Is Darkest Dungeon worth buying? If so, then why? And if not, then why not?

Is Darkest Dungeon worth buying? If so, then why? And if not, then why not?

Do you enjoy an endless uphill grind against a game system that is entirely based on RNG for nothing?

>entirely based on RNG

Are you OP?


Perhaps the same could be said of all dungeon crawlers

The combat is entirely based on it
And the combat's rewards

The combat rewards you need to make characters beter

t. didn't play and doesn't know anything about the game

I regret buying Nuclear Throne months ago. Now THAT shit feels rigged. I had much more fun with Isaac Rebirth.

Anything else you can tell me about the game, without going into spoilers? Mostly mechanics, I mean.

It's a fun, if stressful, roguelike with some neat Lovecraft shit in it

I'd say it's worth it

don't bother

It might be interesting at first but after a few hours you realize that the grind is mobile game tier

I pirated it so I can't really tell you about cost efficiency, but I enjoyed it. People who bitch about difficulty and RNG are baddies. There's no more RNG than in any other RPG, and the difficulty is easily surmounted by just not being a retard and making sure not to exceed your limits.

Otherwise, it's a fun roguelike turn-based RPG with a cool atmosphere/artstyle and some pretty interesting things going for it, namely the stress system.

end grind or no it's a fun game. lot of particularly tense moments that make it a nice experience.

The beginning is great. Lax on rng and allows diversity.

Later is just becomes too much. So many times ive played and loved it for like 10 hours, only to lose a group of my best to thigs entirely out of my control.

Then I drop it because I cant be bothered to grind a new batch up. Especially if they were essentails

The very beginning and mid game is the hardest but shouldn't be too hard at the beginning if you can keep the mentality that your party is expendable for the most part. The narrator is god-tier too.

>Nuclear Throne

It's a twin-stick shooter, how can that be rigged?
I mean you could get lousy weapons but even the worst weapons are decent enough to win with

And the only time I've ever been fucked by mutations is when I'm going for a reeeeally specific build like double minigun Steroids and I don't get the exact mutations I need

But at the end of the day it's a twitch action game


>Sup Forums at a game journalist convention.webm

>It's a twin-stick shooter, how can that be rigged?
>I mean you could get lousy weapons but even the worst weapons are decent enough to win with
Tell that to Enter the Gungeon, friend ;)

You'll master the entirety of the game within 10 hours of playing it. You'll need to spend about 40 more hours to finish it completely and "finishing it" is a war of attrition against RNG and minimizing risks.
You fight the same 8 bosses 3 times, with two random encounter bosses and the Darkest dungeon.
I stopped having fun when I realized that I didn't feel like I was conquering dungeons but instead avoiding having to grind up new characters when RNG struck one of my guys down.
If that sounds okay to you then buy it. If not, avoid it.