What is the perfect team for King of the Hill?
What is the perfect team for King of the Hill?
I'd swap Winston with D.Va
Disagree, that shield is more useful
get rid of Reaper
put in zenyatta for damage support
Maybe swap Pharah for Tracer
Bobby, Hank, Boomhauer, and Dale.
What the fuck is up with tracer's legs?
Either way, the GOAT koth team is 2 Tracers, 2 Winston, Lucio, and Mei/Zarya/Mercy
Yeah if people ever stood inside of it. D.Va is better than Winston when playing with a uncoordinated team, and furthermore her shield is the best thing in the game for stopping Reapers, Pharahs, Soldiers and McCrees Ult which you know will happen in a KOTH.
D.Va is trash, and has no place on any perfect team.
>swapping anything with D.Va
Needs a Rein.
I don't care where.
Double Zarya Double Lucio Reaper Genji/Tracer
Mercy, Lucio, Winston, Zarya, Soldier 76, Pharrah
Lucio and Reaper are 100% definitively the best King of the Hill heroes
All others in OP image are depending on the map
Maybe replace 76 with a Pharah
Drop Junkrat for Roadhog.
Winston is godly for any map. His weapon hits multiple targets and the shield is perfect for asserting dominance on the point.
needs a mercy
>Bobby instead of John Redcorn
>Not abusing "Russian lady of bugged RMB's" for free wins.
No, reaper is perfect for point skirmishes.
I'd say get rid of junkrat for a mercy.
Look at him he thinks he knows shit about the meta.
Anything with a pushback
Seriously, EVERY koth map has good spots for easy environment kills (though there's usually one in the three that's tougher)
D.Va is absolutely amazing for KOTH since you can use her ult on the point and your team can cap it in a second
Double Lucio is what pro teams run on King of the Hill.
can propane and propane accessories be used as weapons
>reaper is a top tier pick on literally every game mode
feels good
Depends entirely on map. I thought this was obvious.
That shield is shit since it disappears in seconds and once it's gone, it has a long ass cooldown before it comes back. But D.Va is overall more shit than Winston anyways so I'll give you that. Anyways, best tanks are Reinhart and Roadhog.
>His weapon hits multiple targets
Which would be great if it did more than lightly tickled them
>the shield is perfect for asserting dominance on the point.
Which would be great if it were stronger than wet 1-ply toilet paper
Winston is good for annoying snipers and his ult. He's basically a Reinhardt that trades shield strength for mobility and coverage - but again, Winston's shield is so fucking weak it won't last more than half a second in a teamfight
Tanks aren't actually all that useful in king of the hill anyway
Operation: Monkey Trouble is the best setup for everything until it gets nerfed.
It's 6 Winstons :^)
>best tanks are Reinhart and Roadhog.
6 Winstons.
Only after the McCree nerf.
I personally prefer Bobby tank with Luanne support. Everything else is up in the air.
Where the fuck is Bill?
>come in here to do this
God dammit you ninja fucker.
I've never played overwatch and I clicked on this thread because I thought it was a thread for hank hill's overwatch team
6 winstons can be countered by 2 pharahs
You need a Kahn in there for good push aggro.
Swap out Winston with Reinhardt
>Mcree nerf was supposed to stop him from killing tanks
>Fan is now only effective against tanks
Hilarious, and annoying that now Genji's get to roam free with no real counters besides an ape who only does so marginally.
Hes right though, roadhog is tracers only counter now and hes pretty decent now that mccree is gone. Reinhardt is just reinhardt.
yes, I'm guilty of not reading the thread before posting
commence bullying
Feels good, genji is barrels of fun.
Finally got his shurikens down now that I can consistantly headshot dodging targets. I love shutting down supports and squishes.
change tracer to roadhog and you're right
Genji's counter is the person playing him
I liked Yu Yu Hakusho's english dub.
Winston can be great sometimes, but as soon as the enemy team has two Reapers, he's outlived his usefulness.
Nigga too strong at this moment, him and Tracer are obnoxious to deal with these days.
True enough, higher I get though the less this becomes a thing. Starting to encounter dudes who can actually land shots.
Peggy's useless after the nerf. You need to get a Bobby or Cotton to round out the team.
It depends a lot on the enemy comp. If they're running a reaper and roadhog and their only healer is Lucio, I wouldn't use Winston unless it was to counter a good Genji and/or Widow.
This. So rare to find a good Genji player but when you face one, they're harder to deal with than a good Tracer.
Clearly your 6 Winstons aren't well practiced in the art of chimping out.
Swap Junkrat with Zarya/Reinhardt/Mercy and you'll have a solid shitter stomping team
In fact you can swap S76 with another Reaper as well and you should win the majority of your KotH matches.
This is the best answer