Demons Souls is my favorite game of all time

>Demons Souls is my favorite game of all time
>Progressively like future games less and less
>Play Dark Souls 3
>Get around 70% through the game, around Lothric Castle
>Don't feel like finishing it. Messed around in PvP a bit, and then dropped it. Never played again.

Why? I really wanted to like this game. I wanted to see how the rest of it turned out. But I couldn't, it wasn't fun any more. What the fuck happened?

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The originals (DeS, DS and BB) have something really unique that has make me play them over hundreds of hours, but I feel the same way as you with DS2 and DS3. They are just rehashes.

Demons souls had the biggest areas so they were more immersive. I remember going through most of the levels and having to do the tower of latria with the lights on because the mind flayers were terrifying.

everyone feels the same way.

souls has been run dry, the third game was utterly devoid of a soul.

From hasn't made a good game since dark souls 1, ds2 and bb both were bland too.

>tower of latria
it was go weird going through the Latria knockoff in DaS3. Like, if you looked at the level design objectively, it was pretty good. It was going for the same horror atmosphere and memorability of Latria, and it it did a decent job at it.

However, it missed something. In the end it's not nearly as memorable nor does it pull off the same effect. I think it's because Latria actually fit in the world and had a story to tell specifically relating to its design and theme, and it kept expanding on it throughout world 3. The jail cells of 3-1 were only the beginning of the rot which this unholy institution contained. In comparison Irithyll Dungeons feels completely random and shoehorned in because they wanted to do 3-1 again.

It's this kind of soulless and half-hearted feeling I got all throughout DaS3. Perhaps it's more simple, and was merely caused the lack of originality and absolute egregious references and callbacks to past games.

Dark Souls 3 is just a rehash, simple as that.

It had too much light but I kind of miss that decent level design you are talking about. The enemies felt also always awkward in that area (as through the whole of DS3).

>finished DaS3
>kind of disappointing
>decide to buy PS3 and DeS because it's supposed to be the best one
>start it up
>motion blur
>can't turn it off
fucking consoles


I like DS3 although I haven't played DS.

BB was my first souls game and i had no idea what the FUCK hit me. Didn't even beat the Cleric Beast. Shame.

Don't get me wrong, I still beat DS3 multiple times but none of the areas were very memorable or interesting.
It had great boss fights, but I like exploring areas and find it the hallmark of the series.
In that regard, DaS2 is actually slightly better, despite the boss fights in 2 being generally trash by comparison.

I haven't played BB yet, but as I said I only JUST bought a PS3 so I'm quite patient.

>tfw consolefags were criticizing dark souls 3's beta for not having motion blur which they later turned on in the full game

Absolutely autistic.

BB is a corridor simulator. Zero exploration.

Bloodborne is a corridor the same way DS3 is a corridor. There's branching paths, sure, but the open world is almost an illusion of maybe which of two options to choose at the moment.

DeS that is a corridor, or more like 5 corridors.

Every other Souls game is significantly larger though. BB is so small, narrow, and linear.

And as far as exploration rewards go, I hope you like blood vials and silver bullets!!!

Hated how there was nothing of value to find or collect. You get the best weapon right at the beginning of the game and most of the armor is functionally the same.

I hate how the DLC weapons require you to go several hours in and beat one of the strongest bosses in the game before getting them.

Bitch, all I want is to make a Church Pick build. Why can't I just buy it from gamestart, or find it in a church, or god forbid maybe in the chalice dungeons? It's shit like this that kills BB's replayability.

The sad thing is vanilla BB is even longer than DS3 without the chalice but the half assed areas like the swamps or the chalice dungeons (aka Demon Ruins) make it seem longer.

you can only play the same game so many times before they start to become boring.

Ds2 used a shit engine and your brain hated that.

Ds3 had no poise and your brain hated that.

user, DeS had no poise either.


Demon's souls was built for it from the ground up. Ds3 was built for poise as evidenced by game code. You know these two things aren't the same but decided to shitpost anyway

is that why we're embered instead of hollow?
trying to light a flame that was once there?

I mean, if you're really good Ludwig can be your second boss in the game, right? Maybe 4th but I forget if the moon has to change for you to access the nightmare.