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I hope you got the latest Steam version
A fun time.
Tied with REmake for best RE game
A near perfect game. Probably the best in the series and DEFINITELY the best of the action genre version of RE
Action, spooks, and the president's daughter.
Baby's first RE.
the best videogames have to offer
for the PS2, PS3, and PS4 generation
I did
My only concerns are how well it was ported and how well it plays with keyboard and mouse
Good game, stop memeing and just play it fagot, use a controller
A game
Some of the worst hitboxes in any game ever.
Super easy if you plan on using a mouse.
The first chapter really is a hell of a ride the first time you play it.
Rescue the dog
Dont be smalltime
I dont know which pistol is actually the best but the red9 is the most satisfying so get that and upgrade it fully
when you get the option to buy the striker do not do it, it sucks
Kino motherfucker
small time
A great game.
Also get the HD texture pack, it only covers 1/3 of the game as of now but it's infinitely better than the standard textures.
Dont be a pussy, kill everything you see
Also shoot into lake before you get on the boat
I remember the dog but what is the small time reference?
i too wish to know
the beginning of the downfall for the game franchise
Dialogue in a cutscene about 2/3rds into the game.
Punisher > every other handgun
Riot Gun > every other shotgun
If you don't use the TMP you're a fag
A good game.
Bad controls
no that was RE7, literally isn't even RE
>turned the franchise into a action shooter
>hurr it was fun tho
Fuck off
good but overpraised to hell and back
the level design is extremely linear/ hallway-like
only boss that comes close to being resident evil is probably U-3
and the best segment of the game is the first 3 chapters
>Close to being resident evil
Opinion discarded. Judge a game on it's own merit and not your stupid nostalgia.
Being very perturbed by chainsaw noises and the sight of teeth
It is litteraly one of the best third person shooters though.
And its not like it completely ditches the resident evil formula. The enemy designs are still good, the regenerator being the nicest looking and most intimidating enemy in the series.
You still have tank controlls, even if the camera isn't fixed.
I did and coincidentally enough every other boss is straight out of a 10 year olds notebook ( el gigante, saddler)
RE5 was my first RE and I can still easily say that REmake is the best out of the entire series
RE4 is mostly overpraised by retarded console only kids who hadnt played max payne back in the day
Use a contoller unless you absolutely can't
>RE3: Nemesis not the best RE
>What am I in for Sup Forums?
Play it and find out is the only correct answer.
The AAA 3D adventure seed
Also Tetris inventory
>Shittiest of the PS1 REs
>The best
I am not OP
But i have been playing this for the last few days having so much fucking fun
Is there any you guys would suggest playing next? Is this really the best re4
I might even just replay at a harder difficulty level.
The best, most enjoyable inventory system known to autists.
Mostly cause capcom tries to get another team to try and recreate the mikami style but also attempting to appeal to a wider audience.
This. I don't know why, but RE3 has a special place in my heart.
git gud
True inspiration of every AAA title
Controls aged badly
>shittiest boss is the most like RE
guess I'll never play them if that's what I can expect
A good game.
I will wait until the swellest texture mod for a game yet is done before replaying it. Go google re4 HD mod to see the changes.
Shit is never getting finished
Red9 is the best you shit sucking smeglord
Its only positive quality is the high damage. Other than that, it's slow, worse to handle, takes up tons of space, has slower reload speed, and other things
>high damage
It's fucking king, baby. It's ludicrous.
Oh no, I can't empty my knapsack of all my bullets! Good thing they pack a mean punch.
>worse to handle
How does this even translate ingame? You can add a stock to it to improve aiming and reduce recoil.
>takes up space
Oh no, now I can't fit this tenth green herb!
>slower reload
An engagement shouldn't take more than 22 bullets.
>other things
literally nothing
The punisher is painfully situational and weak as piss. You can easily bust a shield bearers head with the rifle.
Face it. The Red9 is too good.
>I don't know how to use shot placement with any handgun to handle crowds of enemies with one bullet
You'll cowards don't even suplex beaners
This motherfucker though
I killed him knife only no items with just my magnum dong
pic related: the dong in question
The stock is as big as an entire fish, gay boy.
Your move, power smasher.
To enjoy RE4 you have to realize it's not a standard TPS.
You don't move while shooting and you don't always go for headshots. It has a heavy focus on stunning with firearms and then using melee attacks.
People who complain about the gameplay being dated most likely don't grasp the gameplay fully. The mechanics are very well thought out even by modern standards.
Typical red9 babby
You're hand will come off
Plays better with a keyboard / mouse than it does with a controller desu senpai
The wii version has the best controls though
Aiming is for chumps.
Blacktail is best handgun, striker is best shotgun.
That's a strange way of spelling Red9.
>using any loadout besides default Handgun, free Punisher, starter shotgun, BAR, Broken Butterfly and the occasional Mine Thrower/TMP for when you feel like being a shitter
What meme did I miss out on? Is this one of those BR things?
An OK shooter with outdated graphics and mechanics. Obnoxious drama bosses characteristic for jap games. Useless item management (there is always enough ammo and health). "Puzzles" for 3 yr olds.
All the Max Paynes were on console you fucking tard.
A pretty fucking great game
Prepare to be let down with literally every following game in the series though
...Except Revelations.
When will you, retards, stop this meme? Rev 2 > 6 > 5 > 4
kill yourself
No u
user....you're small time
Why did Rev 2 lack so many features that were in 6? Why was the engine so fucking shit?
It came out three fucking years after 6 did.
I think due to 6 getting a lot of backlash. They try to reinvent the formula a bit. Honestly I didn't feel like anything was actually missing, or that rev was incomplete
Really? Because I got the impression they spent all their time on raid mode, which was just mostly (entirely?) maps ripped from 6 except looking and running like shit.
TMP is for semen slurping faggots
Why is Krauser such a best boy?
Subsequent AAA have nailed the control scheme for this type of gameplay
Arkham saga comes to mind
by today's standards, the only decent controller scheme for re4 is the wii one
They should have revamped the controls in the HD version
dont upgrade striker it sucks cock actually
>There are people in there that never used mine launcher for more than a single level
How are you able to live with yourself?
RE4 on wii is fucking amazing
Looks like shit though, but it's probably still my favourite version.
How have they improved on the RE4 control scheme? You are making claims one after the other without any arguments.
How the fuck are there people who still haven't played this game?
>Tap X really fast : the game.
Isn't that God of War? Just O instead of X
>waggle wiimote really fast: the game
Those boulder scenes never fail to make me smile
One of the best action games ever made.
i'am completely indifferent to the RE series in general
>tfw use both the TMP and the Red 9
does that make me half a faggot or something?
so i just marathoned the first level
pretty good
>one level
quality entertainment
When is this coming to ps4 EU?
fall. probably near Halloween because SPOOOOKY!
so yeah, you can buy this for the 10th time. and wonder why Capcom is so awful.
because REV1 was a babby handheld game and the sequel continued its simplified style
but at the least they tried to make RE atmospheric again, which they partially succeeded in
as it stands, it's
2 > REmake > 4 > 3 > 5 > *quality drop* > CV = REV2 = RE = 0 > eating shit > the rest
it was always action shooter.
Don't bother buying any other garbage ass handguns until you get the Blacktail.
Just don't buy any other guns except for the Blacktail. A fully upgraded Blacktail fucking wrecks shit like no other. Except for the Killer7 of course.