Just got a ps4 because my friends all have them
What games are good?
>no shootershit
>must have multi-player
>no weebshit
Just got a ps4 because my friends all have them
that's it
the games your friend are playing... Why r Aamerican so dum b?
Uncharted 4 also looks pretty gud for what it is, but I just can't justify spending 80CAD on a 8 hour game
I want Reddit to leave
>no shooters
>no jrpgs
cool so like over half of the console library
This. OP is retarded.
>Why r Aamerican so dum b?
because we spend all day everday eating mcdonalds hamburgers and shooting machine guns duh
>buys ps4
>doesn't play shooters or weebshit
literally just bloodborne
if you don't like it sell the console because there's nothing else that isn't a shooter or weeb
They play Rocket League, FIFA, and Overwatch constantly. Part of me wants to mix it up a little since anytime I hang out with them it's just those on loop
>sports and waifubait
nigger just end yourself
There's more that those two genre of games on the ps4 right?
Why are you still a normalfag?
You fucked up big time my dude
enjoy your Bloodborne machine
Shooters and weebshit are ps4 bread and butter. You fucked up
Is the XBone any better?
>Buying a console without knowing what games you want
Sonydrones sure are fucking retarded
It's a normalfag machine, so it might be better for you
It has the same games minus weebshit, and they all run at 720p with heavy framerate drops.
As an xbox user it did, but since the game exclusive are going to be on PC i might as well bulid one and sell my xbox
>no shooter
>no weebshit
Get a nintendo console you fucking retard
Also >>>/reddit/
Ew no none of that kiddie shit
>no shootershit
>must have multi-player
>no weebshit
What are you even looking for? FIFA?
>I care about what my friends think of the videogames I play!
>I-I don't want to play childish videogames because people are gonna judge me!
>I only play mature games for mature people like myself
Normalfags are truly the worst. Being content with living under the pressure of others
Then video game is not for you. Find another hobby or maybe kill yourself.
List of games that meet your criteria that are PS exclusive:
1. Bloodborne
Idort here.
I barely touch the thing these days. If you don't like shooters you're fucked since almost all Xbone exclusives are FPS and TPS games.
Ratchet and Clank seemed good. Keep in mind I've never played any of the games before. Bloodborne was fun, and before you call weebshit, BB isn't weebshit. Neptunia and Atelier are weebshit.
>the only game that isn't a shooter or autistic week trash is FIFA
>describes what I want
>wHaT dO yOu EvEn WaNt
A non-weeb shit, multi-player game that isn't a shooter. On a ps4.
>Ew no none of that kiddie shit
But I thought only nintenyearolds enjoy ninty games and it's all the same shit with them
>A non-weeb shit, multi-player game that isn't a shooter. On a ps4.
Kill yourself please
Get a game they are playing you fucking mongoloid.
You've got to be shitting me. There has got to be more than that and bloodborn
That's what all the dudebro trash I know IRL play
Dudebros are disgusting, and it disgusts me even more knowing that those people are posting on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
PS4 is literally Weeb Shit - The Console
Why would anyone buy one?
>Why would anyone buy one?
Because I'm not a normalfag who cares about what other people think of the games I play?
He's asking op, retard.
>the only game that isn't a shooter or autistic week trash is FIFA
Not a Sonydrone or a weeb (obvious given I actually like good games) but you can try DiRT Rally, Alien Isolation, Divinity Original Sin, Tropico 5
Although I think the last one is ill suited for consoles I have a hyper casual console gaming friend that loves it, and I liked 4
OP here,
So pretty much you all are saying that the only games that aren't shooters or weeb trash with any sort of multi player are:
>Rocket League
What the hell kind of system is this??
Are you telling me this thing is so popular because of 2 genres??
>why would anyone buy one?
Reading is hard, huh?
What the fuck counts as "weebshit" and what doesn't
Fucking redditors and their buzzwords
Get Earth Defense Force 4.1 you gigantic faggot and shoot giant insects with your friends
>Just got a ps4 because my friends all have them
>hates dudebro trash
>bought a PS4
You're both fucking terrible, PS4 is like containment DRM for all the cancer of gaming.
So you son't want to play
>kiddy nintendo shit
Those consists of like 90% of video games. Just get another hobby.
>weeb machine for degenerates
Kill yourself.
Cancer detected
What about adventure games?
What about puzzle games?
What about horror games?
What about racing games?
Are those genres dead???
Project Diva Future Tone
Nice argument buddy. You sure showed me.
>No shooter shit.
>No weeb shit.
Enjoy your 400 dollar Netflix viewer.
PS4 is CoDs platform of choice. It's a console for dude bros, niggers, and kissless virgins who watch shitty anime.
Triggered dudebro detected
OP here,
You're only proving me right that Sony fanboys are a ucking cancer, buddy
>adventure game
Still alive
>puzzle game
Mobile trash
>racing game
arcade trash
>Horror game
Youtuber bait
>I don't want to be judged
Why are you trying so hard to fit in? First day at Sup Forums?
Reddit is that way
>I'm not a Sup Forumsirgin who needs his waifu to sing him a song to make him feel better
Feels good
>waifuing vocaloids
How do you waifu something that doesn't even have a canon personality
Fuck off Chris Chan
I'm beginning to miss my dreamcast
Same way you waifu fictional characters :)
>I'm not a sheep who depends on other people's opinions to make him feel better
Feels good
By being a massive loser who's resigned any hope of breeding
If your only goal in life is to breed then you have some fucked up priorities
What the fuck is wrong with you
Don't let the real world stop you from being the biggest fucking loser possible, you're beyond salvaging anyway
Go back to facebook and be a normalfag there
if i ever see you in china ill kick your ass nigger
Natural selection in action
Why would I ever want to visit that shithole of a country
OP Herr:
Why has this thread become atheists v. Weebs
It must be hard living every day caring about what others will think of you and not being able to do whatever you want in fear that you will offend others and be labeled a "loser"
No shooters or weeaboo shit? You wasted your money on that ps4.
>thread turned out to be autistic underage vs weebshit degenerates
Guess it's time to 404
>being a literal animal who only cares about his animalistic instincts
It must be hard not having friends and having to tell yourself that's because your better than that
OP here
It's about that time already? But the initial b8 was working so well...
Street Fighter,SoulsBorne,A bunch of indies,
It's that time.
>having friends is important
Hey i like your bait desu. Thread turned into a literal degenerate war.
Bloodborne. It gives the PS4 purpose
That's not how natural selection works
It's not like weebfaggotry and other "degeneracy" is genetic
Why do normalfags come here? What is it about this place that makes it attractive to them?
It's time.
It's pretty easy not being an autistic loser faggot who needs to fill the void of being a permavirgin with bug-eyed cartoon girls and feigning superiority and brotherhood with other anonymous people online that I'll never know.(the closest you'll come to having a friend)
Everything that makes you the giant beta you are that led you down this path of failure will die with you, alone.
This is the best thing that can happen
Is it time to post cute anime girls?
>is it time to prove just how much of a faggot I am?
Nobody ever doubted you
>autistic loser faggot
It's pretty sad that people who enjoy unusual things are given this label just for enjoying unusual things
What's wrong with enjoying things? I guess anyone who has an unusual hobby or interest is an autistic loser faggot.
I guess it's time then
Why are europoors so prone to generalizations?