Its fun with friends

>its fun with friends

Other urls found in this thread:

i had fun with friends when I was 15

now that im 23 all my friends are dead

Fun with friends
>no friends play it anymore

kill yourself

Where the fuck do you live ?

>team based game
>nobody talks
>get told to stfu when talking
>cant find any groups to play with

>no friends

>its fun with a foreskin

>tfw forever an incomplete man

>Tfw lost last IRL friend 3 months ago.
>tfw it actually felt like a great relief

I wonder when the suicidal thoughts start to kick in.

I wont ever be able to forgive my parents, especially after having a long conversation years ago with my parents and them denying everything I said, calling me an idiot because it is ''acceptable'' in our society and it is something ''normal''
Fuck this shit man, fuck this


>Is somehow incapable of forming lasting internet friendships that have lasted 16 years
>He doesn't have internet friends that have been his pals longer than any of his real friends due to nomadic lifestyle
>He didn't just play 3 hours of Overwatch with them yesterday

I don't feel too bad for you though OP, because admittedly I'm still a wizard.

>tfw have a friend who will play anything just to interact with me

I don't want it that shit comes back to bite you in the ass later in life

Do you pretend to be an anime girl online?


No actually am gril

That being said I don't announce it anywhere, and don't make a habit of befriending many people anyway

What's this picture supposed to convey?

And even if it did, ''later in life'' is better than getting fucked all your life.

Stop being in denial user, I'm here for you

>golf with friends
>have no friends
>100% orange juice
>have no friends

>100% orange juice
Fuck man, whats your steam, I'm down for that shit


Ask google I don't feel like typing out all the side effects

>all your old internet friends who used to play games with you disappeared
>never able to find any other group who actually plays games again

I'm probably autistic or something

>being this new

london etc

>try to figure out why it's so hard for me to make friends
>I'm terrible in social situations
>don't seem to know how to relax and enjoy myself
>unable to emotionally connect with others or empathize with how they are feeling
>really like math

Holy shit, am I autistic?


MFW my country didnt fall for the jewish is good memes

I've made more friends on rocket league than any other game since the old days

That's like textbook autism my dude. So yes.

>meet a cool guy who isn't total shit while play vidya
>He always either:
>Has completely fucking retarded friends who only play LoL/WoW/some other trash and constantly start drama.
>Is gay and just want's to fugg.

I just want to take the 4 cool guys I've met over the past 10 years and rail those two faggots all night long

>see game called Golf With Your Friends
>think it looks neat
>no Steam friends, all my internet pals are on PS4
>still want to get game despite not having friends

>I have no source
>I make shit up because I got a mutilated penis

>Fun with friends
>Friends never want to play it

>he doesn't know how to use "being this new" properly

>irl friends are always played by the same game
>others just smoke weed
>tell the gaming friends to try something else
>"I'll think about it"
Good thing I got into sports as a kid otherwise I'd be bored out my mind hearing about a update for game X and y

>all my friends are are long distance after moving around
>Only had 2 GFs (both cheated on me with my friends) but fucked 20+ women

I'm so fucking lonely

>they never want to play because it's not fun without friends who aren't on

This is a false flag right

Tits or gtfo.

That even through immense adversity, women can and will still find ways to act like whores.

>"Hey man come play this game with us"
>they're fucking garbage at it

>tfw uncut
>tfw most girls are grossed out by it because it isn't normal
>tfw blowjobs hurt because it's so sensetive

Wish I was cut.


>it's fun with enemies

they have a higher rate of STD, aids, urinary tract infections, cervical cancer and many other problems I don't feel like listing

Dude this was Day Z mod with me. Back in 2012-2013 where the game still had promise. Day Z mod was never good, infact it was pure shit. But it was just so damn fun running around the map fixing up vehicles and fucking people up. Just exploring the huge map and shit. Had my best gaming moments on there.

>I'm afraid of answers

you can literally go get cut as an adult

>Still have solid group of friends who want to play wow
>am so fucking sick of wow and it's stupid bullshit excuses for quests and raids that always still play exactly like you'd expect them to

Grass is always greener

>it's a depression hugbox thread

>source: my bleached asshole silly goy

no youre afraid to link a credible source by the looks of it

news flash
everything is fun with friends
even shit games are fun with friends
fun with friends =/= good

It's not NEVER EVER anymore because italy and the US military are going to let you grow it back soon.

>New console
>decide to make a new account since I've lost the pass to the email
>Year later remember pass and send message to old friends letting them know who I am and to add me back
>not even a single friend request

Making friends isn't hard, keeping them is.

Things will be going smoothly until politics come up, and most of the time if you're of college age they're going to be cucks and get triggered by your own beliefs.

Ironically everyone I've met with good tastes in vidya also happens to lurk Sup Forums.

>people think internet buddies are real friends

No. I played with this dud for 7 years then he was visiting the country I live in and stayed at my place to save cash. Its been 5 years since that but we go for like 6 months without talking then one day its just like 'you want to play this game' and we play vidya together

>yahoo answers is his source

but thats not a medical study thats some faggots opinions just like this thread













I have a friend I met online 10 years ago that I still speak to almost every day.

>achievements require someone from friends list

What the fuck am I looking at here?

Except it is because they have people who did medical research there also there are other medical body related sites but you would know that if you just googled it

you are missing the point, user

>tfw no friends
>tfw no boyfriend
>tfw nobody to be my big spoon
>tfw nobody to be there for me so Im no longer fucking lonely
>tfw I ve literally become numb (inb4 Linkin park)
>tfw nobody to sing linkin park songs with

Should I kill myself or can I be happy again someday? ;_;

Im a guy btw

I'll be your friend, are you cute?

Like Yahtzee said in one of his videos, if a game advertises itself as being fun with friends then it's probably a shit game. Friends can have fun doing anything together.

>1 person makes a claim
>12 others calling him a fucking idiot

Nobody there links to a credible source yet they all claim the opinions they are pushing come from medical journals.

So riddle me this cutfag how do cutfags come across medical journals proving that being a good goy is good for your cock and uncut fag find medical journals saying being a good goy is bad for your cock?

I feel your very invested in this though. Are you angry at your parents for making you a mutilattee?

>are you cute

No, Im a miserable pile of shit who should be killed on sight. Are you cute?

Not that user but I am.
Steam Profile pls

>tfw can't
Can you give yours? I'll bookmark it and then look at it for a few days and think about adding you but in the end,i won't, because I'm socially retarded ;-;

You're fucking with me, right?

I literally don't care about my dick that much Pham, I don't even know why your making a big deal out of this (no pun intended) I'm just telling you I don't want foreskin and problems it has and there are shitload of sources you can look at if your that interested in dic, I'm just saying the problems that come with it also being cut has problems too seriously don't know why uncut fags take this shit to the heart thou, every single time

>friend keeps asking to play
>every day
>like obsessively
>eventually turns you off the game entirely

just chill the fuck out dudes

>Im just spouting maymays without any evidence to back up my claims
>I call it funposting

should add in some dragons next time then itll actually be a cool story goyim

>literally give evidence
>tell you were you can find more of it
>muh memes
Ok family

>gives evidence
>a link to another thread on yahoo

Cause that post just summarizes all the shit how many fucking sources you want when Google is a click away

is this you in the picture? You do sound a lot like him

>a site thats literally promoting people to cut their dicks

yeah thats not a bias source at all mate. Totally no agenda there or anything

I don't usually unironically blame jews for things
But circumcision can be blamed literally only on the jews

here you go son.

I found a credible source in like 3 seconds because I wasnt looking for one that was pushing my personal agenda. It explains why youre so emotional and why you have premature ejaculation problems.

You should probably read it so you can get help for your issues

Happy reading

I mean most people in party chat/ts are thrilled to have any female in the party, but the downside is that you get at least one asshole in each group unless you're lucky. Feels bad man. [Spoiler]I'm a girl too[/spoiler]

>he resorts to Sup Forums memes out of nowhere
I think we're done here

wasnt me faggot I posted here and again here Happy reading

uhhhhhhhhhhhh london?

last time I played vidya with a girl, she was leading a public squad on planetside 2

she was pretty damn good at it and we stomped through

it was fun, too bad the game fucking sucks now

All my friends have better friends now.

I found a credible source too and don't have any of those problems, nice source thou

Considered playing it but still haven't invested in a better rig because I spend that money on in-vogue games like overwatch...I just dislike the guys I know that play it

Brexit :(

You're merely pretending to be retarded, right?

If you're sarcastic then sorry, I cant detect it

>look on friends list
>everyone is playing vidyagaem: fun with friends edition
>finally bite the bullet and buy it
>next day no one plays it anymore

>high school
>small clique of like 3-4 friends

>graduate and move on in life
>no friends


I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

>mfw thinking about you hurting

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.

no you didnt you posted literal propaganda now go look that word up its obvious youre a child.

Unless youre actually retarded but I think youre not I think youre just an ignorant entitled kid that thinks youre always right

literally me

It's not gonna be okay

>haven't heard from or seen a single person from highschool since graduation.
>it's been 4 years.
>no friends since.