> Best story mode in the fighting game genre (beating Xrd and MK9/X

> Best gameplay in the fighting game genre

> Best girls in the fighting game genre

> Guile, Urien, Juri, Ibuki

> All of its launch problems are fixed with this update

Still no Arcade Mode



check my 6 faggot

Killer Instinct is better


your 6 is upside down, let me fix that for you :)

I agree, KI is the better fighting game.

Still garbage netcode, still garbage male designs, still garbage footsies, and still no arcade mode. But hey at least this early access fighter is almost into beta!

underage bandwagoner shit stain

>All of its launch problems are fixed with this update
>Still no proper stick support for PC
>Still no pause options/rematch for player 2
>Matchmaking and rage quitting still busted

If dubs you die tonight


ah, another 9, let me divide that in 3

I bought deluxe edition and then realized I'm too old and lose focus after an hour of playing. After that, I throw out moves and take too many risks

Jerseys usually have players last names.
It should be matsudo not Sean

No nigger, Capcom needs to apologize first

>Game has been "simplified for a wider audience" aka casuals who just want to mash buttons
>Slow as shit movement and walk speed
>Huge floaty jumps with next to no horizontal range
>Tiny ranged normal's
>Tiny hitboxes on everything
>Normal's have a shitty priority system
>Throws are slow as shit with no range
>Links are gone and combos are now mashable
>Huge buffer window
>No close standing attacks
>No neutral jump attacks
>Dizzy making people fall out of combos
>Game is full of comeback mechanics desinged to "lower the effectivness of player skill"
>Only super can chip kill
>V-Trigger a huge universal buff you get as a rewarded for losing
>V-Reverasl a get out of jail free you are rewarded with for losing
>Receve less damage the less health you have
>Worst roster in a street fighter game to date fan favorites replaced with characters no one wanted like birdie and rmika
>Risk/Reward is skewed due to high damage from jump ins yet pitifully low damage on anti airs and how you can no longer get large damage punishes from a jab
>Huge amounts input lag
>Constant fps loss on ps4 and high end PC's
>Random input drops
>Dumbed down mechanics
>Top players already saying the game is casual garbage
>Game literally released in an unfinished state
>Online doesn't work correctly
>No punishment for rage quitters
>lobbies that dont even work most of the time with no flags or ping
>8 frames of input lag

>>Still no proper stick support for PC
Is there seriously still no D-Input?? What the fuck they promised it would be implemented at launch.

>Laura will never get an outfit that doesn't make her look like she sucks cock for a living.

>>Game has been "simplified for a wider audience" aka casuals who just want to mash buttons

Look at OP's post and the way he talks. He's 14 and never played another fighting game in his life. He's exactly who you're talking about and exactly who the game was made for.

Maybe she does, she's already brazilian

>Dial a combo system
>Rock paper scissors burst mechanic
No thanks, especially not after they turnedmy boy spiral into a pirates of carribean rip off

I've been playing with my PS3 stick since launch.
If you really wanted to use your DInput stick you would have done it 3 months ago.

Too late to change her face. Maybe her hair

Fuck no

I bet they'll release a Super or Ultra SFV

But it's accurate to her. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm my day bait used to be subtle

Maybe she can have ONE alt that looks decent, then?
Like, okay, yeah, she's a whore and Brazilian. But I want ONE alt where she wears good looking pants and something other than a bikini.

Her normal outfit doesn't count because it looks like shit.

>I can't refute the points at all so I will hastily say it's bait
At least proofread your shit

As opposed to the Jason and the Argonauts ripoff? Classic Spinal is still there too.

KI still has links and counter-breaker nullifies the RPS argument.

>best story

MK9 was far better.

>best gameplay
VF and Tekken are both better.

>best girls


>all the launch problems are gone

Fixed the rage quitting fags yet?
Still no arcade.

>Best girls in the fighting game genre

If you enjoy gorilla limbs.

That wasn't at all what I asked.

>VF and Tekken are both better.
>3d shit

Bought the season pass like a fooland I haven't played since march. I downloaded the update but Guile isn't there, and I'm also unable to login, did I fuck up?

PC or PS4?
Also servers are down

We don't see her feet.

Try checking the shop?

>shit consumers
>shit games

Can't access the shop while offline

Wait for the servers to come up, then try again, is about all I can say.

That's probably where he is. Try when they kick back up, I assume their trial period is over.

Thanks lads

Ibuki, my bae, and Juri is here. I'm happy.

Lmaoing at these retards wanting arcade mode

>Best story mode in the fighting game genre (beating Xrd

SF5 does have many problems, but this v gimmick is probably my favorite part, much better than focus and the revenge meter. Too bad about everything else.
>>V-Trigger a huge universal buff you get as a rewarded for losing
Trigger is not exactly a comeback mechanic since some characters can get them faster on the offensive, plus you still need to at least do a little bit of work for it or you just get a glorified roman cancel. It isn't just a bigass dickslap for guaranteed damage.
>>V-Reverasl a get out of jail free you are rewarded with for losing
Again v meter isn't exactly comeback shenanigans and reversal is just alpha counter tied to a meter. It can be baited easily and you can get fucked for using it wrong.

>Good story mode

Don't respond to bait

>Another lie
>More lies
>More nostalgia crap
>This Capcom shilling tier apology
Wew lad , back to the office shill

>Best gameplay in the fighting game genre
I don't think SFV gameplay is bad but I really prefer airdashers more.

Isnt is just a movie to watch?

More or less.

Wrong. That's not Melee.


You guys smell that?

A lot of those points were legitimate, even IF the poster might have just been parroting. I just bothered responding to the stuff that was straight up wrong to hopefully get some actual discussion going.

From the v system alone, I know there is a good game buried in there. Like DEEP in there.

I like the haircut.

I want that jersey so fucking bad.

Also makes me want to play Laura

>He thinks SFV is better then VF or Tekken

is it still shitty about remapping keys on PC?

Only points that are legitimate are rage quitters and 8f input lag

What, is this another alt costume or a mod?

>dont want to deal with the fight money bullshit
>might just drop money on the season pass and hope the bikinis are free or can get with fm
>if not buy them anyway
Well im glad i have a job then.

So is SF5 worth picking up now? Was interested in picking it up before launch when Capcom said there wouldn't be any Super/Ultra versions of it, and that every DLC character would be accessible through in-game means without micro-transactions, but the shitty launch put me off. Been basically waiting to pick it up until they added enough neat shit.

So, is now the time?

>wearing her brother's jersey over a swimsuit

das lewd

If you play at locals then yes, if you play online then no. Who buys fighters for online lmao

She's a bonafide slut
deal with it nerd. Go find another waifu

Too late for it to recover now, they bad launch rep killed any chance of this game being successful, the only upside is its Sony's loss not Capcom's.

> Best story mode in the fighting game genre (beating Xrd and MK9/X

You can't be serious. It was better than expected, but just goofy fun at best.

> Best gameplay in the fighting game genre

No. It's not even the best gameplay in its own series.

> Best girls in the fighting game genre

That one is true.

> Guile, Urien, Juri, Ibuki

Meh. It's nice and all, but it's still a small roster for now overall.

> All of its launch problems are fixed with this update

No. Still 8 frames. Still bad online.

The multitude online gripes (considering this is game was MADE for the online environment), being released in this state for 60 bucks, and blatantly removing tools and normals for nothing in exchange is inexcusable. Dizzy is a little fucked too, and throws could be a bit more reliable.

Rest of that is "not muh street fighter" self wanking.

Capcom said they were going to release unfinished for CPT, all that matters is gameplay and it was fine. Its on the consumer for buying things without research

What normals are removed, what tools? Kara and OSs don't add anything. Everyone is now on an equal footing and those with better fundamentals will win every time. Dizzy is fine. Just watch the stun meter and be aware of it so you don't blow your load and waste super
Throws are extremely strong right now, likely due to 8f latency, what do you mean more reliable

Nah Xrd still has a better story mode. SFV is good gameplay wise speaking for Story modes, but the actual story is really, really bad.

>Its on the consumer for buying things without research
Yeah I agree with you there, still should have been in the 30-45 range personally. And the damage is more or less done. People are going to do their "research" and hear what the first wave of casual players who didn't say and get a far too negative picture.

And I've had times where dizzying cause some crazy shit like not being able to hit them long after they stand up and shit and throws seem to be really bipolar on the range they decide to work at. Sometimes I have to get in their face, other times it looks like I'm pulling them into me tager style.

>Best story mode in the fighting game genre
This one makes it most obvious you're joking, you probably should have started with one that sounded at least reasonable

>Best gameplay
Personally I quit SFV about two weeks after it came out and haven't played it since. I think it's mechanically shallow as fighting games go.

>Best girls
This one is subjective, but bulbous hands and feet aren't usually considered attractive traits for women. Arcana Heart or Melty Blood has best girls.

>All its launch problems are fixes
I wouldn't know, since I got bored of the game and stopped playing.
I miss SFIV.

>Best story

Nope. Shit takes itself seriously
