Why don't Pokemon talk if they can understand humans?

Why don't Pokemon talk if they can understand humans?

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The same reason animals can't talk even though they understand humans.

Inadequately shaped vocal cords.


different vocal chords, basically what said. and apparently theyre named after the noises they can make, which just so happen to have greek and latin influences.

Then why don't they communicate through other means like text to speech programs?

They say their name because it's the easiest way to get kids to remember them.

They only say their names in the anime. In the game they just make squeaks and growls, though they do sometimes give Pikachu its anime voice.

Why don't dogs talk if they can understand commands?

>you will never have a talking Meowth

My dog doesn't want to be a magical girl

What's Delphox looking at that has got the trainer embarrassed?

I wonder what Delphox would say if she saw my folder of her

Explain Meowth

Meowth explained himself

It's a cartoon

>Why don't Pokemon talk if they can understand humans?

In Ancient times they most likely did, but as Humans advanced in culture and technology (as humans are oft to do) the gaps between Human & Pokemon culture grew larger and larger before they could no longer vocally communicate with one another.

Humans and Pokemon who are capable of Telepathy ARE capable of communicating with one another.

Certain Pokemon are also capable of learning to speak human language, but this process is apparently incredibly physically and mentally taxing- to the point where it can compromise their survival.

Post qt Delphox feet

If Pokemon are so obviously highly intelligent then why is it the equivalent of bestiality to fuck them?

He thought leaning how to talk would get him laid.

It isn't. You can fuck pokemon

anime plot superpower

This changes everything

>Explain Meowth

Meowth physically expended all of his IV's in order to make himself more humanoid: talking, walking and even thinking more like a human.

Meowth is unable to level up any further or learn any new moves because that entire process essentially exhausted all of his "levels" and "experience".

I have no feet but I can give you Delphox
Its not
Pokemon even once married humans

what's the lore backing on this?

>but I can give you Delphox
I'll take it. Moar

I'm straight for Phox

The books in the Canalave library.

>If Pokemon are so obviously highly intelligent then why is it the equivalent of bestiality to fuck them?

It isn't- it's just considered weird by Modern day poke-standards.

Pokemon can be attracted to Humans and Humans can be attracted to Pokemon: Pokemon and Humans at one point freely conglomerated and joined together in primitive communities where they fucked, married and broke bread with one another.

Generally speaking though this only extended to humanoid-ish or human-like Pokemon... Pokemon and People still EAT one another after all.

Japanese version of Pokemon Platinum

i thought pokemon platinum had a library that referenced pokemon sitting down at dinner tables with people, being families together, and rarely being in love. of course, it was redacted for american versions of the game.

Post more


Watch the anime.

Also, anime is a separate universe to the games.

Delphox too old.

Animals can understand that particular sounds have particular meanings, but they can't understand grammar. You can't talk to an animal normally and have it be able to understand you. Pokemon, on the other hand, can understand the way that humans speak to them in the anime.

>accepting the anime as canon

Delete this
We could've had a good thread, but you're basically dooming this thread to an early deletion

At least someone else shares my opinion. Post more lewd Fennekin, way superior to the phox.

For you, user

Cats actually have a very diverse range of vocalizations, especially for an animal that mainly communicates with others through scent.


Meowth is like Alex the parrot or Koko te gorilla. Particular individuals who seemed to excel at communicating with humans way beyond what their species tends to show.


This gives me funny feelings

Got any more?

Read the rules dumbass
Sup Forums.org/rules

Too young.

do you know where you are

>lewd already posted
>no one dumping

waste of a thread


/vp/ was created as a way to keep Pokemon off of Sup Forums the same way /mlp/ was created to keep bronies off of Sup Forums.

YOU need to read the rules and get the HELL off this board!


Man, this is really good, have they done a lot of Fennekin? it's the same artist as that earlier one right?

Time to fap

why are pokemon so fuckable, but most of the games aren't that fun

only games i've liked were the mystery dungeon games because of the setting, dialogue, etc, and gen v

Porkyman only did Fennekin a few times but he does a lot of pokemon shit

>pokemon supposed to be on /vp/
>porn not allowed on Sup Forums
>people telling others to read the rules


You didn't read the rules
Sup Forums.org/rules
Sup Forums.org/rules
Sup Forums.org/rules

why do feral pokemon make my penis tingly?

Fennekin barely gets any lewd compared to slut phox and braixen, it's nice to see it get the dick as well
Ah, the style is really good. I love seeing lewd Fennekin

Gen V why? Because of the attempt at story?

maybe it's time you went to bed user

in X&Y you can touch Pokemon but not in the lewd way except for that one game

Keep going, I'm already hard as steelix.

I doubt the devs even care about what's canon or not. Nintendo franchises don't seem to be made for any reason other than to get money from little children

Pokemon is still allowed on Sup Forums


this thread went in the wrong direction

the female trainers were really cute, and it gave me the impression the devs actually cared about the series, and wanted to try something new instead of doing the same old thing

then gen vi immediately cashes in on nostalgia and feels like a game for 2 year olds, and like it was made for newcomers to the series

OP here, this is exactly the right direction

It was created to mitigate traffic off of Sup Forums the same way /vg/ was created, especially during hype for a new gen.

Ultimately the reason for it is about the same reason Overwatch deserves it's own board at this point. Sup Forums can't handle too many threads on the same game for any extended period of time, the desire to shitpost is too strong when most of the board is actually discussing videogames.


They don't want humans trying to fuck them

I know the porn is against the rules. Everyone knows that. But its a common misconception that Pokemon isn't allowed on Sup Forums, which is why I'm directing people to read the rules. The only board whose content must stay exclusive to its own board regardless of whether or not its content has relation to other boards is /mlp/, which is explicitely stated in the rules. /vp/ meanwhile is not treated as such. I know porn is against the rules. Everyone here knows that. This is a blue board. So I didn't think it was worth bothering linking the rules to porn posters

>worthless fennekin lewds instead of glorious milphox lewds
No, definitely the wrong direction

It's like I'm really fucking a firefox. Now we just need Fennekin fucking in VR.

You faggots can be faggots all you want, but porn is NOT allowed on Sup Forums. Take this garbage to Sup Forums if you want to see Fennekin get penetrated in multiple holes.

man I don't even go on Sup Forums that often I only came here because you linked me here from /vp/ faggola

when did the moralfags get in

must be summer


Post more lewd Fennekin

Why won't Sup Forums get a loli, shota, and furry porn board? This would solve a lot of issues.

There was a talking slowking and some telepaths though.


What anime is this from?

>proceeds to stalk the thread until it 404s

>Fennekin get penetrated in multiple holes.
Gettin me all hot and bothered

Cats are weird in that they can tailor their vocalizations for different species. I mean cats only mew at humans.

user, at no point did the person I was replying to mention anything about porn. He stated that Pokemon belongs on /vp/, nothing more. So I told him to read the rules. Please see for more information as to why I made post

Furry porn board: It's called /mlp/.

loli and shota: Because faggots will spam CP. Literally a small group of CP faggots are what's stopping the creation of said boards.

I'm not even defending the foxfucker, In fact furfags are the reason Sup Forums typically has better pokemon discussion since they've overtaken /vp/ and made it shit.

I will defend Sup Forums having pokemon threads though. /vp/ wasn't like /vg/ where a posting method was becoming so popular it was actually ruining the board. It was made to deal with a problem that arises like every two years or so because faggots want the catalog to have less videogame threads, except moot rationalized it because "pokemon is old and massive, it deserves it's own board"

>what is /trash/

Well then someone needs to tell the mods Pokemon is allowed in /vp/ because some people were banned not too long ago for having Pokemon threads in Sup Forums. It's also no secret that Touhou threads get an auto-purge marker put on them by mods.

tl;dr - mods gonna make their own rules

maybe not the loli/shota, keep it to a booru or something unless we want to attract Chris Hansen

but a furry board yeah that'd help

I want a furry board but I want it to be a blue board.
Furry porn should just be sent to /h/ and /aco/ depending on who made it. Porn is boring and destroys discussion. See this thread as an example.

I've never been to /mlp/, but isn't it SFW? Either way, ponies don't cover sweet ass pokeporn and other nicely drawn art that isn't horse shit

Cats expel chemical shit and use body language, especially with their eyes to communicate. Meows are only for kittens. They do it as us because we don't respond to their chemical communication.

>Porn is boring
boy your nights must be exciting as fuck

>I've never been to /mlp/, but isn't it SFW?
ehh it can vary from what I've heard

Only a few can understand human speech. i.e.: Lapras and Lucario.

/b 2.0/ no one cares