You're buying my DLC, aren't you?

You're buying my DLC, aren't you?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not buying your shitty game. I'd do it if you were on the Wii U, but you're on the 3DS, and I need a fucking New 3DS to get even 30 FPS. Fuck that. I'd rather get 60 on a Wii U.

You CAN buy it on the Wii U, user.

I bought the season pass ,so yes,I did buy you

Yes. You're beautiful.

Yes, and it probably wasn't the best idea since I'm only halfway through the Master Quest map and Monster Hunter Generations comes out in two weeks.

That said, putting Sheik's Lv 4+ Harp that early in Koholint was nice, so I now have that before even getting her Lv 3 one.

Is the DLC not up for the 3ds at the moment?

Your game is boring and repetitive, I'd rather buy your doujins if you get any.

My Wii U copy is currently at the apartment I'm moving into, hopefully nintendo doesn't release a new firmware patch before I even get the chance to buy it.

You have to manually download the update from the eShop since it's so big. Then open the ingame shop to buy/unlock it.

>doing things just because a pretty girl tells you to

I bought a New 3DS just for her

Pssh, faggot

I own both versions and have all the DLC for both.

>Boots Linkle

You took a spot from characters I actually wanted.

>Download the update
>Start the game
>Immediately receive 1.5 million rupees, three fairies and lots of items

Noice, going to start playing again. Also buying the full DLC pack soon

>no interaction with Link
>no new story mode
>just an adventure map

I'll pass. Let me know when she gets to be reunited with Link

I would but I haven't bought the first dlc. I have to spend like $43 to catch up with all that shit. Also what is best way to get rupees and levels. I'm kinda new.

imagine the rundown ahead is that guy's list of injustice to avenge



Does she have a malon costume so I can pretend best girl got in?

>best girl
Literally kill yourself.

Pick one

Okay, I pick taste.
What's the next step?

Reyn Time is the next step.

>feels just like a dream

>I'm really feeling it

What did she mean by this?

Fiora confirmed to be an incarnation of Zelda

I'm all for cute girls but...
she doesnt really seem to be much of a warrior

I want Onox or actual people who, you know, fight

She meant that she is for once, REALLY feeling it, as she isn't real and has never before felt anything "really"

Panty shots?

That's an incredibly short list.

Even Zelda and Impa don't make that list, and they were some of the first characters revealed.

I know she doesn't really have much of a personality in Link's Awakening, but I can't help but feel they got it all wrong. Marin in the game seems to have a bit of a crazy and reckless streak that she hides behind a soft and sweet attitude.

Don't exist. First thing people tried, user, nothing but shadows/void above the thigh.

Only the void and emptiness of our broken dreams.

I don't think we played the same game. Marin was an innocent, caring girl, I don't know where you're getting this "crazy and reckless" thing from.


If it had been in a slightly better game, I would have, Marin, believe me.

Well that's a shame.

Money saved.

>character that technically doesn't even exist gets in before Malon
I like Marin but come the fuck on

Saria when

The last thing Hyrule Warriors needs is more Ocarina shit.


>Get excited for new characters
>Already maxed out all the adventure maps from the base game and DLC
>No more new maps or content for the Wii U just characters

What's the fucking point then!? Thanks for killing the game Koei!

But Marin is real, she's a Seagull.

Remove marin
add malon

>No more new maps or content for the Wii U just characters
>What's the fucking point then!?
More grinding.

Excuse me, but who IS this semen demon?

I'm waiting for some short change hero to give Loadiine pirate DLC support. Would stick to FBI, but Hyrule Warrior Legends is shit in comparison.

>tfw you've only been playing every now and then when you're bored, and just finished clearing the first Adventure map

I get to use all these neato characters for years to come because that's how long it's going to take me at the rate I'm going.

Have you ever even bought a copy of Link's Awakening?

DX. Yes. Way back in 2002 when my parents couldn't afford to get me a Gamecube.

>got around to finishing the story mode
>decide to start the Adventure Mode
>unlock Ruto and Agitha
>spent a bunch of time in the bottom right because I thought I needed the hookshot to get Agitha made available (when I only needed the Water Bombs)
>look at the clock
>I've been playing for 7 hours
Just how long are these maps?

Literally who?

And what about Marin's panty shots you promised us.

Marin has none but what about Lana? Any characters actually have panty shots?

When you take her into the trendy game and she picks up the guy who runs the game.

When you keep hitting cuccos she tells you to stop and first but if you keep doing it she goes crazy and wants you to do it more

She teases you when you do things like break pots and looking in people's drawers.

She goes off on her own to try to wake up the Windfish, but gets caught by monsters and put high on the broken bridge.

She's a sweet and caring girl but she has a mischievous side.

Nope. Waiting for Linebeck and Ravio.

Just buy the season pass. You know you want to.

Not really. Since it looks like these updates will be sprinkled out for a long time, not sure if i'll even be still playing by the time the last ones come out. And it gives me a chance to voice my opinion on what else i'd like to see, rather than just tell them i'll take whatever they put out. I'm against season passes in general but this case in particular is kind of like the best example of why.

>Just how long are these maps?
You might wanna buckle in, user. You're gonna be here for a while.

Fuck off shill.

>enter a thread with the OP acting as Marin asking if you're going to buy "her" DLC
>complain about a reply that is joking and another that is just describing how long the Adventure Mode is in the base game

Nah, you're going to remain a memory of my 8 year old brain.

>shill on damage control

I'm a big zelda fan that never ended up buying Hyrule Warriors.

Should I buy it now? My WiiU has been gathering dust for nearly a year.

Yes. 100+ hours of grindy but fun gameplay awaits.


If you're happy with 2-4 year old Nintendo games being overpriced, go ahead.


>Americans actually let manufacturers set prices at retail
"land of the free"

But the adventure mode maps LITERALLY take at least 100+ hours all together. If you want to debate the quality of those hours, then that's another subject entirely, but their length is not something you can really question.

Do I have to repirate the season pass If I already pirated it to get Medli?

Depends on the the version. Twilight Princess Zelda was obviously trained how to fight, and if I'm remembering right, in the comic in the LttP manual Impa may have fought? I can't remember for sure.

Medli was a free update though?

I don't wanna buy the 3DS game, gimme the code for Wii U instead.

just buy the legends char pack for wii u

maybe if I could play your content on Wii U, I would.

So we can all agree that Linebeck should be the PH/ST character, right?

He should be but he's not a waifu. So enjoy ghost toon zelda instead

We just have to tell Koei to fuck off with that shit already. Like they shouldnt have learned their lesson already waiting this long to give us Skull Kid. And by the time we got him he couldnt even use the fucking moon drop.


Fuck you. I bought the Wii U game and all the DLC, and then the 3DS version comes out with even more DLC, some of which isn't available on the Wii U. I'm done with your game. Let me know when there's a sequel so I can wait for the complete edition of it.

Silly user, small children cannot fight.

What if she was a big girl instead?

>Didn't buy the 3DS version because I already put 300+ hours into the Wii U version and I'm not starting over
>Waited patiently for the Wii U only release
>None of the new skins from the 3DS version are available on Wii U
>Nothing extra to really do besides use the new characters in the game
>Can't put Linkle's hood up or down

Fucking hell guys

Maybe if we bitch enough, they'll add the skins to the Wii U version

Wouldn't surprise me if they added them in through future updates.

Then she is only good for milking

I hope so. Link and Toon Link's Outset Island alt colors are fucking sexy, same thing with Tron Ganondorf.

>Can't put Linkle's hood up or down
Just press x when she has no charge.

Oh shit, really? I didn't know that. Thanks!

I was hoping for something like Cia, though. Choosing up and down, or no green jacket at all.

I bought the season pass for the 3DS version.

>Wii U version doesn't have WW Ganondorf robes

>3DS doesn't have Ganon's Fury

> Delicious 10 fps... so amazing :D

>3DS has a third less enemies on screen at any given time but the kill counter still goes up like that third is still in the game