Haha don't mind me just some deep RPG mechanics coming though

Haha don't mind me just some deep RPG mechanics coming though

how did it come to this

Other urls found in this thread:


The IP went to Bethesda instead of Troika

Bethesda looking to cash in on their laziest work yet.
>With only TWO Story-based DLC
>And FOUR shitty additions to housing and shit that modders have and will do better than.
>And they announced 20 days before they raised the price of the Season Pass from $30 to $50 that they were doing so, so "buy it now before it goes up!"

Fallout is something they can experiment and toy with when they want a break from TES

Bloody mess has always been a fallout thing. Since 1. And was useful in the small guns build along with finesse etc for gauranteeing crits.

It breaks my heart the series will continue under Bethesda instead of the creators. At least we got one final hurrah, flawed though it may be.

Fallout 4 reeks of laziness even by Bethesda standards.

What an utter fucking insult to Fallout and RPG fans alike.

This has always been in Fallout, faggot. Nice attempt to fit in with the "hurrr Fallout 4 is bad!!" hivemind though.

Do you enjoy it when things whoosh over your head because it sounds exhilirating


>This is my first Fallout game: The thread

I understand fo4 is retardedly simplified. But perks that are silly have always been a part of the series.

>anti-luck dog perk and seperate crit fail perk

You could purposefully build a chosen one who'd crit fail alkost 30% of the time...

>replace skills with perks that do the same thing only in bigger increments
>less room for interesting perks
>less customization
>can't do anything specialized like maxing out Barter first
>people defend this

Fucking why?

>People defend this
Fucking who?

Everywhere but here. Sometimes even here.

>There are sites besides Sup Forums
Okay, I'm kidding, but I've never seen anyone defend it, period.

Fuck off, the perk system is fine. So is the gameplay in general really. What Bethesda needs to do is upgrade their engine and fire Emil Pagliarulo

Why can't you? You could just pick up the barter perks immediately.


But they're locked by level

You can pick the first barter perk, the rest are locked out until you reach a certain level. In New Vegas and Fallout 3 you can just jack up Barter as much as you want.

The perk system is the same shit as Fallout 3's skill system, only with a new coat of paint. Only sweaty fat autists who play Morrowind daily give a fuck about the slight gameplay changes, what Bethesda actually needs to improve is their quality of writing and their 2002 engine

>how did it come to this

not interested in discussing how good or bad perks are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls.

No it's not. Fallout 4 objectively limits your character building by adding arbitrary limits on which perks you can choose AND it basically forces you to waste perks on things that would have been leveled by skills anyway. There is OBJECTIVELY less customization.

That's why I said "slight" gameplay changes. I think the actually decent gunplay more than makes up for whatever small customization features you're crying about

perks are utter trash and with unlimited leveling why even have them at all.

You sure got me, Todd.

>raising the price of a season pass
literally fucking what

>"If I call him Todd I'll win the argument!!"

No, you got shut down. The perk system is essentially the same fucking thing. Stop focusing on the gameplay when it's Emil's retarded writing that needs to be fixed

>small customization features


Yeah. it was back in March IIRC, like March 10th, they announced the price of the Season pass would increase to $50 (because it has THAT MUCH stuff in it) and if you wanted to get it for only $30 (what a steal!) you have until March 31st or something along those lines. They really stressed the "value" aspect.

Give me one example of an important missing feature

I already explained why it's not and you have yet to refute that except by handwaving it away.


You said there was "objectively less customization" without specifying why or what the fuck you even meant

ammo crafting

do you really want me to pull up the ENTIRE new Vegas perk list and stat system?

So is he a mutant or a ghoul?

>hating bloody mess

You guys know mods are a thing, right?

>Give me one example of an important missing feature
>I agree user, Fallout 4 is great.
>I totally agree user, Fallout 4 is great
>I agree user, Fallout 4 is great (Sarcastic)
>No (it's not just great, it's epic!)

Go ahead pal, not much of relevance is missing in 4

I've been saying this whole fucking time the writing and dialogue system is horrible

Not him, in a regular Fallout game, you get the option of becoming better at a variety of things that dictate the way you play and there are multiple end-game "viable" builds that are all around the same level of "powerful."
In Fallout 4, instead of getting access to a selection of various things, you get to choose your SPECIAL and that's it. After that, you can basically do anything if you dumped a Perk Point into it without a second thought. And you can increase your SPECIAL and unlock everything, meaning there is no point in playing the game one way or the other, because by the end of it, there's only one viable build, in the form of "biggest, baddest gun for that sneak crit" and then just hit them with your biggest, baddest melee weapon until they are dead. You can say it's similar in other Fallout game and be correct, but you would be incorrect on a level of specificity.

In other Fallout games, you can go melee thug, dick-ass thief, tech nut, etc. and be viable from start to finish, whereas in FO4, you are always all of these things wrapped up in a war vet/lawyer package that turns into a literal god, with no actual role-playing in the classic sense.

That doesn't make sense. You still need to specialize unless you intend on reaching level 400

perks that give you extra dialogue options


I'm fine with waiting as long as it takes until I can get everything for $19.99 with a mature script extender available and mods that fix whatever bullshit can be fixed.

>I understand his actual complaint but I will continue to pretend I didn't

And believe it or not, it's insanely easy to hit exceptionally high levels (you'll have all your specializations and plenty more) from just playing the game.
All you get to choose is the road there, which all play similarly anyway.

Added in Contraptions

No it isn't, unless you play upwards of like 70 hours which the average person won't even put in across multiple playthroughs



read it because pasting it here would look like shit.

He doesn't mean making ammo with a shitty overpriced DLC, you dope. He means ammo types.

nv did it far better.

He literally says ammo crafting. Naturally, I'm going to assume he means crafting ammunition and not ammo types.



Isn't Nuka World a story expansion with a new region?

"Naturally"? Maybe your reading comprehension just sucks, dipshit

PS4 can't even handle mods

If he meant ammo types he would have just said that, since utilizing different ammo types doesn't require crafting ammo. Have another (you)

Yes, it's the second story DLC.
