What video game has the GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD?!
Hard Mode: No VNs
What video game has the GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD?!
Hard Mode: No VNs
Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time
I mean, it's in the name.
Dante Must Die mode: And it's at least a 9/10 game in its own standing.
FF Xiii-2
Tales of symphonia
Lloid x collette
the toradora vn
The objective correct answer is Shadow of the Colossus, but this thread will likely continue in spite of that.
To The Moon
Persona 2
>dragon steals your half monster gf because you're a half monster and are an abomination who shouldn't breed (but it's okay for her to)
Life is Strange
That -1 better be because of local MP only.
They dont even kiss.
nice bait faggot
>tfw love persists through fucking reincarnations and cataclysms.
All I know about this game is this girl's butt
See, look how much they love to laugh together!
not a bait retard
Truly the only right answer
>Smoking while showering
What the actual fuck?
>No Shovel Knight
Uh, what? They kiss multiple times.
Trails in the Sky FC & SC
> Pia
I approve your decision. May your real life be as fulfilling.
Monkey Island games
Move aside has-been, superior love story coming through.
This is the correct answer.
>That entire scene
Poor girl was mindbroken.
I was expecting a lot more like this from the games but they are severely lacking. That's from the first game. Haven't played Doomsday though. Goodbye Deponia was pretty conclusive I thought.
does this count
The love of a father for his daughter, obviously.
Ken can suck it
The love between a good hunter and his best girl.
Pretty much yeah. Games are always better with online options.
Infinite Undiscovery
That's bretty gud, but there's better if you're going from that angle.
It just gives Goal closure, he dies at the end the same way, just with Goal knowing that she can't save him.
Go on...
Took me a second
STALKER taught me that the greatest love is between a man and his weapon.
>tfw you will never be so buttmad your gf died that you become an all-powerful being which only purpose is to destroy god
Have you ever lost a best friend user?
Mein nigga
Honestly, if you're not a lesbian worshiper, it's pretty clear that Chloe doesn't give a single fuck about Max. She's incredibly vindictive, and never forgave Max for leaving her when they were younger. The only reason she spends time with her is because she can use her power to help find Rachel.
Either way, the canon ending is really the one where Chloe dies. The other one is the equivalent of the UFO endings in the Silent Hill games.
this is actually the most accurate one
Hell fucking yes.
that's kinda pushing it. it's true the gay is people rose tinning it, but Chloe did think Max was her one true friend in the world, never got over it when she left, then the majority of the game is max literally beedning reality to save her, reinforcing she was a true friend.
Chloe was just a bitch and self absorbed even if partly justified for it at one point, like most teen girls, but she did care about max.
>itt nobody has played Lufia II
game came out 20 years ago user, let that reality sink in to you.
Sequel never...
I'd have chose Toni
Well thanks. I guess I don't need to play it now.
This image is beyond stupid Lololololooolool
Just finished this today. Far superior to Shovel Knight's story
what on earth drove you to make this post user
are you just underage or what
I like your style
I actually just started chapter 4 of umineko and am now going to leave this thread because I'm somehow still unspoiled
Came here to post this. Good job, user.
Lufia II has the most fucking random love story. Dunno if the remake expanded that in a good way, but dialogue was not a strong point in the SNES game.
Yeah same here, already been spoiled for Deponia Doomsday and Xenogears in one thread.
>tfw just downloaded xenogears yesterday
xenogears actually has a lot to digest, if anything what you probably saw in the thread is something to look forward to
now ghost trick/999 on the other hand...fuck you niggers
the first time i tried doing this in front of mona i knew this was gonna be good shit.