck off, fags

Nope. Any Prime beats it, even a spin off like Federation Force.

A Star Fox one? Never heard of it. Can you remember what it was about and consisted of?

It was about Zero's faults regardless of its controls

Metroid fans, yes.
Some are chill and like pretty much every game in the series for what they're worth, but most that lurk here are complete autists that go full maniac mode on anything that's not Super or Prime 1.

And before anyone asks, I know about the other version. I just consider it inferior because it adds nothing but a list of links to other Youtube videos, none of whom actually contribute anything unique from the aformentioned two sources (not even Retsupurae), and one of which (Somecallmejohnny) is actually supportive of the game.

Why would we even need a copypasta image for that? I thought the problems were that it was literally just Star Fox 64 3D, but on the Wii U.

I liked the combat and design of Other M. Basically, all the parts Team Ninja had control over. But even a Metroid fanboy like me will point out that the story, exploration limitations, quicktime bosses and TellTale level find it puzzles were an insult to Metroid.

Remake Other M on the Wii U with first person on the controller and third person on the TV. Have full 3D movement with the analog stick. And remove all the shitty cutscenes and story triggers. There, we took a shit game and made it decent.

How can one human being have the shittiest opinions on nearly everything?
It's really outstanding

He's just a confused nintendo fanboy who is gonna ride the tranny train really soon

I'm sorry for respecting women.


Judging by the date this is about Link not being a girl in BOTW right?
It's funny that he defends Other M but a male character not being a girl is the worst sexist crime that makes Dobson speak out against Nintendo
I also find it incredibly funny that the guy who complained for literally decades about something so petty like changing Link's hair color from brown to blonde thinks that changing Link from a man to a woman is perfectly fine
This man makes no sense

The only thing I don't like about this is that Other M is compared to Prime. Sakamoto doesn't look into Prime and Tanabe and Retro don't look into the main series so who ever made this should have only compare this piece of shit to the 2D games because Other M to the 2D games is a fucking insult.



For what? Game was a pile of shit that broke canon to exist.

Prime 1 is shit compared to Prime 2

>Likes: 2
>fat girl

nobody gives a fuck, you have nothing to prove

my.... nigga

>massive Metroid fan
>Metroid Prime 2 is the only game I never finished because I can't stand the dual world and ammo mechanics

I always hated Samus suit less design in Other M. You can tell a Team Ninja dev designed her. Her face and body looks just like one of those women from the DOA/Ninja Gaiden series. Thank got Nintendo redesigned suit less Samus in Smash 4.

>Confession time.
I hate the zero suit. I actually like the idea of the power suit being tied to samus no matter the outfit she wears, very sentai esque. Either that or an armor setup that functioned in tandem with her gunship. she was fapbait before but zero suit ruined everything post zero mission looks wise.

I'm sorry I couldn't stop it.

Does someone have that image of Sakamoto telling that D-Rockets guy off when he asked for more Zero Suit? I think his guy needs a lesson on how Zero Suit doesn't ruin shit.


>yfw AMERICAN devs made the best Varia Suit design

Ignore this attention whore



I was talking about suit less Samus being designed by some Team Ninja shitter, I give two fucks which suit is the best, I'm mad Nintendo didn't design suit less Samus themselves.

>outdated copypasta image already BTFO
Ok user.

>adopted as a toddler by a race of near-omniscient magic space bird people who infused her with magic space bird DNA and then gave her over a decade of Navy SEAL-tier combat training on a planet with 9x Earth gravity



Even a shitty spin off like Fedforce is a better Metroid game




See the problem dobson?

>misses the point
>git gud
>misses the point and subjective
Wow. It's a good thing you no longer have to think and can just spam your shitty image.

women can't overcome their innate weaknesses
t. /r9k/