Spend $2000 on a high end gaming PC only to be outdone by $350 machine

>spend $2000 on a high end gaming PC only to be outdone by $350 machine

Why is this allowed?

>c-console are h-holding us back
>meanwhile PC exclusive game looks like a mobile game

4k 120fps is so nice. cute movies though

*insert comment commenting on how every other thread around here is a console war*
*Insert second comment about consoles holding back the industry as a whole, when in reality the industry is holding the industry back to milk it for more money with less work*

>Goat Simulator running at 4k 120fps

Wow.... so glad i bought a $2000 PC

It's actually hilarious. I own both a high end PC and a PS4, and the reason we don't have games pushing graphics on the PC is probably because it would run like unoptimized shit on everything, similarly to how Crysis worked.

But don't worry! PC cucks can play TF2 on their $2000 PC at 4K 120FPS like this guy!

>consolefags mad jelly that I play witcher 3 and ds3 at 4k

Wow OP you really convinced me, now I really am a Cruz missile.

Try 3k

His specs are no were near 2k for a ever so slight difference.

Regardless I'm happy with my console I have a gayman PC and its an ASSFAGGOTS machine.


I'm just so tired, why can't we all just shut the fuck up about this

>DayZ in the New PC Games list

>$2000 PC
it's like they're the same person or something

>falling for the 4k placebo effect


I'm not that OP nigger, just check the post timing and IPs you retard. I just used the same example he did on the first post.

>both post are 10 seconds apart

Learn how to detect samefags, newfag

These threads never cease to amuse me. I can already imagine the smug grin on the console kiddy as he "totally reks those pc losers!"

Argue away boys, i'm gonna make a sandwich real quick

How can PC even compete?

pic related

Sad thing is, those are the only 6 games to come out on ps4 in entirety of its life span

Only a retard would buy a PC at this price
You can buy a computer that runs any game at max settings 60fps for less than 900 dollars

is that mount and blade??

>those rock textures and geometry
>that awful foilage


my pc cost me 800 bucks and i'm set for the next 2-3 years graphics wise, and vr ready.

stay mad consolecucks

Please stop lowering the quality of this board with threads like these. Sage.

>consolefags still don't get 1080p/60fps while I've been playing 1440p/90-144fps for a good few years and will move on to 4k this summer

Civ5 vs Civ6

>any of those games
You could at least put some effort into your shitposting, but then you wouldn't have your hyperbole would you sonycuck?

meanwhile in the image i replied to the plates and bowls look like they're made from a 3-d printer and the foliage outside the window looks 2008 tier

>going above 1080p
I never understood this, larger monitor =/= better graphics imo

>above 60fps
I understand this because smoothness and slowmotion for video editing

pack it up boys.

pc mustard race is finished

>Why is this allowed?
you can spend as much as you want on your PC

why WOULDN'T it be allowed?

When six games is all it takes to beat the pc

>pc exclusives
>has a bunch of multiplatform games on it

Good try I guess

>doesn't understand what resolution means
>thinks it's literally only his screen size
It's called pixel density, you moron google it.

Civ was never about graphics, you're a moron for even posting this picture.
There are plenty of games with high graphic quality, but most of them aren't AAA