Anyone else looking forward to this game?

Anyone else looking forward to this game?

This part was the best one. Looks fitting for a corrupt politician villain.

I can't wait for more epic Drumpf memes and political agendas in my video games.

Doesn't look much like Hillary to me.

I know the joke is that he's supposed to look like trump but he doesn't really look like him to me

I kind of want to play it actually. Will wait for sale.

Developers sure are going for the low haging fruit huh?

>Oh shit wee need a politician villian
>Lets a make a trump parody

Is this supposed to be Trump? He looks nothing like Trump.

>every game made in Sweden or San Fransisco will have Trump as the villain
None of them will see the irony in this of course.

You don't care for the game, you just want a politics thread. I recommend, no, insist on killing yourself.

Jay Leno?

looks more like leno

People see what they want to see

I don't see it either.

People are delusional and/or just having a knee jerk reaction to this because it's election season.

The villain is not Trump, guys, calm down. Sheesh.....

I can feel the smug lack of self-awareness through my monitor.

Probably because Mafia 3 has terrible character models

How bad is this game gonna bomb?

>Mafia 3

It's already shit.

It's a scan of the actor. It's Buddy Garrity from Friday Night Lights.

What's his name? Big Tex Avery.

Seems like trump is the new trend in video games, everyone want to cash out on the next big thing.
pic related, the ship remastered desperately trying to stay relevant

To be fair, Presidential candidates being referenced in pop culture happened quite a lot in 2008, EA's NBA Jam had the big candidates as playable characters
It makes sense that Trump and Hillary would be getting referenced but it feels like half of the left leaning devs are scared to make Hillary look bad

this kinda sucks because i liked the original ship a lot

You back a xenophobic demagogue 90% of the population hates, he's gonna get made fun of and shat on like the clown he is

the fucking negroid looks worse

>$0.02 has been deposited to your account. Thank you for supporting our campaign.
t. the Hillary Clinton Foundation

At least Hillary has the money to pay. Trump super PACs can't even get donors

>20% of her funding comes from Saudi Arabia
Go back to your shit attempts at baiting Sup Forums

Why do so many niggers, liberals and cucks hate the Donald? He wants to work for them, unlike Crooked Clinton.

Because they want to sit back and collect welfare, Trump won't allow that

I like the part where we play a black person and only go around killing white people.

>he says as Trump collects millions from the NRA
Also Sup Forums is not your hugbox, retard

>NRA is comparable to a country where gays are publicly executed

He looks more like an even more alcoholic Depardieu if anything

But I thought you liked that idea :^)

Stop making the same thread over and over again all day every day. You don't want to talk about mafia 3 you just want to virtue signal trump supporting meme lords. You have an entire board dedicated to your pseudo political interest.

I'll never understand you people. How about you actually go talk about a video game rather than pretending to? Piece of shit.

You're right the NRA is worse and supports arming domestic terrorists like the one in Orlando

>the ship has influential characters in the game such as Castro, George Bush, Thatcher, ect.
>get angry that they put Trump and Hillary in

They could have made him look bad and slap this face on him, he doesn't even look bad he just looks like your average Trump.

Why the fuck are you getting mad over nothing?

>old white man with light hair

is this really what the next 4-8 years are gonna be like?

>not the main villain, just a mid game boss
>not a politician
>doesn't even really look like Trump
>man I can't believe Trump is the antagonist of this game, these devs are so lazy!

I hate this meme.

You're the one screaming about how Trump is some fucking hateful leader running on phobia, I thought you would at least be against countries who already have leaders like him?
Just like Obama giving weapons directly to ISIS and drug cartels, aren't guns fun?

>Tr*mp supporters are furfags
thanks for the disgust but complete lack of surprise user

i posted trump shot just because it's relevant to discussion. I'm mad they don't have Putin though

Nah, Trump's going to fade back into pseudo-irrelevancy once Clinton wins in November

what does drumpf mean?
is it an insult?
if it is, how so?

It's the origin of the name Trump before it was Americanized. Somehow people think it sounds stupid and use it as an insult, but imo it's just a name so who gives a fuck.

>cropped porn is furshit now
>complaining about furshit on Sup Forums
>implying if he loses it won't lead to a more extreme trump in 2020 with more angry people
slimey limey came up with that one
it's hypocritical of shillary to do that though

>being this thin skinned

you /r9k/ robots would be amusing if you knew to shut the fuck up when you left your containment board

>cropped furry porn isn't furshit

>Trump's family were immigrants in the early 20th century who came to America
>Changed names from Drumpf to Trump to be more American
>Trump sends out a tweet about John Stewart using an Americanized version of his family's Jewish name
>Current Year Man decides it's some fucking sick burn to use Drumpf

Liberals don't know trump's policies, they just think Trump hates all nonwhites, so it's supposed to be ironic as he is German and not anglo I guess.

It's not even porn, it's just a smug face I post to trigger faggots


How long until he says there will be no wall and he was just kidding about the Muslims user?
I mean, he already changed his mind on abortion.

I'm not triggered, I'm just confused. Maybe that was your intent.

He's already shown weakness towards the Muslim ban.

Who cares about abortion? That's the least important issue for a presidency. Besides it's a state issue not a federal one.

Abortion was just conservative pandering, Muslims is still up in the air, will happen if we get another San Bernardino/Orlando, but the wall is happening