>strolling along and having a blast
>this motherfucker appears out of thin air
what do you do?
>strolling along and having a blast
>this motherfucker appears out of thin air
what do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
what will it do?
It will loom closer
..then what?
redial ytpmvs
it hurts
Provide context, not everyone knows what game this is
Requesting that one image of bomberman stuck behind a wall with the detailed face of regret. You know the one.
Is that some motherfucking Bomberman Hero? Underrated classic!
Bomb the fuck out of it, of course
Behind a bomb I mean.
... what?
Fuck this boss fight
haven't played that shit since my age was a single digit, its real fucking chill, quality OST too
ur a fgt
fuck bomberman hero gameplay, music is where its at
Bomberman Hero, fucking dumbass.
Turn him into tendies
64 is better
Thanks, but what's with all the hostility? If you don't automatically know every game in existence you get called a fag now?
time for some kickass music
How new are you
welcome to Sup Forums
That jungle soundtrack. I fucking lived bomberman hero
>implying it's a Sup Forums thing
And you are a faggot, too
Not new, but I expected this stupid cliched answer
>but I expected this stupid cliched answer
Then why are you asking these questions?
Where do you think you are?
And what level is your max badass in battleborn?
Fuck you you ball licking, dog raping, cum slurping, shit eating, dick sucking, piss guzzling, faggot-ass nigger faggot jew motherfucker.
If you expected this kind of answer then why did you even ask? Fucking dumbass.
Damn straight it is.
Because I still make the mistake of thinking people on /v could be able to have a normal discussion instead of memeing it up to the max
fucking jew cock
Second Attack is the best Bomberman game ever made.
Second Attack is weak compared to 64
here I am trying to enjoy bomberman hero again and instead i'm thinking damn this 64 sounds real good, would be playing it right now but senpai this soundtrack is the bomb
I miss that edgy motherfucker...
But not as much as I miss Regulus.
Well I disagree, you man of decent taste.
I don't know, I feel like SA is just 64 but with more content, better story and characters, an awesome variety of bombs and Pommy!
Max is my favorite Kamen Rider.
I honestly just really don't like the direction the gameplay took in TSA. The fact it went back to being grid-based and more puzzle-focused feels like a setback from 64, at least for me. Pommy's cute, I could never hate Pommy.
I want to fuck that balloon and raise family with beautiful balloon chickens.
wtf dude pls.
pls what?
get the fuck out you barneyfag horsefucker.
Cerea worst girl Rachnee best.
Barneyfags want to fuck cartoon horses, not real ones you meme spouting fuck.
Real ones are even WORSE.
Everyone knows 2d is greater than 3d
You are the meme denying fuck
You are the WORST TURK since you can't even get your ass backward degeneracy right
But I'm not a Turk
A likely story
Just as likely as you being the original poster which you are not based on a deep analysis of both your posts please do not try to ruse me
Feels bad to like DK64 and Bomberman Hero, every time someone talks about either I get a bit excited but the conversation always shifts towards Banjo Kazooie or Bomberman 64/Second Attack. I know the games have their flaws but damn if I don't fucking love them regardless.
I always enjoyed the sheer variety of Hero, as well as its more action-oriented gameplay.
Something about its atmosphere was positively charming, as well, even more so than the other games in the series.
I love DK64, too, man. Underrated as fuck, it was better than Kazooie, but not Tooie.
Jesus it has been a long ass time since i played bomberman hero.
You should play it right now.
there hasn't been enemies like this since the early 00s
looking slick
Rad fanart.
Bomberman, I miss you.
I love the atmosphere, it's a specific one that I can't feel with other games, the gameplay is pretty fun imo so I'm not sure why people hate it so much, the music is top notch too.
I'd say it's bias since it's my first game but I still love the game to death. Can't hate on Banjo either because it reminded me of DK64 so much when I finally got to play it, I'll be starting Tooie pretty soon.
Don't worry, he lives as a mobile game
man, I wish these games ran well on the n64 emulator
i'm still using project 64, is there a better one?
also bomberman second attack stage select music is what I fall asleep to every night. Shits comfy.
You could try Mupen64Plus maybe. Honestly you're better off just playing it on the real thing. Unfortunately the non-Japanese version of TSA is expensive as hell
shit i started playing on PJ64 1.6 and I'm too far gone to update it
only crashed once so far, autosaves every level so eh