Is it going to be real?

Is it going to be real?

Will they ever just give us the fucking Nazi's Creed?


>Nazi's Creed
The Nazi's will definitely be Templars, if Ubisoft ever has the balls to do it.

>Assassin's Creed is all about the alternate side of history hidden from the public
>Despite both Templar and Assasin historical records that the Nazis are supposed to be Templars, Adolf Hitler sided with neither and threatens to expose them to the world.
>Main Character is ironically a Jew who through complicated plot allies with Hitler to try to stop the Soviets from taking over the world.
>Game ends with Hitler doing the heroic sacrifice of going down in history as a monster by stopping a piece of Eden from falling into Soviet and British hands.
>Jewish Assasin spends the rest of his life running from both Assasins and Templars

I kind of like it but Hitler was Hitler. They wouldn't do it and it would probably be considered hate speech if they actually did. Perhaps if it were assassins who infiltrated the highest ranks of the SS or something.

Hitler was framed bro. Real shit.

Sure it could be a cool story but it simply wouldn't work from the team that opens every game with a tl;dr about a multicultural team of various religions and such.

Between the shitty, biased HYPE and speculation videos about it on Jewtube and the last two games (they were terrible), it's hard to get excited for a new Ass Creed.

Next assassin creed game is going to be set in ancient Egypt
Where you play as a black pharaoh

For the record, I also think Black Flag was terrible as well. Rogue was alright.


I don't know how. Black flag was great. It could have been better if they dropped the Assassins creed shit and just made a separate game off of it.

They've already revealed what happened in World War 2, Hitler was a Templar with Churchill and FDR and they orchestrated the whole fucking thing to gain more control

Hitler was assassinated as he tried to escape the bunker after faking suicide with a body double

I fuckin loved Black Flag but it was definitely for the ships and not for the AC parts of it.

I've taken breaks from the series though. The gameplay doesn't evolve enough and the story stopped being any good after Revelations. The last one I picked up was Black Flag so I might just grab next year's.

Who cares
Assassins creed is AAA garbage


>AAA is bad

Enjoy and eternity of Limbo and Braid.

Thanks, i'm currently enjoying Inside and its already better than the last 4 assassins creed games i played


>Black Flag was great
>I don't know how
An abundance of tailing and eavesdropping missions and glitchy as fuck gameplay - even while just traversing.

It's pretty good mindless fun t bh

>not wanting aztec creed

>not wanting to explore the magnificent pyriamids, markets, temples and aqueducts of Tenochtitlan
>not wanting to view the gardens, zoos and aquaria of Montezuma's palace and his massive horde of gold
>not wanting to stalk and ambush your foes like a jaguar in the jungles of mesoamerica
>not wanting to gather sacrifices for the glory of the batshit insane aztec gods

No sane company is going to touch an Egyptian setting with all the current WE WUZ backlash shit going on from african american revisionists

AC IV had enough of that shit.

Feudal Japan would be great. Russia and China too, but Ubisoft shot themselves in the foot with those.

>best main character and supporting cast
>great atmosphere
>naval combat
>being a pirate oh and also an assassin sometimes
>beautiful caribbean scenery

>Next asscreed game you will be a Templar that switches to Assassin


Templar's did nothing wrong.

If we've learned anything from the games, it's that both sides have done noble and despicable things. All comes down to the individual.

Napoleon was in unity. Egypt campaign, man.

Yes because African Revisionists are a huge portion of the population that certainly matter in terms of sales and publicity

Have you SEEN the people that work on ass creed these days?
It's full of special snowflake tumblrites with dyed hair

>this is what a Sup Forumstard actually believes

nobody except literal nigger retards with zero social clout believes that egyptians were ever black

there are a lot of reasons they don't want to do an ancient egyptian setting, skin color is not one of them

>great atmosphere
>naval combat
I'll give you those. The rest are opinions and/or memeshit.

Yea, I'd say the bigger issue is that the tallest buildings would be like 3 stories tall, with lots of space between them.