How many years does it take to warrant replaying a game?

How many years does it take to warrant replaying a game?

Until you want to replay it
I've been replayed fallout new Vegas for the past 6 years multiple times very year year for that fact

Is this you?

why do they call her meat

How many minutes does it take to warrant reposting a thread?

she's full of protein

Haganai is fucking trash.

Huh, this cross-board shit. I wonder what you're up to.

No I was the post asking why does she sit like that

Meat was less attractive after they showed her boobs


This thread is like 35 minutes old

I am currently on my fourth playthrough of Ace Combat 5 in the last week. Depends on the game.

I've also taken a 6 month break from Drakengard because I cant be fucked to get all the endings in one go.

I don't speak Asian


Once a year

I keep a cycle and keep adding games

My cycle is Dark cloud, Dark Chronicle, LoZ games, SM Sunshine, and New Vegas.


>Meat was less attractive after they showed her boobs

Because she always has my meat deep inside her.

When you hear someo one talking about it and you dont remember what happens

Rika is superior.

What're you fuckin' gay?

they fucked up, how the FUCK are they gonna show her tits but not show the other girls?
That's like turning one potential waifu into trash.

they showed Rikka and the loli's tits

You can replay a game literally anytime you want. What's the point of this thread even?
Oh it's just Sup Forums being fags again.

the real reason is because she has huge boobs and her arch nemesis is jelly

We're all lonely fags here on the chan

I don't remember seeing Rikka's

Meat is fat.

You're a fag.

post them, i dont remember that

I don't remember this, when was that?

During the part where she's reading the transformer hentai manga, her right tit pops out.

I really enjoyed reading the manga. When I watched the anime later it was kind of off putting. Sena seemed a lot cuter in the manga, I ended up preferring Yozora and Rikka in the anime.

the bd episode i think for when they stayed over at her mansion and she took a shower with his sister

I want to impregnate Sena

Kobato Kobesto.

how about milk?

Can't find it. Just watch the Fap Service compilation

Please stop shitposting with pictures of my wife.

Your wife gets spitroasted by black dudes daily.

isnt this where the red baby with a mouthful of scrambled eggs picture comes from?


OH NO!!!!!!


As the others said, you got to see Rikka's tits in one of her dillusions and you got to see Kobato completely naked hug her onii-chan. The REAL crime was that they stopped in season 2 so we never saw Yukimura's nipples in the bath. Sure, they had that Kobato lookalike in the VN with her tits out, but none of the actual characters got nipple time in S2. Very disappointing.

your wife is a whore and loves being filled to the brim with cream in all holes

that's why it's trash. No season 3

>Hi, I'm an autist and I need to be told when it's ok to replay my game.
The anime picture really seals the look you're going for, nice job.

>wanting season 3
Go read some LN spoilers.

I want merchandise, not the story.

I don't want season 3. Even with it the ending would still be fuck awful



why is she so perfect?


nipples are too small

Maybe if so many games didn't exist with animu girls. However, this is reality, so go fuck yourself with a wrench.

But that not Mugi.


why does Mugi have oversized eyebrows?

Cum makes your eyebrows grow.

They're sexy.

Correct because Mugi is pure.

Let's not fuck around with these lousy excuses, this is hardly an anime game thread.

OP didn't know how to shove up his anime pic and start a Haganai shitstorm thread, so he just chose one random subject that was already in Sup Forums to begin with.

Now fuck off back to Sup Forums, or discuss video games.


Sena is for ______

Stop posting anime characters then you hypocrite




It's not the picture I posted.

how often


as often as possible

Molesting Kodaka's little sister




The English dub of Haganai was better.

you'll have to fight me m8

Wow you're really mad.


Why would you even know that?

I unironically agree with you,Funimation does the best dubs

I want to tenderize that meat

This looks like another boring, sexless, barely ecchi slice of life show that breaks down into "big boob girl vs not-an-underage-girl over cuck protag faggot"

Why does Sup Forums post this garbage on Sup Forums?

op started it

I found the show humorous

I find Sena extremely desirable