The more Sony shows off the more mediocre this game begins to look.
The more Sony shows off the more mediocre this game begins to look
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Looks k
t. PC """""gamer"""""""""
From the very beginning this shit looked like the part of Far Cry where you grind wild animals for crafting parts but instead it was the entire game. Robbits are cool but you're not even hunting them in a neat environment, it's your standard deciduous forest open world fare.
And it will still sell very well.
>it's a "I'm cool because I'm contrary" episode
I have a PS4, retard.
Eh, it'll be a decent open world game with good art direction and design.
t. sonyggers who blinds themselves to the truth
interested in it when it was announced
delayed to 2017
wake me up when its out
thx brah
All cinematic games are mediocre, not just Sony ones, although Sony is known for pushing story over gameplay the most.
Teenagers still buy that shit en masse though.
Is cinematic the new weeaboo? Like it has lost all it meaning at this point.
Every game can look mediocre but all that matters are those sales, baby!
its almost as if video games are a for profit industry
It would be more accurate to say that all western games have gone to shit, not just cinematic shit.
The more I see the less interested I become. The reveal trailer was pretty good, then I saw the second trailer and I lost some interest. Then I saw more and more gameplay and it seems pretty bare-bones to be honest. Based on gameplay shown already, it doesn't have a stable framerate and the dialogue is kind of shit. That dialogue wheel segment in the E3 demo was laughably bad. Pretty much looks like we've seen all there is to gameplay and Guerrilla Game isn't known to make good anything outside of grafix.
I wasn't even being sarcastic. People can bitch and moan all they want but the money is what talks. But you know that.
No fucking shit, everybody known that. CoD and BF are shit game series yet they keep getting sequels and spinoffs because people keep buying them. This thread was about game quality, not sales.
>the dialouge is kind of shit
You heard 1 character interaction and the dialogue wheel showed a sidequest. How many sidequests did you want from that interaction to be considered ''good''?
The gameplay shown already didn't cover half of the game has, the demo didnt explore the skill tree, the crafting system, the range meele attacks nor the full catlaouge of weapons.
You're such a fucking contrarian it hurts, there are many other visible flaws this game has but you chose to be vuage because have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
You want to see a barebones tech demo with no gameplay? Check out Zelda breath of the wild fire.
>the crafting system
When has a game ever had a good crafting system?
Who cares? This game looks shit anyways. FF15 is the real hype.
The game honestly looks fine. No one here has played it, but everyone will complain. It's the Sup Forums thing to do.
The complete opposite really, the more I see the game the more I'm interested in it.
Honestly? After the new Zelda was revealed, and it looked like it was doing this exact premise but far better, i don't plan on getting this.
What dose Zelda even do better?
You don't need to play a game to see that it looks mediocre.
>8 hours long
>70/100 on metacritic
Calling it now. Everything they've shown so far looks way too on-rails.
I honestly wonder about anyone who thought this looked good to begin with.
You don't need to play a game to make useless shitposts, either
The Witchers series had pretty good ones. Besides 3's booze replenishes everything system.
I've played a good amount of shitty-looking games and I had a blast so I don't know my man.
Variety of weapons, locals, art direction, and the size of the open world. Obviously, I'd need to get my hands on both to feel the mechanical differences for combat and such, but from what we've seen Zelda looks like the better game.
I thought it looked and played great at e3, the enemies look like a blast to fight and im intrested in the plot
Have a gripe with the dialoug wheel
Lol but this is Sup Forums every game on earth sucks here
I loved Killzone 2 and 3 but I also understand they weren't exactly fantastic games either.
I don't think Guerilla is a true AAA company bro.
>He says this after MGV is released
>The more Sony shows off the more mediocre this game begins to look
And the less likely I am to buy a PS4 just for one game.
Surely by now everybody knows they have a vested interest to overhype exclusives in order to shift hardware but who hasn't already bought into one system already? What's the point?
"""supposedly""" all of the trailers are much more scripted than the gameplay demo that was available at E3, for marketing purposes.
2 million
Why though? Being exclusive at this point in the console cycle just wastes sales. Everyone has already bought a PC or a console by now.
All the dialogue that Aloy has with herself and robots is shit, the dialogue she has with that one guy running away was shit, and the dialogue she had with her father in the trailer was shit. Based on first impressions of videos that Sony has shown off, the dialogue seems to be mediocre at best.
We've seen almost all there is to combat already. Aloy has a bow, a slingshot, and a spear to fight with. We've seen item gathering and we've gotten a glimpse at crafting. If you haven't you're retarded because you haven't seen the gameplay demos showing it off yet. We've basically seen everything in regards to combat.
>You're such a fucking contrarian it hurts, there are many other visible flaws this game has but you chose to be vuage because have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
This meme again? First off, retards like you don't know what the definition of contrarian really means. It means you just dislike something that is liked, it doesn't mean you dislike something popular because it's popular. By definition, everybody is a contrarian because everybody dislikes something that is popular.
Lastly, I already did that. I talked about the poor first impression dialogue, the poor frame pacing, and the simplistic combat system. What other things should I be complaining about then, user?
>You want to see a barebones tech demo with no gameplay? Check out Zelda breath of the wild fire.
The BotW demo was nothing but gameplay, I don't know what you're even trying to imply here. It had a better gameplay demo than Horizon did. Why are you even mentioning that game? It's irrelevant to the topic at hand.
>Variety of weapons
Horizons weapon true variety hasn't even been shown yet but considering you can blow off a Dinosaurs rocket launcher and use it against him I'd say Zelda has to do more than typical bow, spear and axe combinations to touch Horizons weapon variety. Also from what we've seen the enemy AI and the animations are all far more technically superior, even basic melee attacks look way better.
>Art direction
Zelda looks like hot garbage right now, thee games colour pallet is inconsistent and unaesthetic/washed out, it's also no real accomplishment on a technical level compared to the artstyle and the technical detail Horizon is pushing. Go look at a game like Abzu to see cell shaded done correctly and properly. Zelda looks like a cheap knock off in comparison, it's artstyle is inferior in almost every way.
I honestly hope you're just trolling.
Everything but graphics.
>anything that I disagree with is a shitpost
I like something you don't, so I must be trolling?
Looks like a solid 8, will probably buy on clearance.
The first time I saw gameplay footage at the conference it looked like the epitome of B-tier game in this day and age. Maybe it could have been decent with that platforming and shit on a PS2 but it looks terrible.
The game has no tutorial dialogue in the final game, it was there just to appease casuals who are too stupid to comprehend what's going on as the game was being played.
>We've seen almost all there is to combat already.
Stop fucking lying you dumb contrarian cunt. Geurilla has confirmed that you will have an extremely huge range of weapons and skills to use in the game which is not limited to ranged and long ranged weapons and environmental weapons like bombs, not to mention we've already seen the game using robots parts against them, you're so fucking uninformed.
Western games have gone to shit because they all want the big mainstream bux and are compromising their games for it. Japanese games don't have this problem because they ahve to overcome cultural differences in the first place which pretty much means they can rarely achieve muti million sales their western counterparts regularly get, unless we're talking massive established franchises like Final Fantasy and shit. Real quality in western games has moved to independent projects not looking for major returns on their investments and only that, but you have to go neck deep into shit to find those good titles because game making was never easier so everyone and their dog is making game and most of it is trash.
>Horizons weapon true variety hasn't even been shown yet but considering
But it has? Aloy has a fucking bow, a slingshot, and a harpoon shooter than she uses for traps. It's probably going to be like Witcher where the only weapon upgrades are just new bows/slingshots with better stats.
Link has swords, spears, axes, clubs, hammers, sticks, bombs, and we've likely not seen all the different types of main weapons he can carry around. We have for Aloy.
BotW most definitely has better locales than Horizon does, based on the demo we've seen.
>actually trying to argue that BotW's art direction looks bad, let alone worse than Horizon's attempts at art direction
Photorealism graphics are really fucking bland. BotW has much better art direction that Horizon and we've only seen it through shitty low quality youtube videos.
>But it has?
That's all we've seen so far, Geurilla has already confirmed there is a ton of stuff they haven't shown, it's safe to assume there will be grenades, homing missiles and other longrange/short ranged weapons to use. Who gives a fuck if there are axes and clubs in a game, they're just reskinned assets with the same animations just called different things. Oh wow I have 45 differnt kind of ''sticks'' to use while the enemy just stand there and tank my attacks because Nintendo couldnt code more complex AI.
>BotW most definitely has better locales than Horizon does, based on the demo we've seen.
I was going to say they're about even but no, everything in Zelda has been shown in Horizon, forest, snow, mountain ranges, Zelda doesn't have ancient apocalyptic cities.
>The BotW demo was nothing but gameplay, I don't know what you're even trying to imply here. It had a better gameplay demo than Horizon did
How? What did the Zelda demos do that was original in the slightest? Physics-based puzzles? We've seen the shit before in Half-Life.
fuck off weeb
>Stop fucking lying you dumb contrarian cunt.
Are you pretending to be retarded right now? We've literally seen all the combat. The weapon wheel shows that she only has four different weapon choices, tho of which go to her bow, one to her slingshot, and the other to her harpoon-caster which isn't really even an active weapon like the others, it's more like a tool. She also has a dedicated button to melee. That's everything and upgrades will likely be numbers/cosmetic, but nothing else. She probably don't be dropping her bow for a rifle or a pistol user.
>not to mention we've already seen the game using robots parts against them
Yes, and? What does that have to do with har weapon loadout? That also changes nothing that I've said up until now.
Now I know you're just being retarded on purpose.
>Geurilla has confirmed that you will have an extremely huge range of weapons and skills
You know that CD Project did this with Witcher 3? That means fucking nothing. Witcher 3 has a metric fuck ton of different swords but they were all just swords, there weren't claymores or halberds or spears to use. Devs say this kind of stuff all the time. It's all marketing PR talk.
>Zelda doesn't have ancient apocalyptic cities.
>pic related slightly
>Zelda doesn't have ancient apocalyptic cities.
The cities was taken out of the demo to avoid spoilers.
Dunno, as a Zeldafag Horizon looks pretty cool and I want to play it. I don't even have a PS4 but watching the game at E3 gave me the urge to get it. I can have Bloodborne and Nier too.
>How? What did the Zelda demos do that was original in the slightest? Physics-based puzzles? We've seen the shit before in Half-Life.
What the fuck has Horizon done either? Robot, dinosaurs, and robot dinosaurs in an apocalyptic setting aren't original either.
>Zelda doesn't have ancient apocalyptic cities.
Yes it does, retard.
Honestly by the trailer the game looks more populated by enemis than Zelda. BotW looks pretty empty and that worries me. I'm guessing enemies will pop up the more you play the game, maybe? I hope so.
I'm worried this ends up like another TP but now with less dungeons.
But I like the bf series
How do you even get the impression he's a weeb? Its clear Japanese publishers would be doing the EXACT same thing if they could get away with. We've seen it with their western studios.
>Are you pretending to be retarded right now? We've literally seen all the combat.
Stopped reading there. Geurilla has come out and all but confirmed that there is a much bigger weapon selection that hasn't been shown, even what has been shown right now is more varied then Zeldas arsenal, Zelda just wins on the merit of sheer quantity with different kinds of extremely similar mellee weapon.
Whats the difference between the Club and the Hammer?
If by cities you mean villages then yeah
I just hope the cavelady doesn't fucking talk so much in the release. The premise is amazing, but as OP said, the more I see of it, the more it fails to meet my hopes and expetations
Considering there is an entire ecology and all the robots obey a social heirachy within their groups I'd say that's pretty impressive.
Yeah, but that isn't original, that's just decent programming.
Never said it was, just saying technically Horizon is kind of impressive and considering Zelda is pushing 10 polygons I sure hope it has more than 10 unique weapons to choose from.
That's great, but it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. That isn't original at all.
looked amazing to me at e3. did they show something new since then?
Nothing beside a jap demo of the E3 demo with some new meele attacks and finisher animations
I like it already and plan to get it. Poor you.
>Geurilla has come out and all but confirmed that there is a much bigger weapon selection that hasn't been shown
That means fucking nothing. That can mean that they just have 50 different bows for Aloy to use. Also source?
>even what has been shown right now is more varied then Zeldas arsenal
Absolutely not. She has a bow and a slingshot which act extremely similar to each other, difference being that one is just slower and has a "big effect" damage type while the other is father but weaker.
Link not only has a bow and a slingshot but also sword weapon types like long-swords and claymores, club weapon types like clubs and axes, and spear weapon types. We've seen environmental interactivity with bombs, fire, and wind and how they can affect combat.
i am so hype for this game
>You know that CD Project did this with Witcher 3? That means fucking nothing. Witcher 3 has a metric fuck ton of different swords but they were all just swords, there weren't claymores or halberds or spears to use. Devs say this kind of stuff all the time. It's all marketing PR talk.
Sony isnt CD Project though, it's not in their best interest to have a limited weapon arsenal for a new IP they are trying to turn into a series, Witcher 3 could get away with it but Horizon has less chance. Zelda also might have different types of polearm weapons but so did DS3 and so many of them had the same mechanics and animations, they were just named differently. Zelda having a spear and an axe that are in fact mechanically unique isn't even that impressive.
looks like generic open world meme shit like the new zelda desu.
I honestly don't understand why people will argue about games like this. I plan on getting both games. It seems like people are always on one side for something.
So fucking what if Link can use multiple weapons? It's fucking Link.
>Sony isnt CD Project though
Does this matter at all? Sony fucks up so many times and this is your response? Based on early impressions, it doesn't seem like there will be any other weapon types for Aloy based on her loadout.
Hey, don't look at me. I'm not the one who brought up Zelda out of nowhere.
>It seems like people are always on one side for something.
That's how people work: We have a group mentality, and we hate those others. If you claim that you don't think this way to some degree, you're only lying to yourself.
I'm talking about video games you fuckface.
>Also source?
>Horizon: Zero Dawn Gets New Info on Outfits, “Several” Heavy Weapons and More
>You can shoot explosive traps to make them explode even if the machines don’t directly touch them.
>If you can knock off weapons from a machine, it changes their attack pattern.
Also since you're talking about the fire and wind mechanic which is neat:
>The override is a great way to turn the tide of the battle by making machines fight on your side. There is a progression to it, and you’ll be able to do more with it as the game progresses.
>Overriding different machines has different effects.
>When you loot your enemies you can either use the parts to craft equipment or bring them to a merchant. There’s an entire economy within the game. You can buy new weapons and new outfits. For instance, there is an outfit that protects you against poison.
This makes sense. People who have been watching zelda press releases and are facinated at how well it uses age old ideas to make a mediocre game.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Nintendo fanboys? They truly are the Apple of gaming.
Yeah well I don't and the new Zelda looks like overrated generic garbage.
It applies to videogames too: there are two similar games that were shown off at E3, so no shit people are going to pick a side and argue.
>There are several heavy weapons you can retrieve from machines dead or alive.
Scalebound looks way better than Nier Automata. Looks actually worth 60 dollars
>Interesting looking new ip coming out
>Sup Forums shits on it while pretending to already know what it's about and how long it will be
>meanwhile these same people cum buckets over a generic as fuck looking Zelda
For once, the frogposter is right.
>there are two similar games
They REALLY aren't similar though, Zelda is an open world sandbox with some neat tech/basic gameplay systems, Horizon is taking the shape of a full on action RPG with a much better progression path and level design.
That's why I'm asking what's wrong with those people. Because two games have an open world means they are similar? When it comes to games, I'll play any that occupy my interests. It seems unreal when someone argues about what this game does "better" than that game. It just makes me imagine what kind of people they are in real life. It's purely subjective unless it's from a technical POV.
>Zelda is an open world sandbox
stopped reading there
>unless it's from a technical POV
Agreed but from a technical point of view, Horizon is objectively superior on that front alone.
>better level design
The robot enemies bored me, so I lost interest early on.
It's not just an empty landscape with hills.
It actually looks like a WORLD. A real, lived in, world, with rules and ecology, not just shit sprayed about.
You fucking what? Scalebound looks like garbage.
We've already seen her pick up a rocket launcher from an enemy, this isn't news.
>>Horizon: Zero Dawn Gets New Info on Outfits, “Several” Heavy Weapons and More
See above.
>>When you loot your enemies you can either use the parts to craft equipment or bring them to a merchant. There’s an entire economy within the game. You can buy new weapons and new outfits. For instance, there is an outfit that protects you against poison.
Yes, And?
The only thing you have a point about is the hacking.
Name me an open world game that wasn't mediocre in many ways
Zelda has town, cities, shrines, and dungeons as well you blind oaf, did you not read any news of the game?
>It actually looks like a WORLD. A real, lived in, world, with rules and ecology, not just shit sprayed about.
Literally the exact same thing with Zelda. Also this ecology thing means fucking nothing, and it isn't even anything major. Witcher 3 did that also. It just means that you can buy and trade stuff.
Game is going to be better than any Uncharted/TR shit.
>Game is going to be better than any Uncharted/TR shit.
As if that is even a fucking accomplishment. Uncharted is overrated movietrash.
Horizon won't sell nearly as well or get as good of reviews.
My only complaint about this game is the heroine.
She looks generic as fuck, at least give me the option to customize the protag
Sup Forumsirgins in a nutshell, triggered by an unreleased original IP because the protagonist is a woman.
No one ITT ever complained about the protag outside of her shitty dialogue.
>robot dinosaurs
>sliding bow and arrow
>making new gadgets