which one?
how do they compare to other similar games like Binding of Isaac in terms of grinding for unlocks?
which one?
how do they compare to other similar games like Binding of Isaac in terms of grinding for unlocks?
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They're nothing alike. Get Nuclear Throne.
Nuclear throne is faster and harder, enemies are less spongy but deal a lot of damage. You dont really unlock a lot of things.
Enter the gungeon has shitty drop rate for high level guns and the bosses take a lot of damage and are more bullet-helly, this is more similiar to isaac in unlocking guns
Pirate Nuclear Throne to avoid supporting Islamic terrorism.
Buy Enter the Gungeon.
Sup Forums complains about gungeon, because iit requires more skill to play.
>it requires more skill to play
I like both games, but if you honestly think Gungeon is more difficult than Nuclear Throne there is something wrong with you.
Nuclear Throne is locked at 30FPS so it feels shit to play. Also the devs are massive cucks. Listen to this user
gungeon not only has replayability, depth and great level design it also is difficult and way more satisfying in couch co-op
I have 150 hours of NT. I dropped Gungeon because the skill floor was way too fucking high. NT is easy as shit.
With Gungeon, you don't get the feeling that you're ever "HOLY SHIT OP GG" or anything. At least, from what I've seen of it, anyway.
if Gungeon had infinite looping the same way NT does it probably would be harder actually
And this is compared to Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. At about 20 hours, I could at least win a few times. After 20 hours in Gungeon, I had only made it down to the 5th floor once.
What;'s the story behind this?
>What's the story behind a shitpost
>I dropped Gungeon because the skill floor was way too fucking high.
Maybe it's just me, but I personally find Gungeon to be way easier. It only took me a few runs to make it to the Dragon, whereas it took me fucking ages to make it to the Throne. I will say though, Bullet Hell is definitely challenging, and it's a fair challenge unlike looping in NT which is just "we're going to ramp it up until you literally can't survive."
Nuclear throne is fun, Enter the Gungeon is a much better game however, the Nuke Throne bro's will attack Enter the gungeon because its different and attacks something they like. Gungeon is much more complete as well as filled with more content.
As an NT fan, I agree with this. I love NT but it is very rough around the edges and lacks Gungeon's polish. It's clearly an unfinished game when you compare the two.
Some shitposts are very fascinating and I am eager to learn the story behind them
NT is meant to be a more pure tss, not have all the bells and whistles of gungeon like a ridiculously huge weapon selection or "synergies" or the like. Gungeon is aimed at the Isaac audience while NT is not really.
dev is a cuck who support islam
user wanted attention. The end. Fucking fascinating. Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
>NT isn't about synergies
>he hasn't been Steroids with dual shovels, Long Arms, Trigger Fingers, and Blood Lust
Fuck off.
At the heart of every shitpost is a grain of truth.
EtG quickly becomes dull.
There's no excitement in clearing rooms, since nothing interesting drops. You have to find chests to find new free stuff and often you'll get something that works just like your current gun, just slightly faster or more powerful.
Money is scarce as shit. Bosses are damage-sponges, especially if you haven't found any good weapon.
A good rogue-like-light-whatever makes it interesting to play all the time - every enemy could drop something neat, you might just find a pile of money, you can build your character up in various ways. None of that happens in EtG.
Almost all of the guns in Nuclear Throne are viable. All of the characters play differently and allow for unique play-styles.
You will get handed piles of shit for weapons for the majority of your run in Enter the Gungeon. The majority of the characters in Enter the Gungeon play virtually the same and have little variation in play-style.
>A good rogue-like-light-whatever makes it interesting to play all the time - every enemy could drop something neat
Enemies can't drop anything neat in Isaac can they?
>tfw I looped for the first time last night
Irrelevant since every floor is guaranteed to have a new item.
Same for gungeon though
Congrats on outing yourself.
I think they play a lot differently. I've found EtG to be a lot less forgiving (although I've only played an hour) but there's a lot of good things going on in it other than gameplay. Design wise, I think it's just the best.
Nuclear throne is a lot more fast paced however, but is still a pretty tough game to complete. However, I appreciate the reward system in it more.
Enter the Gungeon is basically a baby between Isaac and NT honestly in my opinion, but both are good. I need to play more of them.
I played NT first and loved it, I bought Gungeon and tried it, it just felt like playing Isaac again except even slower.
>2 chests
>boss drop
u wut
I love you, user.
Why didn't you respond
Yeah I think it's designed that way in order to keep the game challenging, which works to its detriment in a way.
Compare it to Isaac where you can easily become so game-breakingly powerful that you can steamroll the entire game blindfolded. But I guess that's what made Isaac so addictive, that ascent to ridiculousness that was different every time.
Because I played NT over a year ago and forgot there were synergies ;^)
this. Nuclear throne also has online multiplayer now
They should've just made two difficulty levels. Steamroller mode for Isaacpeople and the normal Gungeon mode
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenter the gungeon
Don't do that to yourself
Get Gungeon
What? Since when?
I really dislike not having an end point.
NT has several. Looping is only there for added challenge.
7 hours played
>nuckear throne
300+ hours played
I feel like gungeon is a slow paced game and not as fun nor difficult.
Also, gungeon's reload mechanic makes the game even slower
The gunplay in Nuclear Throbe feels meatier and each character has more unique differences than the ones in Gungeon.
Gungeon IS slow as fuck. Its the biggest reason I stopped playing. You have to dedicate a lot of time for ever shorter runs.
Enter the Gungeon has much better graphics but the gameplay is lacking. There's also some annoying balancing issues in that every gun feels the same and it's possible to fight two bosses without actually getting a new gun.
Nuclear Throne is a lot tighter in terms of the running and shooting. There's less exploration, but in exchange each floor acts like one big arena so you get some fun encounters.
Can someone explain why NT is locked at 30 fps when it's a fucking 2D pixel art game?
Game Maker
[citation needed]
Didnt play NT
Gungeon is absolute shit, too many guns work the same, too few powerups, too hard to get fun power ups, slow as shit, scaling enemies HP
They need to stop using that shit.
Gungeon has fantastic presentation and feels very polished but I couldn't play it for long periods of time. It feels slow, unsatisfying and the game is extremely stingy with guns and they aren't particularly useful. It feels like a very slow race to finish the first area and get to the fun.
Nuclear Throne is way faster with that crunchy feeling that I love, you only have your starting weapon for a few seconds and even then it's not that bad. Overall, you kill AND die way more quickly, for better or for worse. It still feels extremely unpolished, however and bad spawns can be kick in the dickhole in some particular stages.
with who?
since the devs approved of mods in the game now
I haven't played much of neither, but I hated how similar the characters in Gungeon were to each other.
agreed, while EtG looks pretty and runs like butter, the gameplay is really dull and starts to get boring after a short while. Especially because of a few things 1. If you do not get a good gun you are screwed and 2. the characters are way too similar to each other. Barely any difference
>creating online multiplayer is too difficult for us poor indies
>modders make it for free
Why are indies so fucking lazy? First the 30fps lock and then this shit.
>bad spawns can be kick in the dickhole in some particular stages.
>spawn into junkyard
>spawn into caves
>7 crystals waiting for you in a massive room at the end of a very narrow hallway with webs
>spawn into city
>spawn into labs
>6 exploding plants and a fucking spanish armada of freaks sitting right next to you
>spawn into throne
>IDPD spawns that follow with you are all in one little cove in a massive room which is filled with dog guardians, pick your poison asshole, also a heavy spawned
I don't really like EtG and it's level system and isaacs being so boring after you've seen all the rooms, but at least it prevents shit like this
okay I believe you thanks
This is why you take a melee weapon
30 fps lock is because of game maker though.
It took the guy 2 years to make the mod, it wouldn't have been released if the devs never gave permission for them to upload the mod
To be fair, 30 FPS feels fine to me in this game. I know a lot of people pull the whole
>playing a bullethell at 30 FPS
but personally it hasn't effected me at all. I kind of like it since it's smooth and feels more like playing a game back then with pixiliated graphics. I never like playing pixily games at 60 FPS, I don't know why.
Then they shouldn't have used fucking gamemaker to begin with, not to mention it does support 60fps. regardless.
But the worst part is that the devs defend the 30fps lock as an "artistic decision".
Also bullets are slow as fuck, so the need of 60FPS is not that strong.
agreed. It doesnt make that much of a difference when you're playing it.
Yeah that too. Something like touhou or whatever else (I don't play a lot of bullethells) would be killer. Nuclear throne is pretty light on bullet speed, and same with Gungeon
It doesn't matter if it works fine at 30fps, it's the fact that 60fps is still objectively superior.
Besides, Risk of Rain runs at 60fps and is also running on gamemaker, so why can't Nuclear Throne? Hell RoR also has online multiplayer even if it's barebones as fuck.
it is superior, but this is one of the very few games where 60 fps isn't necessary to play.
I really really do wish it could be on 60 fps but it works well on 30 fps anyways.
>All these people playing on PC who say "30 fps feels fine to me in this game"
Holy shit I'm a consolefag and 30 fps does not feel fine to me in any 2D game
its fine to me because i play on a toaster and often times i do not have the luxury of high frame rates
i'm working on that tho
I grew up playing vidya on 30 FPS. A consistent 30 FPS is fine. Any lower is when I start throwing a fit.
When you start noticing the ghosting any time you make a movement then your love for 30 fps in 2D games will explode
>pirated rebirth and nuke chair
>liked both and sunk hundreds of hours into them
>bored of them now
>sorta compelled to buy them
Enter the Gungeon is my personal GOTY, haven't played Nuclear Throne.
Enter the Gungeon is more about skill than Nuclear throne I'd say. Sure NT is harder but it is meant to be played cheap, you hide most of the time in NT because a single hit can kill you.The bullets come too fast and there are too many enemies on map so you can't play in open arenas unless you've killed most critters. NT is not really fair compared to EtG.
In EtG you can avoid everything as long as you time your jumps correctly, and you can't force your way to the final floor without skill. The bosses are a little bit bullet-spongey but it is to reward your stamina. You can beat EtG with a starting gun, it is long but it remains doable, in NT it's not doable.
Also NT is high-score focused, so there's no end for a playthrough outside of dying. EtG is closer to Isaac than NT, but keep in mind that most guns won't save you if you're bad at the game unlike Isaac.
Not that guy, but I'm guessing..
Made by Rami Ismael. "You don't have to be a gamer to make games". Hipster, SJW, Muslim, gets people he dislikes fired by inciting his large twitter fanbase. Scum.
Gungeon is too unforgiving imo. Barely any health or armor drops. I did get to the end with all 4 original characters though. Also, bulletkin guy is behind terrible fucking RNG.
>Sure NT is harder but it is meant to be played cheap
this pretty much
basically every good NT player uses the same kind of strategy to reliably get the highest scores
because NT simply gets way too hectic on loops you stack certain mutations that let you spam the hell out of all the super powerful weapons you get in loops and by doing that you kill a lot of enemies and by killing a lot of enemies you get a ton of health and ammo back because you also take the mutations that augment those things as well
loops are pretty much about just hanging on by a thread and trying to manage the chaos while your mutations do what you need them to
ultimately NT boils down to a very back and forth heavy game
you can go from full health to no health back to full health in literal seconds and half the time you won't even know what happened beyond the fact that you're alive and thats good
ETG is actually like the opposite of this
health and ammo drops but you can never rely on it because the game is not designed to give it to you when you need it
so if you mess up once or twice you're a lot more likely to lose
its not like dying takes very long in ETG if its gonna happen but it doesn't happen in the literal blink of an eye like it does in NT which means that overall consistent skill is more important
if you can simply not hemorrhage your HP from room to room floor to floor you can win
Yeah but the Bullet character is OP as all fuck. I beat all 4 characters pasts, got Bullet after RNG fuckery, played the bullet and beat the fucking Litch (Secret final endboss) on my second go as bullet mostly by spamming Blasphemy (sword) like a goddamn skrub. I can't go back to ETG after that, I'll stick to NT for my twinstick fix.
Does that group still have a lot of power in the indie scene, or have they disappeared up their own assholes?
But I want to be able to earn cheevos
play Gungeon if you like slow-ass Isaac shit
play NT if you're a real man
I've been playing on CoB since forever and those were never my problems
Nuclear Throne is much better.
Yes they do.
Imagine indie devs as being a bunch of a-social programmer nerds making the games they'd want to play.
Now pour in a bucket of hipsters who smell money and fame. Half of them don't even like games, but they're far better at PR and using social media to get attention. And when the nerds complain, they bully them.
As if that wasn't bad enough, social justice became their thing. So any time one of those icky nerds doesn't adhere to their sacred code, someone like Rami makes an angry post about it, and his followers do the rest. It's wonderful.