Just got this on the steam sale.
What am I in for?
Dragon's Dogma
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why don't you just fucking play it and find out, faggot?
tis weak to fire
Just play it you ape
How do wolves hunt again?
play it and find out dumbass
an adventure
The best game.
The most boring start, it gets way better when you get to the city.
Play Fighter 1-10, Warrior 10-75, Sorcerer 75-100, MK or Assassin 100-150/200 if you want to use more than one class late game. Or just backup your saves and turn off steam cloud so your new saves don't get overwritten.
You should expect that WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS, ARISEN!
Also don't worry about your build. Tons of people are like OH MAN GO WARRIOR FOR THIS AMOUNT OF LEVELS AND THEN SWITCH OR YOU FUCKED UP YOUR BUILD and those people are full of shit. Nothing in the game is going to be unreasonably difficult no matter what you do.
Also don't go to the blue circle. That's the expansion and it's for endgame.
so many pawnfus
They hold the advantage!
don't be afraid to switch around different classes. I really enjoyed swinging big weapons and climbing on big monsters
>What am I in for?
All roads lead to Gran Soren
And fine details so intuitive you probably won't experience them all in your first playthrough if you approach it like an average game
I made a grizzled old man pawn, and people constantly used him. I was rolling rift crystals.
OP use my reshade/enb, it's the best one
there are a lot of other mods too but the only thing I'd recommend looking into is the Cheat Engine table, it has a lot of quality of life things separate from cheating.
Maybe not for your first playthrough though, but ENB/reshade for sure.
sent :)
I kid, not OP but I'll bookmark this for my DD port venture
getting raped by wolves because the game is broken and you cant cast spells
You are in for overall medicore game that is fun to play
>car gets swept completely off-camera
>lone person like 5 feet away doesn't move an inch
Why is that person just sitting there like a blob? That's so weird.
CE has a fast cast option which is really fun so long as you don't power up your spells.
I wonder if anyone ever made am od to make the game brutally difficult.
They couldn't afford that song a second time so it's just some generic moaning or something now.
What the fuck is up with that? I've spent entire nights fighting endless hordes of direwolves, half of whom pop in not five feet away from me.
This game only has a saveslot?
What is this 1995?
The twister takes the car and deposits the person
It's a conceit to the Pawn system.
fucking twister-san what a prankster
>yfw a Litch casts maelstrom
generic fantasy RPG with really good monster hunter style combat (unless you're the warrior class)
The only generic monster hunter class is warrior though.
you cunt go wrong
Have your pick, any you like.
>using an enb in DD
lmao topkillyourself matey
enb is good, the presets however are not.
It's okay. The pawn system is far the best thing about the game.
You're in for a game that feels horrible made and rushed by a third party developer from vietnam
Great game
It's fun
Go back to different places a lot because if you progress the main story it will lock up side quest chains with nice characters and stuff or maybe just look at that side quest progression image so you know what you need to get done before advancing the story
Also the bandits that live up on the hill with the boulder are rape, don't get too frustrated and just return later on
Well she just got caught in a fucking twister, shes probably in shock.
In all seriousness though, an amazing game with a lack of good mod support (They're trying though!). The gameplay is like a mix between Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, and Shadow of the Colossus.
Also has the best dragon in a video game, and some of the coolest attack magic. All you can marry literally almost anyone in the game.
When the game asks, Go find Quina before going to Gran Soren.
>Also the bandits that live up on the hill with the boulder are rape, don't get too frustrated and just return later on.
I don't respect anyone that played DD, did that sidequest and avoided the bandits. Game gives you so many options, if you're not spiderman yourself you just need to create opportunities for your strider pawn to take advantage of and destroy them while they're down
It's a shit game. Sup Forums lied to me
what hill what boulder, I don't remember that. But the bandits are annoying.
I've seen a webm of a guy unleashing an Arc of Deliverance on a bandit who didn't even flinch and killed the player in one hit.
only bother with bitterblack isle dlc because the main game is boring.
I killed everything the first time I saw it.
Except the fire drake, I had to come back for that sucker.
>Relying on Sup Forums for games to play.
Go make some friends loser.
warrior worst class
It's the theme of BBI
Not user here. when I start playing I felt like on the moon. What option can make it stop this?
This is why you don't play hard mode on your first playthrough
Why is that pawn just standing there? I thought this game had good AI
Been thinking about it tonnes lately. Even listening to the soundtrack as I read. Most likely because of the new Berserk anime airing today.
I went back to play it today regrettably on PS3 and was saddened to remember there's only 1 save slot.
I don't really fancy abandoning my character after so much time invested.
So I think I'll leave it be and wait patiently to return to Gransys in another game.
Genuinely one of my favourite games of last gen, picked up on a Sup Forums recommendation for £10.
What do you mean
Pawns stop fighting if you die
I should have used arc is all. Only pussies play on anything but hard mode though.
In fact I wish the game was harder, and stayed harder throughout the entire playthrough. More aggressive AI, more Hp, more damage, more enemies, oh man that would be true bliss.
Someone lied to you.
Greatest lie ever told. 99% of the time the AI will fuck up, only in those 1% will you find something great.
What went wrong?
>fire drake
>long, hard, tense battle spanning multiple days if you encounter it early enough
>can still fly away and not land until the next respawn if you're unlucky enough
Fuck yooooouuuuuuu
>Only pussies play on anything but hard mode though
The mode is pretty lame anyway, it's only harder at the beginning, then it soon becomes the same as standard mode. Too many instakill moments at the start, where it just takes away the joy of climbing on enemies because you'll just die. It's good for getting more money though
Autism and waifus.
>when I start playing I felt like on the moon. What option can make it stop this?
Japan, is that you?
>I thought this game had good AI
Everything is like in time loop. I tried several options for video and control but didn't manage to lift the problem.
I really like the combat and monsters in the game, I fought this guy for instance in slow motion using magic, which I'll have you know does 0 damage. It looked and felt cool so I don't even care that it took my melee pawn ages to kill it.
It's always harder though and instakill is okay.
fun combat
kinda boring everything else
You gotta break the circle user
You mean everything is in slow motion like having permanent torpor in the while game?
>time loop
I meant everything is just so slow, christ I should go back to sleep.
Wake up, user.
>Everything is like in time loop
You're just confusing me more
Why the fuck would you buy a game without knowing?
I think the golem fights are my favourites.
Get a better computer
Or like said.
>It's always harder though
It makes enemies stun less and makes them do more damage by a constant amount, say a bandit does 100 damage on normal, on hard it will be 100+400 or whatever. Once you have enough HP it doesn't make a difference anymore and it's the same as fighting enemies on normal mode because the extra damage always stays the same
Also anyone else having problems with the captcha, the box is just freezing for me for a good ten seconds before anything appears
The beam is cool.
>lvl1, mouse walks up to you
This game had an amazing sense of progression as far as getting your shit wrecked, fleeing, leveling and coming back to destroy the creature in a few hits.
Damn satisfying.
I had that few days ago, even whined about it to vg with no help. I tried playing the game next day and it worked fine.
Only thing I did was made nvidia use game settings for AA. Not sure if it did anything.
God I miss playing this game...
Samefag enemy designs, which is a huge turnoff.
Soo im only lvl 33 and i enjoy playing the fighter class, is there any point only playing 1 class or should i go level up others? i tried warrior but i didnt like it due to how slow the attacks were, and i tried out archer and found it boring compared to swinging around a sword.
Will i be fine sticking to fighter class the entire game or do i have to play others.
But as you say they stagger and fall less so it's still harder.
Captcha is fucked.
>tfw you restart so many times you've never even cleared BBI 1.0
First encountered the Golem on an escort mission at night time, lost the fucking client as a result too. Loved it for those "oh shit" moments when traversing the land, if there is any game I'd wipe my knowledge of for another playthrough it would be Dragon's Dogma
Should I play this PC entertainment game with a Mouse and Keyboard or an Xbox 360 Gamepad?
why not use legacy captcha?
game pad. much more intuitive
controls for keyboard and mouse were perfect, but controller would have been better imo
You'll be fine as anything you want. There are some enemies that actually require magic to kill, but you can always use enchanted weapons/consumable spells/just hire a mage pawn to deal with it.
That's the retarded part, a bat will oneshot you at the start because they have tons of damage added to their 10 point hit. Then after five levels they're back to doing nothing
Is Dark Arisen worth it if you already own and finished the original game?
I *do* want to replay it at some point in the future.
Well that depends on your class
I hope you didnt pick warrior
Assassin is bretty good with a sword/bow if you want to branch out to something more agile. It doesn't really matter unless you have minmax autism but all the vocations have different stat growths.