Thoughts on Stick 3? Personally I felt that it was better than Stick 2, I still prefer Stick though.
Thoughts on Stick 3? Personally I felt that it was better than Stick 2, I still prefer Stick though
I still can't fucking believe they changed the engine to mahogany. Ironwood was a much more stable engine with better mechanics. Now all they want is the gem audience with prettier visuals.
They decided to branch out.....
Wakka wakka
You really couldn't find something better than a fucking stick, OP?
since when do i have to wait for leaves? why not sell me the entire stick leaves and all?!
stick 2 gave me splinters
I spent over 60 hours playing with that piece of shit. Fucking hated it.
you're barking up the wrong tree
>Playing Stick 3
Nothing after Stick Revelations is canon
For that sweet DLC cash bro
can someone tell me how to get past branch 1? im stumped
The Stick series should just be called "Branch for Kiddies." It's literally Branch with all the mechanics that require SKILL removed.
rock fags are still mad. go play your pebble2
You do know that stick 4 is already out right? It's the best in the series by far.
Branch was a convoluted mess. At least stick is polished and makes sense.
Granted it's not nearly as in depth, but that's not always a bad thing.
>stick 2
>stick revelations
>stick 3
>More content = convoluted mess
>not wanting branching paths
This is what stick babbies actually believe.
anyone else get wood from holding their stick?
I'm not sure I'm entirely onboard with Stick 4. Not with what Bethesda has done with the IP. I mean, it's not even wood anymore. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm trying to be open minded. It's pretty and has a nice gloss finish. It's just that I was a pretty big fan of the older games for what they were, you know?
I hate all the Leaves DLC that came with stick 2
Stick and the prequel Limb were the only good ones.
everything went to shit after that
Stick is for scrubs, Rock is where it's at. I bet you guys don't even unga bunga.
who here fell for the limited edition stick plus meme?
>he doesn't rate Elm
>not playing based log
dumb meme for dummies
get good at memes dummy
literal faggot
>5tick never ever
Sure you get a lot more wood in log, but stick is refined and crafted. Every fiber has meaning, while in log there's too much emptiness.
turn the > into < and it's literally perfect
Faggot is just the Stick series collection re-release.
I like the branch off, Log
>not starting the thread with the official 10000BC pic
Its brown and Sticky
The rope is apparently a $49.99 DLC. EA fucking up things as usual
I've always thought the Stick series needed to go back to its roots.
uga booga rockstop
I dunno, I've felt like their recent attempts at branching out have turned over a new leaf.
Stick 5 is clearly the most mature game of the series. It is a true masterpiece from gameplay to its incredible story.
Such a shame the manchildren on Sup Forums don't get it
Stick 5 isn't even in development yet you fucking jocky.
>not the superior Cord
Yeah but you need rope to make it work and that costs a lot right now.
Ropefags needs to die already.