>There still hasn't been a game to surpass this

When will we finally get TLOU 2?

Other urls found in this thread:


TLoU isnt actually a bad game at all but heres the reply youre looking for, you memespouting faggot

Remember that by Sonyfag logic The Last of Us is a multiplat

>gaming's citizen kane moment

>still no PC release

It's a Sony exclusive though and that's what makes you mad

> "cinematic experience" game
> walk forward, cutscene, walk forward, cutscene
> press x to win

ya a sequel would be great for sure..

Haha nicely memed! :)

Name a game you like so I can trivialize it like that

Played the remastered version and it was average 2bh. Combat was okay but became boring due to almost all combat sequences being set in semi largish rooms filled with wait high objects.
Puzzles were horrendous and make the average Zelda puzzle look complex.

Why would you want that shit?

Actually there's plenty of gameplay and there are some parts of it that are pretty hard.

Why do people always assume looking for different ways to leave a room or open a door is supposed to be "a puzzle."

>Encounter mobs
Kills 50 of them and walks away.
>Runs into a town fulm of raiders
Trace them, find their hideout, KILLS THEM ALL and walks away.
>Run into fellow survivors
Kills all (>100 men), leaving the women and children in the safehouse starve to death, walks away.
>Found the lab
Kills the entire lab. Walks away.
>Me victim, me just trying to survive with my little girl.
Kills everything, living, animals or dead in their path.
>10/10 GOTY

This is why i hate American sgooter game.

i like how they made the names of the publications really small, so people wouldn't realize that they only recognize one of them.


>Has potential cure
Muh replacement daughter
>I'm only a known enforcer and criminal
What a nice guy, hope he gets a happy ending

I only don't know about 3 of those, the others aren't even obscure gamurs only publications. I bet most normies has at least seen those somewhere.

>me victim
But Joel isn't for a single instant ever portrayed as a victim, only as a monster


i've been playing games for 24 years and i've only heard of PlayStation magazine and Eurogamer. never heard of any of the other ones.

>These are the people that say that Japanese games have better stories

That's the fucking point of the ending, he chose selfishness instead of being the Savior. He doesn't care whether the world around him burns down, all he cares about is being with her.

It leaves the judgement to whether he made the right choice or not to the player.


Youre wasting your time user, most people dont understand why the ending is an anti-climaxes or ambiguous because most people cant into storytelling/writing/reading.

He didn't kill all of David's men. a lot of them ran away from him after they realized who they were fucking with. He only found Ellie and then they boogied out.

Also you aren't supposed to view him from a heroic standpoint.


There's been been plenty of games that have surpassed it.

It's not deep at all. It's just morally grey.

You sure showed me though

Sorry it was too edgy for me

If the main character not being a nice person is too deep for you, I truly believe the world would be a better place if you put a bullet in your head

like what?

>morally grey character with incredibly selfish but relatable motivations
I think you're the one being edgy for disliking the game just because it's popular

The story for the last of us isnt deep at all and if youre intimidated by its uses of basic literary techniques, you either need to go get your GED or kill yourself.


I love how much this game triggers Sup Forums.

Stay mad, plebs. It's a masterpiece.

>jap games
Good job bringing up irrelevant information

Games like Deus Ex and Planescape Torment surpassed it from a storytelling standpoint more than a decade ago, and there are tons of games with much more interesting gameplay. Too many to even name, really.

Not enough loli schoolgirls for ya?

>that retort

is that an intestine coming out of his neck

>it's not deep, it's just a mature game for mature gamers like myself

Nice opinion you got there


So user what's a good story?

>Games like Deus Ex and Planescape Torment surpassed it from a storytelling standpoint more than a decade ago
In what way? It's like saying Dr. Strangelove surpassed Easy Rider from a storytelling perspective. What the fuck are you saying?

>Im so insecure about my pathetic story comprehension that i resort to namecalling and memes


Man, I had this argument. Saying 'well this game did this facet better, and this other game was better at this' etc. Games are a culmination of artforms. Parts of a whole.

I don't know about TLoU, never played it, but just because a game isn't the best in a single category doesn't imply the game isn't fantastic as a whole. Yes, Planesacape Torment has fantastic writing, but fuck is it paced like a snail with mechanics that drag it down.

Don't you know user? According to Sup Forums things aren't good because something better exists.

Abandon all pretensions of intelligent conversations when you come here.

>there are people who wanted to play as a hero and not a random joe trying to survive.

What, did you think it was gonna end with sunshine and a musical number?

Don't be ashamed to laugh, friend

Don Quixote.

Yeah, it's a book. Only faggots look for good stories in games.

>no wait, it's actually 2deep4 after all

Hi, /lit/

You're not special for reading.


No other medium can have a single good story because they've all already been surpassed by books written centuries ago according to you.

>Bioshock Infinite reviews
>journalists call it the Citizen Kane of video games
>The Last of Us reviews
>"gaming's Citizen Kane moment"
I like how game journalists are so uneducated that they don't know any other influential films besides Citizen Kane

That's fucking Empire magazine you're criticizing.

Games have only been around for 40 years.

Books have been around for millennia.

What are you saying? That you don't want the medium to evolve?

I never said I was looking for good stories in video games, but as far as they go this one isn't so bad. There's nothing wrong with a videogame trying to tell a story that's somehow reminiscent of literature.

I bet you read it in English though, uncultured swine.

>Name-dropping books when we are clearly talking about videogames.

Video game stories should not be evolving at the expense of gameplay, which is exactly what's happening right now.

nobody called infinite that

Lol. Even years later pcfags still get upset they never got a chance to play it.

Why is it so hard to just get a pc and PlayStation for the different exclusives?

>laughing whores
>spouting memes like OP wants you to

Because the way those games told their stories was way more innovative and interesting than anything TLoU does? Deus Ex constantly reacts to your actions as a player, making you feel like an integral part of the game world. Kill too many people at Liberty Island? Carter will comment on it when you get back UNATCO. Give Gunther a gun after rescuing him? He'll have your back when you report back to Manderley.

The story in TLoU isn't bad, but it's hardly a shining example of video game storytelling. It shouldn't be controversial to say that there have been quite a few games that have managed to tell their stories in much more interesting ways that actually play to the medium's strengths.

I don't think the last of us sacrifices gameplay for story at all.I thought the gameplay, story, and world complimented each other perfectly.

>Video game stories should not be evolving at the expense of gameplay
But The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 do have gameplay. You have to play them in order to beat them, and they take a certain level of skill on their hardest difficulties.

>I'll namedrop a book I havent even read, thatll show him!

Maybe he was referring to stories in games, ever think of that? Retard?

The game is like 15 fucking hours long. Theres plenty of fucking gameplay in it, having a 2-minute cutscene come up every couple of hours isnt gonna destroy the game.

Fuck off with these memes, you clearly havent played the game.

>"Trying to survive"
>Me see group of bandits walking East. Instead of go West trying to avoid them me follow them into their hideout and kill every single one of them.
>Me just trying to "survive".

ps4 kek here, TLOU came with my ps4 and it was one of the most boring games I've ever played and I traded it for cod within a few days.

You're saying you'd leave your daughterfu to rot if she got kidnapped?

And you wouldnt feel bad about it?

Y'know, I think Colin Moriarty put it best when he was reviewing Uncharted 4 on the Kinda Funy Gamescast.

He essentially told an aside in which his wife was watching him play the game and was supremely invested. She was actually shocked to the poinbt of saying "I didn't know games could be like this." And Colin replied with "well, this ISN'T what games are like as a whole, this is the top echelon." And that's really the point. The Last of Us is a breakthrough in expression of humanity and presentation in games - the height of which can engage regular people and make you invested in what is happening. It's skill and precision in direction but all interactive and challenging and all the more rewarding.

wew lad, a 5 second google search proves you wrong: ign.com/blogs/matt_the_marvel/2013/08/05/have-we-had-our-citizen-kane-moment

>trading in a digital game

Congrats on getting caught in a lie, faggot

mine came with a physical version of it.

N-No user you misunderstand. I traded my account to a friend that had COD on his account. I-I swear.


I get that some people want to just play the game... but holy christ, people on Sup Forums who complain about having to sit through a couple cut-scenes all the time are annoying. I bet they probably hate most RPGs that involve a story.

All it ever tells me about the person is that they have a short attention span.

They kept talking about their feelings and shit when I just wanted to shoot a zombie in the face.

Don Quixote is a terrible example. Great literature, shitty book.

>It's skill and precision in direction but all interactive and challenging and all the more rewarding.

Most overrated games of all time in no particular order:

Last of us
Witcher 3
Bioshock Infinite

anything I'm missing?

I love weebshit too!! :D

Eh, I think W3 is pretty good actually. It's not the best game ever made by any means, but I think it's more worthy of the praise heaped on it than TLoU or Bioshock Infinite.

>this butthurt
user feel free to add to the list but I can't think of any jap games that are as overrated as those. maybe mgs2 around here

I think it's a perfectly fine game as well but there are a few things to me that definitely make it unworthy of the GOTYAY praise it gets

Mine didnt. Neither did my brother's, or my friend's.

Congrats on another lie!

>unworthy of the GOTYAY praise it gets
Then what should've won 2015?

hacking and dodging telegraphed attacks isn't original or special

>If I don't like it, it's overrated despite not having any substantial reasons as to why
How much does this trigger you?


work on your reading comprehension homo. personally I had more fun with bloodborne and mgs5 but witcher is certainly the more polished product

Cool anecdote friend. Bundles in the UK come with physical copies :^)

>posts an image to prove how overrated it is

kek I'm not going through my reasons, we've had this conversation a million times

Bloodborne should have won. Excellent combat, very interesting setting, unique characters, the whole shebang.

>Eh, I think W3 is pretty good
What do you mean by "pretty good"?

There's not a single game world in any game as large and packed to the brim with meaningful well written quests and attention to detail as Witcher 3.

What do you mean "pretty good"? Literally what the fuck do you mean?

It's easily one of the best games ever made.

Combat was incredibly underwhelming. The "use Witcher senses" shit got old real fast too. It's a great game but don't act like it doesn't have it's fair share of issues.

Lmao he's defending it as being good and you're still butthurt. Case in point

>Bloodborne should have won

It's not dmc. It's not an action game, it's an rpg foremost and it's focused on stats not combos. Is the combat in Morrowind spectacular?

>personally I had more fun with mgs5
Sup Forums's already been over this, kojimadrone. your game is shit.

You're an idiot

SMT Nocturne

TLOU has a nice story, but it's barely a game. the game could literally play itself and nothing of value would be lost. when i play games i want to play a game, not watch a movie.

Shalom, reddit!