So when you play a fantasy games with character creators...

So when you play a fantasy games with character creators, do you typically choose your gender based on the class that you feel like playing?

For example, I pretty much never play as a male Paladin, personally. qt gril holy warriors or bust. But if I'm playing as a thief, I always roll a male. Charismatic, dickass scoundrels just work better as males, I think.

No, always the girl.

Perhaps I just secretly want the D

Same, unless it's a multiplayer game.

always the female because I want to be one and games are my only escape.

>not autisticly play as a male and self insert in your first playthrough
> and then play as a literal slut in the second

Fist type weapons, blunt weapons and polearms are always male.

Everything else is female.

Half and half honestly.


I make a female 100% of the time because waifu

Always super stronk aryan man

homos suck my white cock

Yeah, whenever I run a fist weapon character, I do a male, it just feels right.

Light/Small Weapons, Magic, and Polearms are almost always male for me.

Heavy Weapons, Divine, and Sword/Board are almost always female for me.

Archery is 50/50.

Martials = male
Casters = female
Hybrids depend on certain factors. I usually roll female paladins and male druids for example.

This thread is so sexist. Girls can be warriors too!

There is literally a circlejerkfest among mmorpg user communities about their in-game AGP avatars, dedicated to dress-ups and shit like that instead of actual gameplay.

shits sad bro

they should make castration and hormone therapy mandatory for every faggot who wants to get fukt and doesnt appreciate their dick

what game is that?

I get immersed in MMOs pretty easily so I only play a female if the males look completely fucking retarded, like TERA's humans and elves.

I have no idea, to be honest.
It might be a Skyrim mod.

maybe.. but that armor is neat, i wanted to know where is it from at least..

>do you typically choose your gender based on the class that you feel like playing?
Not at all. It comes down to what gender character I feel like using to wreck shit up.

Black Desert Online.
It's pretty but it's trash.


what are some fun single player games with a character creator where I can make a qt paladin?


damn nice, is it some new class?

I make a character in my head and play whatever that character is.

I do this for all games that let you customize your character.

I make the sluttiest cumslut possible and jerk off to her.

I always go girl unless there's an option to be a cute shota, or if the races are sufficiently furry in which case I may roll a dude

Well I've been playing Dark Souls recently, and it's pretty fun.
You really have to struggle to make a really qt girl in that game, though.

>Pick male character
>Game's artstyle makes them all Xbox huge with giant hands

>Pick girl character of X race
>Armor is incredibly stupid or slutty
>Switch races until something nice actually pops up
If no decent or good armor shows up I drop the game.

I am not against slut outfits, I just don't want it mandatory. Slut gear is for off duty, not adventuring

>play a wizard/mage type
always a male for wizard dickery, sometimes an elf if possible for even more smug.
>warrior/fighter type
a cute chick, but in heavy plate. I can never do slut-wear, it feels wrong and a strong warrior woman in full armor is my fetish.

There's literally no methodology to my gender / class combinations whatsoever. It feels stupid to play directly into stereotypes and it feels stupid to intentionally subvert them so I just make the character I want to make and play as the class I want to play. Maybe I've developed a personality for that character in my head and pick a class that suits that, or maybe I don't, who even cares.

Usually female regardless of the class because character creators simply seem to favor females more. And I surely don't lack taste in men but for some reason it's boring to create males and they never come out right.

>a cute chick, but in heavy plate
This. More games should do it, slut gear has gotten old as shit.

For Honor has one.

The game doesn't look fun but the armor design is 11/10

depends on the character models.

I choose female almost exclusively. I prefer looking at females, no matter what they are doing.

The singular exception would be a game with a super feminine type class, like "bunny girl" or something. Then I might go male for pure irony.

If I get a preview of what the character may look like in ultimate armor sets I pick whichever looks a bit cooler.
But usually the women have more to customize in character generators so I tend to learn towards them for that.

>female or male
Gender is a wide variety of possibilities. What you've meant is sex.

Looks like the Valkyrie, not new.

you should put a bit more effort into your bait

Male human, female anything else because that's my fetish

What game is this?

If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd have $2

Damn, Making a character like that almost makes me want to play. I have a couple friends that keep telling me its a comfy merchant simulator on top of being an MMO. I just want to make a hot melee spear wielding goddess though.

Always male with the exception of gender locked classes, but I dislike those strongly.

It's Oblivion.

How new can you be?

Male or Female I try to make my character either the most demi-god beautiful as possible or uglier than the swamp.

If I properly care about the game's story and you play an actual character rather than one of ten million clones, then I'll always go male by default. Sometimes female if there is a specific roleplay opportunity I can see, on second playthroughs.

If it's some random MMO then I'll just go with whatever looks better. And typically females are more attractive than males are good looking male characters and not bishonen garbage.

Nice mercy skin how did you get it?

sorry im new here i heard this is an overwatch board

Yeah I do, I normally look up the class and what it's about then craft an idea for the character I want to play.

I can't play female characters. I need some degree of self insertion to enjoy a game, and if the only thing I can achieve that with is having the character share my gender, then that's what I do.

Unless there's some huge racial or gender stat differences I play females. Or if the female models are ugly as sin

Usually goes Race>Class>Gender for me so I guess not really?

link to the armor mods?

Rarely. I only play males if the females have a terrible case of manface (only a problem in western games) or if they have terrible animations/armor compared to males.

Some of my WoW characters are guys solely because of the race they are, not the class.

In nearly all cases though, I pick female when given the choice. Even in the Halo games where I literally can't even see the difference and I'm covered head to toe in armor anyway, I pick female.

magic = female

warrior rouge male

archer... no

>not liking dress up with cute girls

please die newfag.

if i play as a girl and fantasize about taking the dick but im not gay and prefer women by far what does this mean?
am i gay?

Not consciously at least. Sometimes the way equipment looks affects my decision, but 75 % of the time I just play a female.

>fantasize about taking the dick
Sounds pretty gay to me.

I mean, if you're fantasizing about taking the dick, you're probably a pole smoker.

If you're thinking more about the character you made getting a good dicking you could probably argue that that's not gay.

>its a comfy merchant simulator on top of being an MMO.
Absolutely not, they removed almost everything good about the trading. Removed localized markets and made a global auction house, 99% of the "trade" system is buying and selling to NPCs for preset prices, no pvp bandit raids on your merchant cart because global market, very strict fixed pricing on all items, etc.
All you do is get items from 1 NPC, take them to another town and hand them over to another NPC for some change. If you want to trade with other players you use a market board in any town and put the item up for a set price, no interaction involved whatsoever.

slut gear is barely in any games, stop being a fucktard

If my survival depends on dodging or "missed" attacks via evasion stats, female.
Tanking and blocking, male.

what game is that OP?

What game is that? I tried reverse image search and got nothing

I'm a girl irl and even I find dress up boring in my MMOs and RPGs. If I want to play dress up I'll just play The Sims.

These fags who doesn't know the glorious of Japan oblivion mods
>shit desert
Please kill thyself

Male, always male. Females only for alts, and even then, it's never human females, and it's always for support oriented classes, unless it's tough looking females like Orcs and Amani from Tera.

If it's an MMO or something similiar guy, otherwise girl
Unless there are dating elements, then guy aswell

is that from oblivion?
what mods

I just play whatever I want to play.

If the guy looks cool, I play the guy.

If the girl looks cool, I play the girl.

I dont remember Oblivion looking like this???

Oblivion as in, TES:4 Oblivion, right?

That's what happens when you cave in to the WoW audience that demands an "endgame" and intends to skip everything else in order to realize their idea of a good time, that is having 25 autists collectively watch numbers pop up on screen in an rng lottery.

Depends on my mood, but I'd say female more often than male.

When I play female I like to make them cute and dress them up in pretty outfits. When I play male I usually make them mountain men and shit.

Which mmo has the lewdest female characters? Black desert online, blade an souls, Tera, other?

This. The dudes looked dumb in destiny so I played exo or female anything else. VA in fallout 4 sounds terrible so girl again, play as males more often than females in souls games though

Vindictus had pretty lewd characters

>male characters
Haven't created any in years.

It really depends on well done the game's roleplay is done. If it has weak roleplay qualities I'll go with a girl for the sake of looking attractive, but if it's an immersive and well involved game I'll go with male.

Main character is male
Rest are female to support gold farming in some way

Basically they are just his harem of sexy workers

>playing female
Ain't fag, sry.

I pretty much only buy a game if I can play as a fantastical female



Always female because I like boobs.

So you like staring at man ass for your enture play through huh?

That's pretty gay user.

I tend to reverse stereotypical gender roles; if it's a manly class I tend to pick female and if it's a female-friendly class I tend to pick male.
I say tend to, because my decision still depends on which looks better.

Fuck off, no spoonfeeding here. If you can't find it, kill yourself.

Always a male, body type depends on class I'm playing.

I love men and want to be a handsome man, so I often play as a man. Especially if I can be a glorious white, blue-eyed, long-haired blond.
Consider this: men don't have many clothing options in real life and even in many videogames; irl, women can wear both girly and manly clothes without looking ugly/being laughed at, and men can't. And in games, women's options are usually more unique, more varied and more pretty. My ex boyfriend told me that's one of the reasons he played as a girl in Pokémon X. He was also confused about his gender at the time and used to tell me how badly he wanted to be a grill.

kys gay faggot

Fuck off, Sup Forums

>female paladins
heresy! blasphemy!

they are inherently whores, they are incapable of taking those holy roles.

I wouldn't kiss you even as a gay faggot

If the game has a 'realistic' (or attempted realism) aesthetic, pretty much always male characters.

If the game has an anime-ish aesthetic, then pretty much always female characters.

For games that fall close between, sometimes it does come down to class - I prefer male heavy fighters (i.e. tanks, barbarians) and female light combatants (rogues, mages, priests, etc.)

This is a Japanese paladin. It's fine she's pure. Fucking girls is pure.

>For example, I pretty much never play as a male Paladin, personally. qt gril holy warriors or bust.

My nigga.

Male rogues and warriors. Female priests and paladins. Wizard/mage classes are a tossup. I guess that's a pretty generic, even split.

You know, there are ways to draw a sexy Paladin without necesarily having to draw her using a bikini with giant tits

It doesn't strike me as good design if i have to draw her borderline naked to make it appealing