So who did you marry? Who do you consider to be "best girl"?

So who did you marry? Who do you consider to be "best girl"?

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Of course I did

I wanted Felicia, but she hates me for some reason, so now I'm going for Setsuna or Orochi

I keep trying to run a Male avatar but I can't get one that I actually like.

>Will write a book and sell million
Top fukken jej mate. I work in the book field. Have one book being a bestseller is the equivalent of working a year on minimum salary. She's definetly worst girl.

I hope you kiddies didn't play the shitty treehouse rewrite. Fan translation or gtfo.

Do not sexualize the Kana.

>shilling for (lol
Good to see Summer is here.

>So who did you marry?
I didn't marry kamui to anyone because I really dislike kamui's character and I wouldn't want to pair a character I dislike with any of my favourite characters. Though I do like the way femui looks.
>Who do you consider to be "best girl"?
What exactly does that mean? I didn't read enough supports and stuff for me to be able to say which character is most well-written. Femui and Camilla are the most useful units gameplay-wise. My personal favourite characters are Mitama and Nyx.

kill yourselves

I'd rather sexualize Kana than the far superior daughter

Daughters aren't for sexual in general

Best girl generally mean "which girl truly clicked for you"
The one girl or guy, i'm not judging that you felt compelled to learn more about, and possibly have dragon babies with

Suck my ass, I'll sexualize my daughter if I want.
But only if she's as perfect as Morgan

You must be very desperate for something to play to eat up a rewrite. That's how low your standards are.

Did any of the fan translations ever get finished 100%? Last I checked they never did the dialogue? Anybody willing to spoon feed?

I'll give you the second one but the first is literally just *wag/sniff/I love you* vs *wag/sniff*

Like do you really need to have a meltdown over that?

Mitama, of course.
Her stat caps are just the best.
You should marry her.

1. Camilla
2. Charlotte
3. Ophelia

For the last time, yes.

I didn't really like anyone in particular so I kinda fell into marrying peri.

Her raspy voice and blue/pink hair ended up reminding me of one of my favorite pornstars so it ended up okay

Not the marrying kind of girl, but Mozu is fucking cute

>Liking Fates

Shit Story
Shit Characters

Has fire emblem ever have a accurate translation? I'm not defending this though

Who said anything about liking it? The girls are cute though, and it doesn't cost a penny to hack your ds

Waifu faggotry couldn't even saved Fates, at least in the english dub, now I haven't got to play it with the original japanese voices and translations yet, though I want too.

>translations yet, though I want too.
Good luck with that. The current fan translation is pretty shitty and the people working to fix it jumped ship and passed it to some other guys who are now having issues of their own with it.

You can play with Jap voices though. Just forget how to exactly.

>and passed it to some other guys who are now having issues of their own with it.
What's happening now?

The main story in Fates is translated pretty accurately as are most supports, people just pick out the worst offenders. It's basically the same as always, especially compared to Awakening.

Don't remember exactly but I think one of their issues is not having enough translators. Because apparently people can't just pool their fucking resources.
Seriously you have 50 different translations on the one same scene you think this wouldn't be that hard to work out.

Camilla and Orochi

Azura, she was boring as fuck though

All of them are one dimensional and rely on a single personality gimmick if they even have that
They should just cut down on the support options and actually flesh them out

Best girl isn't in Fates.

Camilla in Conquest, Hinoka in Birthright, Flora in Revelations.


you first cuck

Reminder that your waif is perfect and you shouldn't listen to other people when they speak ill of her.

>tfw you always pick the waifu no one likes

how did Orochi get last in the poll instead of Rinka


I hope you realize that artist also has her getting raped by Faceless

Orochi is just such a slut.

I really like Beruka for some reason that I haven't managed to figure out yet.


>Cutest Daughter

that ain't Morgan.

look at that outfit she's practically asking for it


My absolute nigger
I miss daddies little death machine

>wanted notTharja for dat roleplaying and femdom
>only in Japan Dindu Nuffin version

>play the Japanese dub of Fates
>mfw Niles voice

it's like DIO trying to make love to me

>Asking for it
As if such pure maidens could have such impure thoughts

Why am I allowed to fuck my little sister in this game and nowi, but not look at tsubasa in a swimsuit?

Because they're both older than they look
Elise is in her late teens, and Nowi is 1000 or so

She's only your adopted little sister. It's inseki, it's ok.
The only incest that really goes on in this game is with Azura, your maternal cousin

Treehouse drop the whole elise is technically adult bullshit though in the game, elsie herself even called herself a little girl

It makes no fucking sense why I can't look at tsubasa goods

I think you may be autistic user.

second one is cherrypicked. they say those lines on the left in the official version too

No ones stopping you, just don't post it. Elise and Sakura are pure maidens, meant to be fantasized about in secret, but not lewdposted about

treehouse is pro-pedophila, just anti-ephebophilia

What makes you say that?

>Nowi is clearly meant to resemble a teenager
C'mon, son
Not saying she isn't perfect, but your argument is flawed

I see you're an user of taste.
It's a shame she ended up a subpar unit for me, is there any way to make her good?

she a little girl user

not that i care....

I love my onee-sama!

That answer sounded like something a mental 30 year old would say.

Legal loli? I'll take one!

She's a teenager. She's not even child sized, she's as tall as Tharja
It's a thin line to toe, but don't confuse ebephiles with pedophiles

Who's the butch of the relationship?


I can't figure any way at making her useful, which is tragic

>she's as tall as Tharja
Is she?

3D models aren't accurate in the slightest.
She obviously look like a little kid.

Definately Elise. Sakura is way too shy

Amazing design wasted on the most boring character in the game. Such a goddamn shame.

Luckily Rhajat and Ophelia exist

>most boring
Beats 80% of the Hoshido cast.

That's not hard

I still don't believe she's anywhere near as small as artists make her out to be. Among the shorter characters, definately, but not the shortest.
Her fairly flat body doesn't help

I like Oboro

Hoshido generally sucks when it comes to characters. You can tell which side was favored by IS

Camilla in Conquest, always.

Planning to marry Flora in Rev.

Isn't she pretty popular?


Request away.

Something loving between FeKamui, Camilla, and a jealous Hinoka

Be more specific on the positions and everything. Though I'm not sure if I want to write about Hinoka as well.....

Why can't Camilla have the dick and Femui take it like the meek submissive bitch she is?

she was good for me until the last like 4 chapters

That makes sense I guess. I just think it's strange to single out one "autist" in a thread about fire emblem waifus.

I only singled you out because instead of answering a silly question with a fun reply, you get 100% serious over a thread about fire emblem waifus.

Something about Hinoka being depressed at her percieved failure as an onee-san to Kamui, and Kamui and Camilla gently bully her, and then start the loving
Why do I feel like Hinoka would be very succeptible to bullying
And if you don't want to involve Hino, then how about Kamui and Camilla teaming up to spoil the newly legal Elise

On higher difficulties, I just couldn't make her work at all. So I reserved her for a lower difficulty run

Because femdom is superior and loli!Femui needs to get her wimpy small cock milked dry by her hot adoptive sister.

>Being the one that initiates the bullying
Sorry user but you're not clicking with me all that well.....

I'm fond of Say'ri.

I've never understood why whoever made the chart didn't just put something about cooking for Peri.
I understand she's not everyone's favorite, and that she definitely has her flaws, but still.

>Liking barren wombs
Besides, she would probably leave you for Tiki

You know that thing at the start of Shorts? Could you expand it? Or something like it?

The face-sitting one? Any specific situation you want them to be in that leads to that? For if you have any fetishes.

Could I get some Camilla strap on without futa Corrin?

Nothing I can really think of, I can pretty much go with anything really. If that's alright with you that is.

I play as best girl actually.
Married Cyrus in Birthright
Going to marry Leon in Conquest. Was going to do Marx but I heard that Charlotte makes the best pair up for him.