It's not too late for Sup Forums to enjoy a Hyrule Warriors thread is it?
Marin General
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Just got given out that sexy as f. Fire fairy. She smirks. Lazuli was cool but the mew one has better hair
SFM when?
Dumbshit. This is the next expan's. new character.
Already up. Your googlefu is weak.
Is this STILL a Legends exclusive?
>weapon for Linkle
>can't play as Linkle
I beat the story without needing any special effort, but if I wanted to acquire the biggest weapons just for grins, how much time and effort am I looking at?
>they raised the level cap
Honestly I can't even tell if I'm happy or upset. On one hand, that means I no longer have a bunch of max level characters. On the other hand, it also means I'm going to have to grind EVERYONE at least 2.5x what I already have, which is a little annoying, because they're not going to just stop at 150, that'd be too easy.
Why did they have to raise the level cap? I thought the only reason the released T4 weapons was to get around the need to raise the level cap. FUCK.
Level cap in the Wii U version is 255.
I know.
it depends if you are playing the wii u version or the 3ds. The 3ds version has two more weapon tiers
>playing any character that isn't Ganondorf
Literally kys
"There's a 97% chance of fertilizing my womb if you finish inside me, Master"
Is the WW costume still a 3DS only? The WiiU updates/DLC doesn't list it for me.
I wonder if she's as hard as steel or pudgy like jello.
Fi is not for lewd
Keep going.
Be still my beating heart
We are truly blessed to have been born in the HD Marin era.
what a qt
It's not too late for Sup Forums to enjoy a beautiful 2d girl is it?
this is all I ever wanted, and I wasn't even aware of it
>It's not too late for Sup Forums to enjoy a Hyrule Warriors thread is it?
>It's not too late
Why would it be too late? That infamous Nintenyearold bed time?
I didn't need to read this.
Hey guys I heard you like me now.
yeah she';s the most busted character since twili midna you don't even have to fucking try just spam wind fish all day erry day
So I'm confused about the messages that appeared when you boot up the game. It says don't buy the HW Legends character pack if you purchased the Legends of Hyrule Pack. So does that mean I'll get those characters later on?
How many play hours does it take to 100% this game? This seems impossible to 100% because they won't stop giving us content.
>most busted
I'll say.
kek. Is it like this on all maps with her? I only played one scenario with her on 3DS before I switched over to Wii U and I didn't notice this.
How did you manage that?
Do the T4 weapons have new models? I only have the Wii U version.
I gave up playing the Wii U version about halfway through the TP and MM maps because of the absurd grinding requirements. Leveling up isn't fun if it doesn't happen naturally and you need to go out of your way to farm levels to clear content.
Not gonna buy the Legends characters. New characters are pointless without new missions to use them in. If the rerelease a complete edition on NX I might get it.
Is Hyrule Warriors the waifu game to beat all waifu games?
Is the game unplayable on a regular 3ds? I only have a 2ds but would love to have a portable musous.
You just know she's thinking about brutally torturing those cuccos, that sadistic bitch.
T4 are just the same model as the T3 model.
T4+ are the same model but palette swapped to reflect the new element. i.e. Agitha gets a red basket since it's part Fire.
No, but they start at 500 power and end up at 750.
And now they have T4.5 weapons which are the same as T4 but can change element based on what the enemies are weak against if they'd be weak against the secondary element.
Weak Point smashed Dodongo very close to the wall on the upper left.
I imagine anyone can do it, just funny that the first time it happened to me was with Marin.
>retard post
Pretty much yeah.
It should automatically be available to you. It was for me.
every character has THAT move you always use, however.
Unplayable, really wouldnt recommend it for regular 3ds. Its like 15 fps, with 10 enemies on the screen at one time.
Don't listen to the fags, it's playable. N3DS is superior, but it still runs OK
most characters have at least one weakness in that move, though
It's not unplayable if you don't mind it not being a fast paced game. I actually appreciate the slowdown because the entire pace of the game is more manageable and it only dips a bit further when there's a lot of shit going on.
Sometimes when there are no more enemies and I'm facing a wall at the edge of a map, there's a sudden moment of clarity that the entire game is running slower than it actually should. But then I ignore it because I turn around and it's back to normal.
if you don't mind a dip of enemies on screen it's ok.
on the new 3DS, the enemy count is usually 50ish. without it's like 10-15
>I actually appreciate the slowdown
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
if the character can stand still that's their weakness.
if the move keeps the character in motion as it attacks, or gives generous iframes, then there's no reason to stop.
Ganon's robes are not there. Even check the update/dlc notes at the title screen
i dunno what to say, you got it when you bought the DLC.
maybe try restarting game if you haven't tried that.
Because they're 3DS exclusive, dumbo.
That's very unsporting in lying to me.
i thought you were talking about the 3ds game. the hell if i know anything about the Wii U. I had to restart game because i didn't get robes right away.
I need to know if there are upskirt panty shots or if it's just the black void
So I bought the legends of hyryle pack and when I started the game it says I have the links awakening pack downloaded but nothing shows up I've tried reseting but nothing happens, help?
Keep posting Marin screenshots laddies.
Download the 1.4.0 update from the eShop.
Yes, it's stupid.
post yfw it's 2017 and KT finds a way to keep giving us content for HW