Why doesn't somebody just shoot her?

Why doesn't somebody just shoot her?

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I have, she just respawns, the cunt....


Cheers love the labour movement is here

does overwatch lore take into fact the brexit?

What does Tracer think of Brexit?

Because Tracer's suit effects more than just her. The reason characters respawn is because they are all in a time. They are unaware that the universe is unraveling.

time loop*


-t. racer

>It's a Tracer team.


>Tracer sticks bomb on team mate
>Team mate backpedals and takes you with him to the grave


She wants to recall

Every time tracer recalls she gets younger by the amount of time recalled.

Because they want to see that ass moving.

>it's a "you're behind your team healing them and a tracer appears and murders you and your team don't notice" game


You should be on your knees slut.

refer to

I fucked up my post

>impregnate Tracer
>she becomes 9 months pregnant
>alarm sounds
>she is called to battle
>she goes back in time to abort your baby
>she leaves for war

in laughing

t. Support player



The team will be on its knees if you retards PAID SOME FUCKING ATTENTION.


honestly that happens way too much and I don't want to just start shouting at them on mic like a raid leader

pubs suck


I just pull out my pistol and 1v1 her

I find that tracers all have garbage aim, and hopping around like bunny on crack with some decent accuracy will kill a tracer, or at least will let me live long enough for someone who can actually kill a tracer to notice I'm not healing the team and turn around to kill her

Playing against defense Mei on Hanamura is like my experience with real women. She senses me coming on to her and blocks me cold

easier said than done

>the enemy team has a competente tracer

i will literally ragequit, blizzard needs to nerf her its not fun

Genji is garbage

Right now, at least if you're lv 40+ you tend to encounter good Genjis. Well it's not like like at launch where people didn't know how to play him.

The shittiest part about Overwatch is fans not drawing tracers timey thing in all fan art

I could if she didnt spaz around like an autistic kid who didnt get beaten by his parents enough


>dat hamstring contraction

I dare one of you fuckers to do that without pulling a muscle and writhing in pain.


>how do I counter pick

Have you tried not playing the same shit over and over again expecting different results?

>this bitch runs right at me
>she think I'm easy game because I'm zenyatta

Zenyatta is so fucking satisfying, I really can't wait to see how they buff him


Why doesn't tracer speak british when shes on the enemy team and ults?

god damn WHEW

how will i get good at hanzo if i dont play it all the time?

She says oi and luv at least.

training mode
turn around and shoot at a bot.
Keep doing this until you can instantly headshot the first bot you see.

land your sonars on the supports or land them on that area where the enemy team regroups, or the ambush routes.

Seriously hanzos need to fucking get better at where they plant there sonars.

If Tracer was the kind of girl that wore panties, what flavor would they be?

The brits got tired of speaking english because there was no longer any challenge to it. So they created a new language, british.


Oh sorry I meant arabic.

I believe she says.

Howdy, it's one oclock. Did you hear about the pub (bar)? they have the best fries if I do say so myself.


Strawberry banana

Man i really love her voice and personality. Makes me want a brit gf , you britbongs are lucky

Fish and chips

Go for it, user. Breakfast ruined their Pound. Go scoop up a Brit and bring her back to wherever you live.

oh ill give em a nice poundin all right. the british accent is sexy

I wish widow wasnt shit, every time some asshole plays as widow and they never ever get on point and cost everyone the game.

Why don't you fucking idiots stay behind my shield when I'm playing Reinhardt

Explain. Now.

not hers, it so fucking tacky

I can't get any kills behind your shield

Widow isnt shit. It's just "mlg gaymers" who try to play her and end up sucking fat loads of semen

you can't abort at 9 months, that's preterm birth.

Your shield blocks all my shots

British accent attractiveness ranges from chalkboard scraping to disc grinder

>that one rein who's far behind everyone because he refuses to let go of right click and move the fuck up

for fucks sake dude when nobody's around move forward

You can shoot through the shield you dense fucks

Overwatch VAs are from where their characters are, right? Is Tracer's VA just exaggerating her accent for comedy?

I think if that were true then you wouldn't be here asking why people don't shoot through it

>go Reinhardt, first locked in
>can't wait for the team to pick a few characters that'd be good in conjunction with Rein like 76, McCree, Widowmaker, Lucio, Hanzo, generally often picked characters
>team locks in Tracer, Reaper, Genji, Mercy and Roadhog

It's more like

Hey, do you want to go down to the fish and chip shop. They've got some very good chip sandwiches. They're excellent.

Honestly, Rein is fucking useless if you're not playing in a premade with friends.

Go somebody useful like Zarya or Winston.

Sometimes it's wiser to flank while Rein is focusing the enemy team.

Half of Reinhardt players think they're helping by never, ever letting their shield down while they slowly meander towards the objective in overtime .

Another half of Reinhardts think dropping their shield to do a Hail Mary Charge into a Bastion is worth getting their entire team killed.

Another half can't resist the urge to E when there's a sniper dead ahead. Goodbye, Healer.

A GOOD Reinhardt is a huge asset for attacking. A standard Reinhardt is good for ducking behind to heal and sitting on the objective.

Roadhog isn't too bad for following Reinhardt, just not if he's the only one following Reinhardt.

He can easily hook a priorty target and pull them away from their team, and their teammates won't be able to do anything to save them. I don't think Zarya can even shield someone if they're on the other side of Rein's barrier.

Gas the omnics, race war now.

>zenyattas healing orb heals everyone around it for 50 health when it's applied, every second applied it heals for 25 health around it, reapplying it to the same target doesn't get the health buff
>zenyatts right click boosts him into the air on full charge up to wall climb height


Are you me?

>her butthole constantly sucks her suit in

>Never play hanzo
>Pick him on Quick play numbani on a whim
>4 gold medals and POTG

What the fuck?

I mean I'm assuming my team just sucked total ass but we still won so...

le fug hanzo is a meme lad

Tiny as fuck hitbox and her HP resets on rewind. A good Tracer who doesn't let herself get into fights where she is CC'd is next to impossible to kill. Even if you duck out early and barely do any damage you put the fear of god into the back line so you force someone to stay or keep the Mercy's terrorized.

No, Zenyatta deserves to be bullied


You make a good portion of the enemy team have a hard time concentrating on going forward

Maybe it's just painted on.

>you pulls your cock out and swallows it instead while giving her past self a smug slag on the ass

Wow that is quality art for being so lewd.

Why are you mad? All the characters in Overwatch are national stereotypes except Lucio and Symmetra because they didn't want to showcase street-shitting and trannies. There's an American cowboy, a Nepalese monk, a French slut, and I guess Tracer's like Emelia Airhart

Would you have preferred Sadiq Khan or Mr. Bean?

>she cums
>she rewinds


Unless the team is good and have a decent anti-tracer with them.

Then they just ignore your useless pokes and keep going.

>Team consists of Winston, D.va, Genji, Hanzo, 76 and Lucio
>Enemy Widowmaker isn't bullied to the point of being able to do anything and forced to switch class


What should I actually be doing as Mei?

I mean, I guess blocking off choke points if it looks like my team is in danger or the other team is trying to push? I just cant find much use for that big ice wall, maybe it's just my playstyle

>tfw trying to git gud with Tracer but keep forgetting that her teleport teleports you in the direction you're moving, not the direction your facing

>ignore pokes
>Tracer go on murder spree because her DPS is fucking disgusting if she can calmly land her shots
She is next to Reaper for sustained damage per second.

>Ring ring

>Sadiq Khan
I too want to kill kuffar user

>Emelia Airhart

but she was american.

spam icicles until they get close
invun if you're getting wrecked then ice wall yourself out

t. garbage mmr shitter

Tracer needs better voice clips

Not a fan of any of them

She works as an ambusher one on one. She can stomp in KOTH if the enemy team doesn't group up and marches straight towards the control point