>game characters that post on boards
This is a Sup Forums poster
Game characters that post on boards
Sup Forums poster
Sup Forums poster
>not posting jimmy
you had one job
underrated post
Like Sup Forums posters would ever get shit done like he does.
/s4s/ poster
Otacon was a Weeaboo everyone loved
/out/ poster
/qa/ poster
a Sup Forums poster would be the video game equivalent of a 12 year old redditor
Shhh, no one wants Sup Forums there.
Sup Forums as a whole.
Sup Forums
/fit/ poster
not vidya
Believe it or not, that first screenshot is actually from a video game.
>xbox watermark
Sup Forums
Was being a retard part of your plan?
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums poster
How is he not /m/?
>i aint no senators son starts playing
I actually visited Sup Forums a few days ago and it's not really cutting edge edginess anymore
>ylyl thread (yes these still exist)
>r34 thread
>post girls you """know""" from facebook thread
>atheism thread
it was illuminatingly boring, really
I haven't gone on Sup Forums since I was sixteen. I didn't realise how trash it was until I left.
GTFO you newfag
Sup Forums has been nothing but a mediocre porn and repost board for years.
/vp/ poster
/ck/ poster
/his/ poster(s)
i still go there here and there because it was the first board i went to. there are those threads and a lot and i mean a lot of bait threads, like literally bait threads, for really no reason. porn and more porn.
i don't know its all just random fucking garbage run by people who aren't self-aware at all. there is no discussion. its all just memes, memes, and more memes. being edgy. its the bottom of the barrel shithole that is left stained on every board here on Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums. everybody has been to Sup Forums, and if you get tired of it and grow up you move to another board but you still kept everything you left with
I remember Sup Forums more like a giant smoothie machine where you cant find anything.
which board I belong to?
good ol days before the catalog
>make thread
>try to find it, not on page 1
>go to page 2
>it's the same fucking threads
>the hunt begins
>not Sup Forums
Sup Forums
any of the adult boards
Lost it.
perfect desu
Sup Forums
This is more old Sup Forums than new Sup Forums. At some point, Sup Forums actually had a few psychopaths lurking and posting in there.
Sup Forums
wasn't there a serial killer posting pictures of his victims as late as 2014?
That's terror.
Please, have some respect for Bob Page.
Nigger at least get fucking Fortunate Son right.
God damn
Yea, bob page is more like /r9k/
We've had to endure much, you and I, but within the week there will be old men running the world.
So any Gearbox character?
It checks out.
/r9k/ poster
Sup Forums
Which board?
You're a big dumbass
Sup Forums
Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Why contain it? Icarus data mines all boards at once, occasionally throwing out b8s so it can learn from the responses.
/ck/, all he does is shitpost about junkfood and absurd recipies.
Sup Forums
/vp/ and secretly/m/
Sup Forums
more like /s/