Vidya gaem confession thread

Vidya gaem confession thread

I sided with playboy x

Oh boy a confession thread! I actually think [popular game] sucks and [my favourite game] is underrated :^) :^) :^)

Why do I always forget what I've been wanting to say in these threads the moment I notice them?

One time the wifi in my house was off so I specifically opened up God of War in the middle of the night to jerk off to the porn scene.
no regrets

Ain't this a Barneyboy image that you just covered up?

Hope you enjoyed your blood money for murdering best bro you bastard

Red Steel is actually pretty fun and underrated.

I played FF13 just to masturbate to hope

I jerked off to the strippers in gta 4 once at my dads place where I had no porn

I backed MN9

I beat the Planet Wisp level in Sonic Generations without knowing you could spin-dash in Spikes form.

Then why share it, this is a confession thread, you have no regrets

I played a game of Mario Party with the hardest CPUs where whenever I lost a minigame I would jerk off to something on Gelbooru with a score equal to the number of coins I had.

user, are you me?


I play Unturned
And enjoy it

I've attempted to play through Oblivion on 7 separate occasions, on both console and PC, and I've never gotten past the first couple story missions out of pure boredom. Same goes for Morrowind, but with much fewer attempts

And here's the real stinger for those of you who are easily triggered: I have about 700 hours in vanilla Skyrim for 360.

I actually had a great time playing Gone Home

I play mobile games based on kids shows. The rhythm ones are pretty great.

I've never jacked off to vidya in my life
But that Tristana Cumdumpster flash is testing me

>late at night
>No one else awake
>The strippers are looking pretty nice
>Fap one out on the lounge room floor.


I can honestly say without a odubt that Undertale is most likely my 2nd favorite game of all time.

Thanks for sharing


If you get past the GG/SJW shitposting and ignore all the awards it didn't really deserve, it's a comfy way to knock out a few hours.

Played a homo in Dragon Age: Origins. But turns out he was the most badass fag I've ever played. He was an Arcane Warrior, built for pure DPS and not taking any damage.

What's worse is that I went gay for Zevran, and now I lowkey have a thing for lightly brown guys with spanish accents.

dare i ask whats the first?

first post best post

>arcane warrior
My nigger
My double nigger

i liked undertale more than earthbound/mother

I feed my tired video game feeling by buying new games, getting bored with them and buy more new games.

Waaay ahead of you there, user.

Spyro 2 for PS1.

I liked it more than Earthbound, but that's probably because I never had any nostalgia for it. Still need to play Mother though.

Wait unturned is shit according to Sup Forums? I stI'll play and have tons of fun with my friends

>playing Unturned
What're you, ten?

>Wait unturned is shit according to Sup Forums
why should that matter if you enjoy it?

Ive never beaten new vegas despite being in practically every thread, knowing all the endings, twists, and what the dlc is about, what the quests are and how to do them and I've played it about 4 times now each time stopping midway through new vegas, ive also never actually done any of the dlc


theres no shame in this

i jack off everytime i fuck as franklin with the bitches at the vanilla unicorn

but after franklin move out of his auntie's house its ballin everyday

I passed up Super Metroid as a kid because I though it looked too hard. When I played it as a young teen I was sequence breaking from the start, also this was on the family computer keyboard which was the stock crap that came with the machine. I had hyped it up so long I thought you had to do shit like that. I've played the 2d metroid games countless times but I'm also ashamed that I've never completed the first 2 completely.

I've beaten all the dlc except the one with the tribes, and I've never finished the main game either. I prefer to just blast stuff in Enclave Power Armor

Going to Camp McCarren freezes my ps3 everytime.

me too

>tfw a real lapdance barely got me a half chub

I cheated my way through Dark Souls 1 and 2 and consider myself to love the games regardless. I just got a PS4 and Bloodborne and don't know if I'll be able to finish it.

I'm bad at video games but I play incredibly randomly on online games and it seems to work.

I haven't had a good time with video games since I was a trickshotter in MW2.

Ironically, I got borederline depressed from playing that game so much. I played for a total of 2 years of elapsed time. And eventually I broke myself.

I can't wait for the MW remaster though. But I won't be getting it unless they realize they're fucking up, and release it seperately.

I don't even enjoy video games anymore due to overexposure
I'm just here for the shitposting


Literally me, and fuck spoilers, I don't give a fuck

shut the fuck up

Dude, for a f2p zombie survival shooter that started off as a roblox game made by a teenager, it's pretty damn fun. I've been playing it the past few days again and enjoying myself.

i don't really like the addition of tanks, though, mainly because some faggot stole a tank from the mods that were spawning shit for themselves and blew up my house on a server I had been playing on for a couple days.

i did too the first time. that claude speed outfit was too good to pass up

You're trying to hard kid.

I have no reason to lie here, user.

I used to recreate my teachers and people who were mean to me at school on wwf game's. I would make them really weak and beat them up for hours at a time.

I have never trolled online, never shitposted, always send nice messages and try to help out people in multiplayer games. I've inconvenienced myself just to get people up to speed or acclimated to games.

I have a weird obsession irl and online when people wrong me or other people. It's not obvious and sometimes I'll wait months to a year, but I'll take many steps to ruin their reputation or find some underhanded way of screwing them over. I don't know what's wrong with me.

sometimes i disagree with Sup Forums opinions
plz don't hate me



>not enjoying video games is a bannable offence


inb4 flood of overused reaction images

Explorers of Sky is my favorite game

I'll buy this mod a drink. Get these kinda posters off this board.

Based mods


I've spent over $400 on Overwatch crates.

I've spent over $2,000 on Dota2 cosmetics.

I don't regret any of it.

Oh shit, watch out lads.

I really hope this wasn't a permanent ban.
I feel bad for user.


I can't beat Cave Story. I've been stuck on Ballos for 10 years.


I have put well over 200 hours into banjo n Kazooie Nuts and Bolts and I genuinely love the game


The reign of terror begins today

I've owned Dishonored since last summer and I haven't played it.

I had to snake to beat 3 or 4 of the Very Hard missions in F-Zero GX

Plenty of people here love it too, because it was the only title on shitbox360 that was exclusive and not a shitty fps.

Still fuck off though.

I'm more surprised someone thought this was bad enough to be report-worthy

>omg Sup Forums hates videogames, this is absolutely outrageous, I am so taken aback

I mean, really, nigger?

The only reason I come on Sup Forums is for new Vegas threads now. I haven't found another game as comfy as new Vegas :(


If i'm constantly losing in a single player game I'd look up walkthroughs, if I can't find a walkthrough I'd resort to cheating.

I don't honestly care. If he wants to shitpost there are plenty of other chans and if he really MUST shitpost here, he can suck his isps cock and get a new IP address. Besides, looking at the bans page, I see a lot of 3 day bans. I doubt they would permaban for admitting to shitposting, but they still don't want to pretend it's accepted behavior instead of the product of autistic trolling shits they can't completely control by the sheer amount of posts

I don't even like these threads but this was fantastic


I Married a homo in Fable 1. I divorced him and married a lady to try and undo the 'homo' sexuality in my stats but it stayed as bisexual for the rest of the game.

Fucking hell lad. I didn't even know there was still mods that care for the rules. Good on them.

>play FO3
>check for some mod
>find jap loli body nude mod
>install it
>play as exhibitionist loli in megaton
>hide and seek and fuck anyone

one of the most furiously fap in my life .

im tired of this meme, "le /v hates games!" fuck no that isn't true. i love videogames and come here to discuss them. you played videogames for escapism which Sup Forums satisfied for you, but if you don't like videogames you have no fucking room on this website and deserve a permaban. tired of sharing a board with people who cant even enjoy themselves and are pessimist faggots because of it.

I did this but with skyrim and bestiality mods.

I've spent nearly $250 on mobile games

>we have to hate games here

When did you start lurking or posting?

fallout 4 was my first fallout game (i kinda liked it)
skyrim was my first elder scrolls (i kinda liked that too)
i unironically drink mountain dew and eat doritos
i think MGS is shit

And I felt (and still feel) bad for the 60 or so ameribux I spent on Elsword.
How are you feeling absurd amounts of regret over this?

That is very psychotic user. People make mistakes and you need to let them deal with it themselves, even if it effects you.

You're literally one guy I know and try to play games with.

Sorry for the shit taste.

I put over 300 hours in Skyrim without sex mods
It was my favourite game at the time,played it all day every day
Now I can't even play it for half an hour before getting bored
I now also hate every Bethesda game for the same reason
F:NV too

I hate video games too, should I be banned?

Mods, get on that shit, please.


give an example... Tell one of your greatest success stories, also what mp games?

I understand it isn't normal, but I only go after people that have multiple offenses. I definitely have wires crossed upstairs.

who knows, maybe im that guy?
whats your name/something else i can use to identify you

Go browse a board for a hobby you give a shit about instead

I beat ballos when I was eleven my man, feels good to be good

I only come here to shitpost