ITT: It's 2005
Anyone else played this yet? The reviews are pretty great and I trust reviewers a lot, but I wanna know what you guys think. Is it better than 1?
ITT: It's 2005
Anyone else played this yet? The reviews are pretty great and I trust reviewers a lot, but I wanna know what you guys think. Is it better than 1?
It's shit
The first was better in every way, hope in 10 years people don't circlejerk to this game and completely forget about the superior SWBF1
I remember the physics being superior in 1, also loved the tusken camp.
What made 1 better?
Stole from my family's wallets for about 8 months to save for it. 10/10 for Aayla Secure.
Look at this nigga. Playing a kid's game I stick to the real good shit. Hope you have fun nerd.
Sniping motherfuckers from the ledges on Kashyyyk while in prone
Hope it's as good as Morrowind. The E3 footage doesn't give me much hope, though. I mean, where's the dense forest and Roman architecture?
In 1, the HUD was intuitive and blended into the game's aesthetic well. In the second game it felt clunky and stilted. They dumped the haze and particle/blur effects to make the game look slightly sharper when moving to 2 because they literally ran out of time trying to get it out in time for the movie, and wanted it to look better without upgrading a damn thing. Also, everything in 2 that was new was poorly executed, the maps were jaw-droppingly bad, and they took out air vehicles on land maps to appease the 10 people who gave a shit about the multiplayer.
I remember being so excited for space battles. Holy fuck was I disappointed. Didn't even explode at the end of the round, BF2142 totally filled the gap SWBF2 left me with.
sequel when?
1 was better for groundplay and I liked the neutral factions on some maps. Also had some great maps that didn't return
I had more comfy maps
II is still great and very memorable though
Anyone else getting one of these on launch? Perfect Dark hype
What are you from the fucking future or something ?
Also bump lol
no thanks i graduated from highschool already
man it's strange that the 7th gen is over
time is fucking relentless
I'm surprised it even went on for so long. We've spent more time in 7th gen than any other, like the PS3 and 360 could last forever and no one would've bat an eye.
Holy shit this game is a casualized mess.
Can't wait for the servers to shut down in about a year so everyone comes back to Everquest.
>Tfw Persona 5 for ps3 'soon'
I still have like 10 games I haven't gotten around to due to work and paramedic school starting in the fall.