Should I hire a maid so I have more time to play vidya games?

Should I hire a maid so I have more time to play vidya games?

Stop spamming the board with your shitty threads, this is the 3rd one I've seen in the last hour

I'll be your maid user


Kill yourself Rug


black maid best maid?




Is this the work of Sup Forums posters or pic related?

Why would you hire a black maid? I thought you wanted your house cleaned.

Ugly niggers, it's their skin color that's ugly.


They look attractive but then I remind myself of white women, Latina women, and Asian women and say oh theirs better out there.

post a sexy nigger
protip you cant

>Should I hire a maid so I have more time to play vidya games?
Have you even looked into it?
What's the cost/rate of a maid in your area?
If you spend too much, you'll actually end up losing play time going into the future.
Is your place big or small?



oh oy vey, its the jewish disinfo reddit cucks posting black monkeys on a board about games discussion, HOW UNCOMMON


I prefer niggresses to white women.
They really turn on my motor.

So she can call me Massa.



The contrast of black skin really makes their asses stand out.


still waiting for an attractive pic to use as my phone wp


Please keep going, OP

You bunch of gringo faggots can't like a delicious brown woman. Nuke yourselfs

You don't really care about cleaning your place, do you?