Is Dead Space a good game?

Is Dead Space a good game?

I really dislike getting spooped but I thought it might be fun.

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It's pretty cute.

>EA games

on hard though

Why don't you try it yourself you fucking faggot

i hate jumpscares but i enjoyed that game enough to beat it 3 or 4 times

Evil Dead 2 in space.

1 and 2 are pretty good. 3 tries to force you into playing online co-op and microtransactions for minerals.
Did you forget Burnout Paradise?

Especially Dead Space 2.
I never played DS3 cause it looked like hot shit.

It's pretty good. Atmosphere is great, there's some p-good le boo jump scares roffle moments.

It's like an Event Horizon video game. If Even Horizon was actually good.

Visceral was a good dev though. EA has nothing to do other than shitting up DLC for the third game.

It's more of a shooter than a spooper, you'll have fun.

haha spooped! :3

The first game is arguably the best. The second is also very good.

The third is good if you think that it makes sense to fight with another guy for your ex-girlfriend while the three of you are on an alien hiveworld.

Seriously, what a fucking stupid game Dead Space 3 was.

It's goddamn amazing
Play it now
One of the best games of last gen.

I thought it was cool but incredibly drawn out.

I mean fuck I know Isaac is an engineer but holy shit too much running around fixing shit.

If you play the prequel dead space extraction you follow a group of survivors that while trying to escape the ishimura, set up a lot of the roadblocks and later 'sabotages' for issac while trying to escape. For instance they turned off the guns that shoot the asteroids because they didnt want their escape pod to get blown up with them.

Visceral did Dante's Inferno too didn't they? That was also a really solid GoW-clone.

That shit was indeed retarded, but it was still a fun game if you take out the cutscenes.

It's pretty good.
Not a scary game at all and this coming from a massive pussy because you're given legit ways to defend yourself and you grow noticeably stronger over the course of the game.

I think the design of the space ships and other future tech was top tier. Not too scary, decent atmosphere in 1. 2 refined the shooting and added some weapon variety but it lost the little bit of atmosphere that 1 had. I recommend it, and then if you like it, pick up 2. Never played 3 because of the co-op and micro-transaction bullshit.

DS- Alien
DS2- Aliens
DS3- Alien Resurrection

Dead Space is basically Doom 3 done right.

no its shit
its just retarded jump scares but the 1st one had a somewhat decent story so people consider it great

Dead Space was one of the best games last gen.

The first is the best
Second is still fun and honestly has a good conclusion
Wont even touch 3. The series is dead

>Not a scary game at all
Fuck you, man.
My asshole was the size of a pin when the Hunter suddenly appears and is chasing you through a maze of beds you need to move out of the way.

This is accurate

>he didn't bring any tripmines

How is Dead Space 1 Alien? Both 1 and 2 are Aliens.

>Did you forget Burnout Paradise?
i wish i could
ruined the series

It is.

Sup Forums will shit on it because it's gotten sequels. But it is a good game.

>Not just standing in a corner
They aren't that smart.

Pulse Rifle seemed to work fine. Though their introduction in the church kind of stressed me out
>Door is smashed, cant progress
>Can still hear these fuckers in the room, running and giggling at me
>Game wants me to walk dead center of the room to backtrack
>"Im not fucking doing it, thats stupid, perfect chance for me to get flanked!"
>Stand there
>"...........FUCK FINE"
>I can never stop screaming and shooting

Sup Forums love the shit out of 1 and 2
can't say the same about 3 though

Use the plasma cutter, no one can handle it.

Relatively, DS1 isn't as action heavy as 2. It also takes place on a lone ship instead of a colony type place.

Alien lacked action period though.

>military battleship full of heavily armed and armored space marines takes an escape pod with a single slasher in it
>not en enhanced slasher or a brute, just a regular slasher
>everyone onboard is wiped out in less than an hour

>the first weapon is the best weapon in the game
feels good

Plasma cutter was mid tier in 2.

Pulse rifle shat on everything uncontested.
Dead Space's weapons were really good in general outside of the ripper and flamethrower

You must literally have no idea what you're talking about lol

It's not bad. Rubbish monster designs though, and it's probably too easy on default.

military? i'm pretty sure it was a mining ship.

>incoherent response

The USM Valor you FUCKING retard

Yes, don't worry it's not scary. It's mostly just loud noises and whispering in the distance.

Dead Space 1 Isaac > 2 and 3 Isaac.

He was far more interesting as a kind of faceless, mute schizophrenic engineer.

DS1 was really good with a big focus on survival horror.
DS2 was a great improvement from DS1 except in a few aspects.
DS3 had a nice start until you land on the planet. Then the game shits itself and becomes dull.

Well, they didn't really expect something like that in an escape pod, and every single guy killed adds onto the number of things in the ship, with plenty of that stasis speedup shit.

>I'm a gay baby I'm waa waa mad you didn't instantly know exactly what I was talking about with my vague statement!!!!!!!!

Stay safe retard.