So why do you choose to play video games?

So why do you choose to play video games?

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone got paid to dump a bunch of shit into a plastic container

>I make threads about why people play video games as a way of projecting myself

random bbq sauce and hot sauce shit

what the FUCK is this and why do shitskins make it


Alright this is the second time I've seen a webm like this.
What the hell are these people making? Homemade ipecac?

Nigga what the fuck, i was about to ask if the whit shit was Onion or Cheese, but as he keep droping shit i gave up, its fucking dorilocos all over again.


I sure enjoy people turning food into one giant runny, soggy mess.

For fuck's sake, someone needs to post that dipshit that eats burgers and chicken raw.

Because I have a supressed urge for violence.


Even thought they're poor and can't afford actual ingredients, you have to admit that technique makes it look pretty good. These people would be master chefs if they had the proper ingredients.

Control yourself you absolute madman.

I demand an explanation for that webm


Dorilocos. Search that.

oh boy here we go again

Mexicans actually.

>Chips verdes
>Not based Toreadas de Barcel

How to spot a pleb.

Mexico is in America. So...

Is there a difference?

disgusting. What's the story on this?

Don't dare to talk shit about Chips JalapeƱo, the master race snack.

Because no one cares who I was until I picked up the controller

This damage control.

Jesus christ, the cost of the ingredients must be greater than the GDP of a small country.

I used to be a pleb like you, until I leanred about the godlike Toreadas Habaneras.

Because I'm so bored of my life having even 15 minutes of a distraction seems worth it.


Shut up, unitedstatian cock sucker.

Great. Now I'm hungry.

jezus fucking christ.
>onions are cool
>beans are questionable but whatever
>beets might be a strange choice but could be nice.
>all those fucking sauces
>lemon juice at the end
>what seems to be fucking cranberry juice at the end

just end it
you crossed a line

>American cuisine

Because they are fun

its actually tomato juice at the end


not a lot better.

For real though how do you even begin to eat something like this?

Like, surely it isn't with your hands, it's a sloppy mess. I can't even comprehend what to do. Half the shit will just fall off the moment you pick it up.

Not really. I prefer the term 'satisfying'.

In before that fucker with the weird jello tomato nacho abomination. Nigger should be arrested for crimes against food.

Because they're the only activity that successfully distracts me from ending myself.

this is a blue board

Like a dip: you use the chips to pick the other stuff.

I don't know how anyone could enjoy that.
Nothing but a bunch of sauces that don't even go together withs soggy tortia chips.

how does it feel to be an edgy kid? fucking toreadas are just spicy unsavory shit, now fucking chips valentina or chips worcestershire sauce is where its at

How? They're a soggy mess, how do you pick that up?

seems they are called "dorilocos" and are some sort of street food craze in mexico.

Yeah but by that point everything is so soggy there is no nachos to pick shit with

Can you even recognize any flavors at that point? This is fucking retarded.

>fucking toreadas are just spicy unsavory shit
How to spot a pussy ass american that can't handle spice.

Gb2 fucking bbq sauce chips, faggot,

Ingredients aside, these were some good ASMR inducing webms. More.

non-american here, what do you do to make the meat charred on the outside but pink in the inside?

Those are not onions or beets, it's cheese and tamarinds

To numb the pain of my stagnant life.

And WHY THE FUCK did he add the fruit juice at the end?

>Ask for a refreshment to cool down during the hot Summer months.
>Get served crushed ice drenched in hot sauce, chili powder, tamarind, and spicy candy.

The fuck is wrong with Mexicans?

My roommate is a chef and he tells me that at his restaurant, when they want to make a true shin rare steak, they charr it on the surface on the grill, then put it in the oven at low for a couple minutes so the surface is burned up, but the interior is still bleedy and raw.

That's probably the same concept. Charr the surface at extremely high temperature, then let it cook slowly in a low temp oven.

Honestly I'd probably eat that, it's just some kind of taco salad shit except with doritos.