Anyone else do stuff like this?

Anyone else do stuff like this?

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sorry OP but I'm not a fag

It's a form of dissociation

I see public transit as a fast-travel system, but it takes all fucking day to get anywhere.

Gtfo reddit


That's called the Tetris Effect
I had it whenever I looked at a car in my time playing GTA V when it was released and whenever I look at the night sky after playing Space Engine

>using the x key for use

us gamers right

I check random garbage bins for useful items sometimes lol, gamer habit I guess...

>he leaves item highlights turned on

Figures some nasty casual made this garbage

the cake.... is a LIE!

>Implying there's a way to turn it off

Sorry op, Im not autistic...
T-there's no HEV suit FVOX in my head when I wake up...
T-there's no weapon select when i check in my pockets

Of course not!!!

No because outlines are for magnificent faggots like you

plenty of games do, especially big ones like bioshock and deus ex

Anyone else imagines a dialouge wheel when you talk with your friends or gf? xD

No because if I did I would've gone out and stolen a bunch of cars, killed a bunch of hookers, and then gone on a wild police chase.

Pretty much this, never played a decent tittle that had to highlight crap for me like i was a retarded baby.

So... cringe thread?

Is OP more a faggot than usual?

real life is the worst game amirite guys? xD
them graphics are dope tho, HD is so freakin cool =D

yes, i play lots of hardcore FPS's (like CoD, Battlefield, and Halo) and when i shoot guns (not real of course, i mean air soft or paint ball) in real life i have really good akaraccy just like in the games

Sometimes when Im bored I pretend Im in a stealth game on my way home
If someone see me I loose

Why does Sup Forums hate fun? You didn't even do this as a child? Do you have no imagination and are just nilistic?

they're just newfags

I'm also intelligent with a wicked sense of hunor

Wow, me too! I hope square makes more villains that are literally me.

I have Aspergers, but even I'm not that autistic.

i had played mgs v for so long at release when I finally stopped just seeing red shipping containers got me a little excited.

Yes,because my only gf and friends are in the V/n i'm playing.

What others see
An innocent girl

What I see
Slutty loli

I used to imagine complex level design when watching architecture from places i visited, no shitty highlited items like i was a retarded baby.

Stop using the autism meme

>Playing on easy mode

Time to take off your training wheels user or you will never get better.

Classic sign of an underage.

Totally me

lets attempt irony

What others see
A barrel

What I see
brofist if you also watch pewdiepie and got my joke

>t-t-talking l-like t-t-this
Common sign of underage

Man I wish I was OP with all these (You)s

This OP is actually a good idea to catch newfags. You drew out a bunch of them. Saved.

knock knock

I would do something similar to this when I was younger and playing AC2. I'd like at buildings and imagine the ways I'd climb up them if I were Ezio

Who's there

honk honk

>all this reddit damage control.

I'll be doing this now.

I fucked your mom. XD

Nice selfie

my sides

I-is this thread in autosage?
>Reload Phone browser
Oh shit, i'll beter ignore that shit from now on

>keeping key/button prompts on
pleb tier.

Hard to imagine people over 18 write like this

>OP getting ruthlessly BTFO
>claims everyone else is reddit

>not knowing about "us gamers, right? xD"

time to go back

>Sup Forums
>people over 18

Hard to imagine people over the age of 18 falling for an obvious ruse.


>posting ironic memes is BTFO

I always wish everyday that magic existed in some way in our universe, but I know it's retarded to actually try and perform it or even consider telling people what I think.

nope am not redditor enough

This is worse than reddit. This is some 9gag-tier autism at work.

this guy in your pic is now married and has a kid. what's your excuse, Sup Forums?

This is the best thread in the whole board right now, and Im not even kiding

same im lmaoing irl

crying because people shit all over your thread is

If it did, it'd just be commercialized and weaponized like everything else. Sure, we'd have a lot of cool stuff too, but it wouldn't make your problems feel any less terrible.

But thats wrong
Someone post the pic
You know the one

He doesn't image of him saying it's not him and he's still single lonely neckbeard.

what the frick

literally me

they are hipsters that hate when something isnor becomes popular. Aldo they are probably between 15-18 years old because they consider genuinely liking something as childish.

Everything has to be ironic and meta but don't you dare to be "edgy" because that's for kids, right?

It's just for the sake of secluding yourdelf from the masses to feel special.

fucking console fags

i didn't need glowing borders and button prompts to know i could interact with something in a game when i was a child


I'd just like the possibility of having it, even if I personally couldn't do much more than grab small objects 2 ft away

Is English your second language?

>i want to be the captain of a ship, a space ship, the space ship that saves humanity
gets me everytime

information overload, that shit is total win!

They make mechanical grabbing claws for that. Just lay it by your desk

That's what VR is for when it becomes more then just shitty goggles.


I want to do it without using any physical contact

y-y-you too

Whenever I see shipping containers I think about them getting Fulton extracted away

Sounds about right.

Only thing I do like this is what I call "GTA Moments" where I'll see, like, a large group of people or a big traffic jam and I imagine throwing a grenade into it.

Like, I would never actually hurt anyone or anything, I just picture it the way it happens in games.

When I played too much CDDA I dreamed in ASCII

>the ship is the hero

What the fuck

Seek help.

This is actually legit, non-ironic stuff here.

Man, despite how autistic that seems, that looks like a really fucking good home defense weapon.

Like, let's say a nigger breaks into your house, right? And because he's poor and stealing, all he's got is a baseball bat? Well, that piece of shit's got nothing on a pipe now does it?

The first day i downloaded candy crush and played it for hours i started seeing everything in 3's. I went out and there were 2 black people, a white person followed by another black person and it was triggering me so hard they 3 blacks werent in a row

This is why video game violence should be banned.
Imagine if this kid had access to a grenade at the time dozens of lives would of been lost.


LOOOL! anyone else do this when theyve been playing GTAV for too long? ? XD

>look guys I made a post
I'm watchin you nigger

>playing my DS in the car
>urge to throw it out the window