I'm working on a gaming pc with a budget of around 800-900 bucks. I was hoping to get some outside opinions on it, but I really didn't feel like dealing with Sup Forums. Mainly looking for advice on cpu, gpu, prices, performance, and efficiency. Anyone know how pic related is yet?
Specs: pcpartpicker.com
I'm working on a gaming pc with a budget of around 800-900 bucks. I was hoping to get some outside opinions on it...
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good build but the 8gb 480 is a better buy if you can find it at msrp. Don't let all the shitposts turn you away from a better deal. even better if you wait a week or two for the aftermarket cooled ver
>RX 480
Good but get a sapphire one when it's out.
Wait for the Sapphire Nitro 8GB RX 480.
Never buy a reference AMD card.
>sound card
Put that $30 somewhere else.
>implying Nvidia reference cards aren't shit
Never buy reference cards period.
You may want to look at the 9 series if you dont want to wait.
480 and the 10 series are selling way above their MSRP right now.
Yea like 8gb more ram
this is my first PC, whats wrong with it?
Thanks for the tip. I've been seeing stuff about the 480 not meeting PCI-E standards and potentially burning motherboards. Figured it was just Nvidia shilling, fanboy shingling, and AMD's early ones sucking. Still not sure if I want to go with AMD or Nvidia. Most information I've gathered is just fanboying and shitposting.
Not 100 percent sure about what I'm doing. Pretty sure onboard sound cards are shit aren't they?
I was considering an R9 390 or 390x but I wasn't sure about the performance, how are they?
masssterrrr raaaaaceeeee
Get a 6600k. Get a 1070 when the prices drop to normal levels or get a 480. Don't listen to any of the suggests here other than these. This thread is about to turn into a fanboy shitfest.
>Thanks for the tip. I've been seeing stuff about the 480 not meeting PCI-E standards and potentially burning motherboards. Figured it was just Nvidia shilling, fanboy shingling, and AMD's early ones sucking. Still not sure if I want to go with AMD or Nvidia. Most information I've gathered is just fanboying and shitposting.
It is
The 750ti and 960 had the same issues but nvidia fanboys/shills try to blow everything up. Notice how no amd fanboys went crazy
In short nvidia's shit is too expensive for what it offers so they are losing it at the possibility of more people going AMD.
Personally I'm gonna wait for thr 490 since I buy in the 300-400 range
On board sound is just fine and will often have less issues than with a card.
The 390/x both beat the 970 but your PSU needs to be able to handle them.
Oh and get the 7200rpm 1tb WD caviar blue. Also you're retarded for buying windows.
sound cards are unneeded nowadays use the money to get more/faster ram also the rx 480 is great but i'd wait for the nitro or msi
>go with k cpu. you'll need it when you upgrade future gpus
>5400rpm blue drive get 7200rpm
>win 7 - pirate it
>sound card - no need
D-DELETE THIS! Team Green CANNOT LOSE. Good graphics HAVE to cost money, it's how it's been and it's how it should be!! I'm going to buy another 1080 just to spite you AMDrone!
You're right with saying he should upgrade, but this CPU bottlenecking GPU meme needs to die. He needs it because the game will use the CPU as a resource, not because the GPU will. This isn't a problem unless you have like a 860k and a 390x...
>I've been seeing stuff about the 480 not meeting PCI-E standards and potentially burning motherboards
The first is true, the second is a long-term concern that hasn't actually hit anyone yet that we know of. The Sapphire Nitro card is already confirmed to feature an 8-pin connector instead of a 6-pin so this won't be a concern. Signs are pointing to the 480's limited OC capability being a result of hitting a power draw ceiling and there have been reports of good results on partner cards, so the Nitro is definitely one to watch for.
>Still not sure if I want to go with AMD or Nvidia
Nvidia is preparing to reveal the 1060 soon, so you can keep an eye on that as well, although with the way the 1070 and 1080 launches went, the reference version will overheat, sell out immediately, and get put on sale on Amazon and eBay for at least $100 over MSRP.
I think this could be a good thread to ask this in, is it worth upgrading from an HD 7950 to the RX 480?
yeah but wait for the aftermarket cooled ones
970 for the prices it's going for right now is probably going to be superior to the 1060 tbqh family.
Is it okay to wait for 1060 and see how it stands up to the 480 ?
If I'm just aiming for a 1080p resolution which will give me bang for buck RX470 or 480?
>tfw best known computer seller shop in my country doesn't stock anymore Sapphire
>only MSI or Power Color for AMD
Not like he has a choice the reference 480 is out of stock
Eh it's a tough call. I'd upgrade to whatever HBM option they have this gen over the 480.
just follow a guide
probably replace with 480 by now
I built a new gaming PC recently and while I can run stuff like Metro and Battlefield on high at 70fps my fucking nvidia drivers keep crashing every 5 or 10 minutes
dont fall for the meme
Fuck off. This is awful advice for someone trying to save money as sale prices fluctuate.
I'm probably gonna get myself a new card around Christmas after I get a bit of extra money. I have a 560 ti 448 currently, and it sounds like the sapphire nitro rx 480 is the way to go for amd cards. What would be the Nvidia equivalent to that? The 970?
Also, is the 8gb instead of 4gb really worth the 40 extra buckaroos?
It's not the drivers you dumb fuck. Either the card or the mobo is faulty if it's happening with that frequency.
Yeah a 970 or a 1060 when that releases. You could also look at 380/380x/290x/390's as their prices will be going down.
How long does it take for the non reference to come out anyways?
Is there even a point to reference? Why not let the others make a ton as well for release?
no its the drivers, I got the GTX 1080 Princess Diana edition
it says display driver has crashed you butt sex haver
Oh if it's a new card it could be the drivers. But it's a new card. Shit happens when you beta test.
yeah I've heard that the Paul Walker 1080's have the driver crashing problem too.
it's that stupid gay nigger nvidia control panel shit, there's like 12 nvidia processes and games are stable when all that gay nigger shit is turned off
oops forgot muh words. why the fuck does everyone say it's $350?
Because it's out of stock everywhere so scalpers are selling it at a mark up.
Inflated amazon prices from resellers trying to make a quick buck.
It's 350 if you want it within the next two weeks.
DDU then install drivers
WD, seagate or HGST?
>960 strix
>not a reference card
go fuck yourself shill
WD or HGST. Never Seagate.
you're a fucking retard. did you even look at that bottom graph comparison? it makes the 480 look fucking terrible and you're using this in its defense? the 960 has power spike issues, but that's not a problem. look at the average power draw on the 480? That's HEAPS more than that 960 was doing. That's going to fry your mainboard, not a couple 1ms spikes the 960 was giving. you stupid amd fanboy cuck, and this is coming from someone with a 290X.
Sold out, feels bad man
>back ordered an 8gb sapphire rx 480 for $245
fucking amd poorfag
Would a 6600k be worth the extra money?
Kinda figured that's all it really was. It just seems so weird to be brand loyal to a fucking gpu manufacturer.
I know I shouldn't bother buying windows, but pirating a copy seems weird and I don't even know how to do that shit. How likely are you to find a free copy from other people?
Do you think my current PSU would be able to handle the 390/x? I still need to calculate how many watts I'm gonna need.
Are you sure they're unneeded? I asked a friend who built a new gaming pc a few months ago and he says his onboard soundcard didn't sound right? Keep in mind he got a better one than I'm getting.
>limited OC capability
Oh well I don't really plan on overclocking so it doesn't really matter to me I guess.
If your PSU doesn't have enough juice just hook up a car battery to it.
totally related pic
I don't have a car battery. Will a hand crank generator work?
>not knowing it is asus specified card.
Right now, 8 GB is really only useful if you're pushing above Full HD. If you're aiming for 1440p or 4K, then it'll help, but if you're comfortable in the land of 1080p, then a 4GB should do just fine. I got a 970 last month to replace a 270X, and I've been really happy with it. The 270X was fine, it just wasn't doing what I needed it to do on the games I was playing. Far Cry 4 in particular was woeful for several months. They got it straightened out eventually though.
>posts a picture making the 480 power draw look even worse
AMD drones, ladies and gents.
This is why you can't trust them. They know NOTHING about hardware besides prices.
Can I just get actual pros and cons of Nvidia and AMD cards? All you fucks seem to do is call each other drone, fanboys, memeing, and falseflagging? I know I shouldn't expect you dumb asses to actually be able to argue points and be constructive without turning into children fighting over who's toy is better. This is the kind of shit I'd expect console only fags to do, I thought you guys were "the master race".
>Are you sure they're unneeded? I asked a friend who built a new gaming pc a few months ago and he says his onboard soundcard didn't sound right? Keep in mind he got a better one than I'm getting.
Not him but the motherboard has a jack for sound. I bought a sound card and I barely heard a difference so I fell for that meme.
I would listen to that guy and get a K mobo. You can OC and get MUCH MORE out of it than being limited. This is important get a k.
Your psu is fine.
For windows 7 you can get a cheaper key here. Make sure it's not OEM
As someone who owns and works with both:
>Frequent driver updates(can cause problems sometimes)
>Better power management
>More contracts with game makers for Nvidia exclusive tech, making a fair few games run better on Nvidia hardware
>More expensive across the board
>Lower price
>Solid performance
>Drivers have dramatically improved from the past few years
>Cards don't punch above their weight, so you get what you pay for
>Decent thermal performance on 2xx and 3xx series
Both Nvidia and AMD's higher end cards often suffer from coil whine when under load, and both of them are valid options. If you can't swing or justify Nvidia's price tags, then AMD makes good budget alternatives. I've switched back and forth between the two brands over the last decade or so, and they pull ahead of each other at different times. That all being said, I'm pretty fond of AMD's CPUs. An 8320 with a 4.0 OC runs everything I throw at it no problem.
I wasn't really planning on over clocking. What are the bros and cons of OCing? I also don't know shit about motherboards yet. What do you mean when you say the motherboard has a jack for sound?
Thanks for explaining the differences. I think I'm probably gonna go with AMD but I'm a really indecisive person so I'm probably still gonna be weighing this out for a while. I'd just flip a coin if gpu's didn't cost so much.
The motherboard will have an onboard standard 3.5 mm headphone/speaker jack. Some models have expanded connection options, but unless you've got the equipment to take advantage of it, they'll mostly be useless.
OCing can potentially put a lot of strain on your CPU or even break it, and naturally, pushing your processor beyond its intended voltage and clock will void your warranty on it, but in the case of a chip like, say, the FX-8320, clocking it up to 4.0 GHz by boosting the multiplier will get you the same performance as the 8350 without the increased price tag. I would recommend an aftermarket cooler if you're looking to get into that. Most people have been fond of the Hyper 212 Evo for a long time, though it's probably been supplanted by newer options by now. Great universal cooler, if a bit bulky.
Like I said, AMD and Nvidia are both great options. It's actually not a super great time to buy right now since all the hullabaloo around both companies' new cards have caused shortages and price gouging. I'm really happy with my Nvidia GTX 970, and my little brother loves his AMD 390. Do your research, watch some tutorials, and have fun.
>I wasn't really planning on over clocking. What are the bros and cons of OCing? I also don't know shit about motherboards yet. What do you mean when you say the motherboard has a jack for sound?
Future proof. CPUS don't have to be replaced like gpus since they tend to last you a really really long time. For reference I have the first gen i7 920 from 2009. It's stock speed was 2.6ghz. I overclocked it to 4.0 ghz and it has served me well for 1080p.
Your cpu is superior in the OP but it's 3.2 ghz. You can likely OC it easily to 4.0 ghz and get a lot of gains for prevent bottle necking in the future. There are no cons if your cooling temps are good enough. I had mine on this OC since 2009 and it's still alive.
For example check out this video of a 380 with an i7 920 vs a more recent cpu
This is the side of the mobo you wanted in the OP. It has jacks for sound.
Now I just feel more confused about over clocking to be honest with you. How much performance can you really get out of it? Won't I have to pay more for shit that can over clock better anyway?
Nvidia drivers cause fucking weird issues all the time. Metal Gear Rising got locked to 30Hz on my 970 a few drivers back and it's still broken. Had to make a custom resolution in the CP just so fix this shit.
In the many years of owning an AMD 6970, 7970 and r9 290 I never encountered any of this esoteric garbage. I've lost many hours troubleshooting bullshit that used to work on nV.
nV often has a noticeable performance advantage and almost always has a power consumption advantage but it hasn't been worth it to me, not one bit.
"but I really didn't feel like dealing with Sup Forums"
so you came to Sup Forums?
Yea like 240 bucks if you buy at fry's
Or you can walk in at microcenter and pick it up for 199
As for that other question I don't know it varies on game and tech. But there are a few cpu intensive games like arma IIRC. By ocing you will have less dips under 60 when your hardware gets old. OCing just raises frames so it takes longer to get there.
I have the 390, it's good. Just get a good motherboard, mines shit.
>going to get a 1080 soon
i'll have two gtx 770's to give away soon lol
Yo really should get windows 10 though. Dont listen to the meme spouting faggots. It IS the better OS.
Also since your rig is for gaming, windows 10 has direct x12 and pkenty of exclusive games in the future.
He could get a win 7 64 bit key from here for 25 bucks
Then upgrade free to 10 and can partition windows 7 if he wishes to
Right now 64 bit windows 10 keys are more expensive at around 45 bucks
This. Don't fall for the memes.
Something tells me I'd get shittier advice from the sperglords over there. They'd probably fight over AMD and Nvidia even more there as well.
Even if I don't overclock, should I still buy an i5-660K in the off chance that I decide to overclock?
I hadn't really thought about windows 10. I kinda just picked 7 because it's what I'm used to. Are you sure it isn't too early to get 10? Are any games even using x12 yet?
Isn't the free upgrade ending just around now?
>Even if I don't overclock, should I still buy an i5-660K in the off chance that I decide to overclock?
Yes. Intel Cpus without K in the name cannot overclock at all by design. The i5-6500 you have in OP cannot OC at all.
Yup by July 31. Dunno if it'll be extended by the end of the month.
>windows 10 logs your activity down to the keys pressed and sends all of your information to private companies
>it's just memes because I don't understand anything
fuck off retards
It's not about games. 10 is better os anyways. There are a few dx 12 games, but there will be more soon.
And all ms games being both xbox/w10 exclusives, it's a no brainer.
End of July.
You can turn that off when you install. Besides, the added all that shit to 7 and 8 in the latest updates.
If you want full privacy, windows ain't your OS of choice, you go linux.
The last day is july 29 actually
16GB ram $80
i5 6500k $230
motherboard ~$150
PSU ~$70
GPU RX 480 $230
cheap ATX case $50
total: $800
I just built a more expensive system, so i know these prices are reasonable.
should be good for 1080/1440
Forgot the hard drive my man...
you're right. and OS too if you dont have/dont pirate.
still pretty great for under $1000 imo. if you're reusing parts (case, PSU,OS,HDD) even better.
I kind of wish I didn't have a 3440x1440 ultrawide. Its nice, but spending $650 on a gtx 1080 kind of sucked. costs more than half of a 1080p PC put together.
Anyone willing to rate this build? It's my very first build and I'm brand new to this so honest advice would be appreciated. Also, would it be worth it to just go for a 1070 at this point instead the 970 I picked?
1440p ISN'T BAD.
Though I'm sticking on 1920x1200 until I know 4k is easy peasy. We all know they just keep pumping up graphics at 1080p anyways.
Maybe I'll just get a 4k monitor on the side and switch back and forth depending on the game.
xonar dgx is a good cheap sound card, particularly because it has an amp that'll make your headphones sound much better and 'bass'ier than usual (with some tweaks in the software).
Why do you have 2 monitors? A 480 is better than the 970 at this point. Though go 1070 if you can afford it.
Optical drive? Why?
Windows 7 at 140 bucks? You can buy a 25 dollar key here
I also think that keyboard is a bit overpriced but I use a basic logitech illuminated so I don't know if it's just frill or useful for gaming