Enlighten me Sup Forums, are there ANY decent games coming out...

Enlighten me Sup Forums, are there ANY decent games coming out? I am pulling my hair out 'cause of the current shitty selection of games. Will it get better sometime soon?

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Celebs are not videogames

Take this shit to Sup Forums

Dishonored 2 looks good

Frozen Synapse 2

That's actually about it.

I can't think of anything else, seriously. Dishonored 2 and I guess the Dark Souls 3 DLC is all there is that's worth looking into.

If you're one of those newfags that dislikes weeb games then no. Otherwise, a ton of great Japanese games are being released, Persona, Nioh, Nier,etc.

Vampire Masqurade sequel

>you have so many games already. why do you need more?

Forza Horizon 3

this op

Like 8 gens worth of shit to choose from if you can't find something there find a new hobby

There are plenty. Stop being such a picky faggot.

i've literally played all the good games, most recently Dark Souls series, the Witcher series, Far Cry (even shitty FC Primal) and Life is Strange. I've been playing all the good games through the 8 generations of gaming and need to look to the horizon

I player luigis mansion for the first time the other day and I had a blast.

Try to look for some older gaems op.

I want to fuck Sophie Turner

>i've literally played all the good games
Besides Dark Souls and Witcher, all you have listed is garbage.

I'm pretty hyped for Deus Ex, hopefully they pull it off

>all those nintendo games

Are you currently in puberty or what?

Space Hulk Deathwing is what I'm waiting on.

So you're telling me you've played every game in the following series?:
ace combat
Armoured core
Ace attorney
Zero escape
Total war
Sins of a solar empire
No more heroes
Killer 7
Planescape torment
Paper mario
Guilty gear
F zero
The world ends with you
Kid Icarus Uprising
Silent Hill
Donkey Kong Country
Everything by CAVE
Everything by Treasure
Metal Gear
Punch Out
Mega man classic, zero, x and battle network
Eternal Darkness
Rhythm Heaven
Ghost Trick
Shadow of the Colossus
Ff6, 7, 9 and tactics
Viewtiful Joe

Are you in kindergarten or are you just a manchild?

Celebs are not allowed on Sup Forums, tho.

You have a nearly limitless backlog and emulation possibilities. Or are you some 15 year old who only wants to play a good looking walking simulator on tge 2500 pc your Mom bought you?

If you dislike Nintendo games so much then I am clueless as to why you are still on Sup Forums.

Just play new game plus on witcher 3


Video game development could stop altogether today and there would still be more good video games than any single person could ever play in their lifetime.

delicious salsa

I dunno user. the only thing I'm kinda hyped is zelda, not even a nintendrone

>Sup Forums core
>cropping instead of resizing

Emulate. I have a PC and no current gen consoles. Anything good is probably coming out next year unless someone can tell me some games coming out within this back half of the year many of which will be delayed anyway.

You think Sup Forums is only for Nintendo shit eaters? Kill yourself retard.

>all these shitty weeb games

>anime monster hunter
>shit anime war game
>mediocre: The JRPG
>decent mysterious game
wew lad, 1/5 try again

You should have included in the OP:
>ps I'm a super mature 14 year old, so please only recommend western-made games, and PLEASE no games without a realistic aesthetic because those make me feel insecure about my hobby

You're loss for not being able to enjoy good games, I guess.

>doesn't like anime on anime board

No, I have never said that. Sup Forums has been praising Nintendo games when you were still in middle school but other titles were as well.
Kill yourself.

fuck off weebs it's not 2008 anymore

Some people don't like those games even if they like anime. I have no time for grind and/or bland games like that which last 20+ off made almost entirely of filler. Not that person.

even weebs have to recognize that 90% of all anime is shit. it's even worse for games. just because the style is different from "western" games doesn't means it's not trash like a majority of games released today

You're right, it's not but it's still amusing to tell outsiders to leave.

nothing wrong with reddit, figures a fucking retard weeb like you would hate it

You implied it, idiot. Just because the majority likes them doesn't mean I have to. I'm here to discuss games that aren't for children.

you mean 100%

>games that aren't for children
>implying those exist

Watch out guys this dude here is a mature gamer!

You still can. Just don't call Nintendo games garbage because you are so used to all the injection molded games that the West produces.

>manchild logic

>don't talk shit about my favorite corporation
>muh hugbox
They are garbage and you have shit taste.


Check for yourself. If nothing piques your interest by page 10, fuck off from vidya forever.

>fucking 1984 and CitR
Image disregarded

>weeb shit weeb shit weeb shit weeb shit weeb shit
lmao, no.

fucking trash

There's a lot of weeb shit, but you're also a cunt that stopped on page 2 probably.

You notice how all the movies and books are cherry picked to be bad children's material rather than good children's material. Even literal children don't like shark tale.

you're correct.

Not him but I did, you should've clarified how many pages to skip because pokemon, street fighter and fighting games in general are diarrhea.

Sophie is so beautiful

Wow she's pretty

It takes a minute to scan a page, don't be lazy shitwipe. Although

>fighting games in general are diarrhea

Your opinion is pretty crap regardless.

Whoah... so attractive.

Dishonored 2 should be good. Cossacks 3 is also looking pretty good so far. Those are really the only games announced right now I'm excited for.

>actually likes fighting games
Don't worry kid, you'll grow out of it one day like I did.

If you had to "grow out" of something then it was only a fad to you to begin with, not something you were really passionate about.

Also, they're an entire genre and they epitomize player versus player combat in video games. Saying they're something you grow out of is pretty ignorant.

Wh40k Deathwing

It's looking good

>Dudesex Mankind Divided
>Dishonored 2: We want TW3 audience
>DBZ Xenoverse 2

That's about it. Sanza's pretty cute

Civ6 looks neat

>Dishonored 2: We want TW3 audience

Shit nigga what? Holy shit I didn't even know. Color me hyped

>what is Deathwing

I'm excited for Nier Automata. Hopefully Ace Combat 7 will be good, too.

I hate her horrible cunt face. I hate her "acting." I hate every character she's ever played.

go post about it on /r/MRA

Why the fuck is she on Sup Forums. This thread is not video games.

You can play as either Corvo or Emily in the sequel. Their relationship reminds me a little of Ciri/Geralt. Considering Emily is an Empress who becomes a supernatural assassin on the run, the parallels to Ciri are even stronger.

what genre do you like the most?

Neither is your shitposting, but here we are

No need to white knight a rich white girl my man, besides hbo actors can't act for shit in real movies anyway.

*tips fedora*

>This thread is not video games.
newfag pls

Not really.

At the age of 26 I think I've stopped giving a fuck about video games.

Outstanding rebuttal and they say summer doesn't exist.

This, motherfucker. This

really mature of you

Monhun. FF15 will likely be good. Nioh will be godlike.

3 seems like a decent start.

best girl

and the queen

shes the type of girl who a guy could rape and everyone would understand why and be okay with it.

Mountain Blade Bannerlord, coming never to a store near you.