Enemies level with you

>enemies level with you
>when your destruction skill increases, the damage doesn't go up, the mana cost goes down instead
>at level 60-70 you literally spray a simple draugr with fire for 10 minutes and he never dies
>even if you always increase mana whenever you level up and always wear fortify mana gear, mana is never enough
>even master level destruction spells are barely enough at the normal difficulty

Why do RPG developers try as hard as they can to make sure magic sucks? Why would I want to roleplay as a knight wearing heavy armor and swords? I want to do magic, but in every game I play magicians are the worst class.

Because magic is for faggots.

>Why would I want to roleplay as a knight wearing heavy armor and swords?

Why WOULDN'T you? Are you a pussy or something?

>not using conjuration
>not summoning 2 dremora lords and watching them clear the entire dungeon for you

Most fun I had desu.
I wanna try an Illusion/Alteration build next.
Also, lightning is better than fire.

I liked conjuration too but it doesn't answer OP's question. Destruction magic has always been a nigger tier means of combat and there's no reason why it has to be.

dual cast Firebolt. all of the other fire spells are just a meme. the only good high level spell is Chain Lightning. but Firebolt, Ice Spike, and Lightning Bolt are good spells. you can kill Draugr Deathlords in 30 seconds using Firebolt.

doesn't the lightning storm just decimate everything though?


>he hasn't played Dragon's Dogma as a Sorcerer
Get on that shit, OP. Arguably one of the most overpowered classes.

>meteor shower spell that makes meteors actually look like they come from space, spread and destruction looks like it could destroy an entire city
>summon tornado that can even suck in the largest monsters
>summon ice barrage that makes castle size ice creations to explode everywhere
Such a fun game

If the warrior heavy weapons weren't so damn good I might have done spells, OH well.

Play Morrowind, faggot

>Flying around at the speed of sound
>casting a fireball with a 10 mile radius, killing everything
>going sanic speed across Vvardenfell
>basically changing your stats at will
>Paralyzing cunts so you can cast your giga fuck-you spell that you made at the guild last week

All easily fixed with mods.

Warrior is only good at the beginning of the game. End game and Dark Arisen, they're trash
Plus, only three skills.

Feels terrible.

Then again, one shotting bosses with one spell never gets old.

Or you could kill them in 2 hits with a hammer

Skyrim had the problem of fixed damage in its spells and no spell crafting system like we had in oblivion. A simple fix would be to implement the same system, but to add in a hard cap for mana cost reduction.

beasts and bandits are most susceptible to Ice, Draugr are weak to fire, and Mages are weak to Lightning. so the OP was using the correct spell.

well you can kill them in two hits with a dual cast Fireball, but you won't have any magicka left afterwards. the apprentice level spells will be your workhorse if you choose to play as a mage.

>finally a thread that allows me to complain about the thing Elder Scrolls does that annoys me the most


Magic is unuseable without mods in Skyrim.
Skyrim is, in fact, garbage without mods, whereas all other ES games are at least decent in vanilla.

That sucks, the whole point of playing a mage is to be weak early game but become a force of nature later on.

Having only three skills hurts Warriors in the long run, also besides Mages (the worst class in the game unless you're a healslut pawn) Warriors are arguably the worst class in BBI.

Both Sorcerors and Warriors are fun as fuck in Dragons Dogma though, it's a shame there's only one save file.

>decent in vanilla
what is oblivion?
even mods don't save it

Oblivion was fine in vanilla, it had good quest lines at least.
And the environments are top comf

It has shit combat like literally every other Bethesda game, though.

Goddamnit you people really are going to make me reinstall Skyrim aren't you.
I've been resisting the urge for months since I know all the trouble I'll have to go through to mod and set everything up but the topic keeps coming up, even now with the goddamned remaster that's coming up.

You think that's bad? Try playing as a thief and actually putting points into the godawful Speech, Pickpocket and Lockpicking trees only to be rewarded with endless Draugr Deathlords you can't possibly deal with, all for some shitty leveled loot in a game where money is fucking useless.

Just play Dragons Dogma instead

Memerim thread? Post good screenshots.

if you don't kneecap magic then it always ends up being dramatically better than other options
look at roguelikes for some good examples

>enemies level with you
Did you know that only one monster in the game doesn't have a level cap? Every monster in the game will stop leveling at a relatively low level. All but the shit that comes out of the aftershock quest missions, they'll always be set to 1.25x your level.

At least Requiem fixes it : )

Just remember all the problems and ridiculous things that exist in Skyrim and you'll forget about it again

You could at least level up one handed and roll with a dagger you know


actually they do

>doesn't the lightning storm just decimate everything though?
It's better than the other master spells, but that's not saying much. The biggest problem with it is the charge-up time and the fact that you can't move while casting it, so you need a lot of time and distance for it to be useful, and you usually don't have enough of either for it to be worthwhile. It's most useful against dragons, but only when they're far away, because you'll need your mobility once they get close enough to attack you.

thieves usually don't go around fighting user

why aren't there any mods to fix the fucking terrible dungeon design


you're supposed to use archery as your main combat skill as a thief. since draugr dungeons are so linear, when you find an enemy that's hard to deal with you can just shoot him and sneak back into the room you came from. rinse and repeat. boring and tedious, but that's what being a thief is all about.

Sure but then you might as well just use that because using any non-combat skills in this game only punishes you.

You will just install, spend 2 hours modding, play 10 minutes and then uninstall.

Balance in Elder Scrolls games has always been shit.

It's Stealth Archer > Stealth warrior/Rogue > power gap > Warrior > power gap > Mage

The only recent Elder Scrolls games where magic has been useful are the ones where it was bugged and you could exploit it (of when you used mods to fix it, but even then it's never reached the usefulness of just hitting shit).

The magic system used in the Elder Scrolls games is just fundamentally broken.

Yes I know thieves shouldn't be fighting head on, but the point is the scaling is just fucked because of this. You shouldn't be punished for getting good at speech or lockpicking.

>beasts and bandits are most susceptible to Ice
A lot of bandits are Nords with 50% ice resistance, and a lot of monsters resist it as well. Lightning is the best all-purpose element because almost nothing resists it and it hits instantly.

>2 hours modding
I goddamn wish user.
I once spent an entire week modding the game only to play 15 minutes of it and uninstall

play requiem

There is no mid-to-high level enemy who will die to two dual-cast Fireballs.


when i fight normal enemies in the wild the only spell that seems to stagger them is Ice Spike. maybe my game is bugged because all dual cast spells are supposed to cause a stagger, but against bandits and animals Ice is the only one that does it.

So do Path of Sorcery and PerMa, in case you don't care for the compatibility nightmare that is Requiem.

Good thing there are magic mods that don't care at all for balance and just focus on adding cool things

>civil war questline
>single-handedly assaulting a Stormcloak fort as a summoner who unleashes hordes of spiders and Flame Atronachs in the courtyard while you just stroll through the area watching your critters devour all opposition only to raise each dead soldier as a zombie as well

they might as well be dead if you have intense flames. they will "surrender" at their health will be so low you could kill them with a gentle breeze.

>not enhancing literally every aspect of the game with mods

Git gud at enchanting and make a bunch of clothes that reduce your destruction spell cost to zero percent.

Yeah, that sounds like a bug, or maybe it's more noticeable with ice because it's also supposed to slow enemies down. I never used the vanilla Impact perk, because I could tell how game breaking it was just from reading its description. Every magic mod I've ever used turns it into only a chance to stagger, not something that happens every time.

>All easily fixed with mods
>butt hurt modders removed their mods from nexus

what do?

Great, so now it doesn't cost you anything to stand there for five minutes shooting weak spells at things. That doesn't change the fact that your spells are so weak that you need to cast them for five minutes to kill anything.

>not using alchemy to make all your money

I managed to use magic to great effect. Fireball was a fucking awesome spell. You just suck at using magic. Maybe if you didn't spam the weakest spell in the game you'd kill something

Ahzidal's mask increases fire damage by %25
Such a shame that other Ahzidal items suck
>they added new spells Ignite and Freeze with the Dragonborn DLC
>they decided it would be a good idea to make sure the spells do less damage than the vanilla spells

tesg gave me only one good thing and it was perk ordinator

Shoot infinity fireballs, faggot, and also shoot infinity lightning patches or whatever that spell is called

Dragonborn DLC was literally fanservice for magicians. Every Black Book has a great buff for magic type of characters.

Fucking this. OP is just retarded.

>hurr I'm using a novice spell at higher levels y am i not killing anything???? ;_;

This, senpai

Conjuration is the only possible way to play this game on legendary difficulty.

>complaining about issues in a bugthesda game

Just don't play them. God forbid you actually spend money on them.

It's been known for YEARS that these games require GIGABYTES worth of mods to turn them into something acceptable.

I know that anything to do with stealth is broken as fuck in these games but Silent Cast + Impact + Icy Spear/Incinerate/I assume Thunderbolt + Stealth + all schools of magic free through exploiting enchanting and Necromage while being a vampire was fun.

>they're trash
You haven't played warrior in BBI, literally kills daimon's 2 forms in less than a minute without the need for periapts or explosive arrows.

They're really not that bad. They're not bad at all.
The only real downside to warrior is that it can get boring doing the downwards jump attack but overall it holds up really well at lv180-200 with BBI gear. The hp growth also turns you into a fucking tank which makes it better than all the other paper classes.

Oh wow, you're sure fitting in now kiddo.

You can do that in real life. You can't wield magic in real life.

Is Skyrim supposed to be persistently gray, dreary and gloomy, or am I just getting a raw deal on weather effects?

I like Morrowind but...
>Having to sleep and use potions to regain mana.

>Playing on novice
I mean we know you guys are casual faggots but come on, that's just being delusional, magic is the worst aspect of this fucking game.

haha yeah dude me too can't wait for skyrim 2!!!

sometimes it rains for days. i don't know what causes it, i never use that storm shout.

The point is that you shouldn't need infinity fireballs.

Mods fix it :^)

>Or explosive Arrows
Warrior can't use Explosive arrows.

Sorcerer, Magick Archer, Assassin and Ranger can kill Daimon's 2 forms on Hardmode in less than 10 seconds.

Yes, I've played BBI. Warrior is trash compared to other classes. I didn't say he couldn't do it. But when you have to spend considerably more time to kill bosses than one or two shotting them. Your class is shit.

>playing on PS3
>no mods
>10 minute loading screens
>game often crashes during the loading screen, forcing me to turn off my PS3
>shit textures, 15-20 fps

Is there anything consoles do better than PC?
other than bloodborne

>Muh leddit boogeyman

Sounds like you're just having bad luck with the RNG. Try the Clear Skies shout.

Destruction was pretty good for the previous games. Skyrim is the only one that did differently.

maybe it would be better to upgrade the spell intstead of just leaving it to clutter up the already horrendous inventory screen

multiplats run like shit on PS3 you should know this by now.

Games that had great magic.
I'll start with an easy one.

fuck i hate the scaling

it just is so unsatisfactory.

>hit something in the face with an explosion that sends everything in 20 feet flying across the room
>hit something in the face with an arrow
>clearly sticking out the back of the skull
>hit something in the face with a greatsword
>they hit me once with the same weapon

fuck you game

>i yield i yield
>never should have come here

fuck you, fuck you so much

shit, forgot pic

This is coming from the company who can't into ladders, so don't expect much.

Then mod it faggot.
The reason they made Magicka not regenerate is BECAUSE you can do all of that. You can also drain magicka from people, use the atronach sign which gives you spell absorption, or even use the Mark in the dungeon, Almsivi/Divine Intervention out, sleep, and then Recall back to the dungeon.
If you go the route of modding, I would recommend putting the regen at a very low value. Different mods have different speeds and sometimes it gets ridiculous.

A spell crafting system would have just been one more mechanic to make the game far too complicated for the wider audience Bethesda was trying to reach.

Save backups, retard.

There's also that mod piracy thing

>Playing on a hard difficulty
>whining when the game is hard
user, you're retarded.

>OP posts shitty bait
>86 replies

truly neo-Sup Forums
skyrimfags are the worst

This literally sums up my first character in Skyrim. Meanwhile, my brother playing a rogue at the same time is going around with insane multiplicative damage in the thousands with stealth backstabs. Fucking garbage. It's like no one playtested the game at all.

Yeah, I always download manually and keep all the archives around, just in case I ever want them later and can't get them on the Internet.

>Warrior can't use Explosive arrows.
Yeah no shit.

>in less than 10 seconds
By cheesing it with periapts and explosive arrows. You haven't played warrior in BBI,

If you're really complaining about a class not being able to cheese bosses then I think you might be trash at this game. Stop being such a tryhard.

Just get that one Dragon Priest hood that raises mana regen 100% and equip Archmage robes.

It makes the two hoods glitch into each other, but it gives you the highest magic boosts in Vanilla Skyrim as far as I know.

Then you should be fine for mana.
No one actually cares though.

Here's a great way to make mana recharge in Morrowind:
>drain intelligence on self (for a very large amount) for 1 sec

Maybe I'm bad, but I recall getting my as beat when I tried playing vanilla skyrim as a heavy armour sword and boarder.

Is there something I missed or what

>Yeah no shit.
You were the one who brought it up to begin with.

>Cheesing it
No. It's just that most other classes are strong, while warrior is weak as fuck. You don't need to use periapts, you don't need to use any bullshit bugs or tricks. You can just kill him that fast on almost every class, BUT the warrior.

I love The Warrior class more than any other class. But the fact of the matter is, he's arguably worse than a Fighter and less useful than a mage.

one would think that since i can cast a spell that allows me to do 115 dmg and causes a massive explosion, as a wizzard, i would have found a way to make those baby flames by now to grow into an ultra face melting version due to having mastery of the destruction school.
but no.
i get to enjoy being lvl100 destruction and do 5dmg against a draugr, that now has 500% the base heath pool.

thanks, its fun, no i enjoy getting hit in the face and quaffing potions to make up for the fact that i (a glass "cannon") that hits as hard as a wet noodle.

where did I whine about it being difficult?
it's piss easy on legendary with a stealth archer
I swear people of Sup Forums sometimes can exceed any expectations in their stupidity, game clearly has serious issues with wthe way it works / is created and yet there are delusional people who keep forcing their fantasies in a place of the reality. Just get out mr mage. go 50hit a draugr with some high lvl spells of yours.