Is there exactly any given reason to play competitive mode for more than 10 rounds to get the placement skillrating and...

Is there exactly any given reason to play competitive mode for more than 10 rounds to get the placement skillrating and wait for the season to be over for your juicy competitive points?
Lets sum up again the competitive experience for those who aren't playing Overwatch:
>everyone patiently waiting for competitive to be out
>everyone excited for the golden guns and shit
>general idea is "competitive mode will not be full of shitters, thank you blizzard!"
>competitive mode is out
>the utter doom begins:
>no cooperation between people, everyone either goes 1v1 or doesn't group up at all
>few micced people, and most of the time they're salty fucks who constantly spam insults over the mic or get mad because they aren't carried enough
>can't play solo because everyone is a retard but you, especially you :^)
>can't play with premades because the other premade team will butthurt endlessly and either leave or crash the servers with the genji\hanzo jump glitch before the match even ends, thus nullifying it
>salt runs rampant, everyone is always mad no matter what, shitters "maining" a class are omnipresent, no one follows advices but the few bastards who actually want to win something
>koth map are bugged (not anymore, yet the lost ranks can't be brought back), people lost even 10 ranks because of that
>literally the 3% percentile of players sits at 60++ rank, everyone else is either a shitter or a scrub, 60 rank matches are exploiting the meta as hard as possible, with people running the same pre-defined set of heroes no matter what, no switching allowed or everyone quits and you lose a game
>disconnected? you lose a rank
>crashed? you lose a rank
>hanzo\genji are jumping on the fucking tiles\crane machines again? you lose a rank
>your team is a bunch of mouthbreathing retards? you lose a rank
On behalf of myself, i wasn't exactly excited about this competitive mode, given the clear examples of ranked shit we have in Dota 2 and LoL.
Yet, this was absolutely depressing.

Other urls found in this thread:


>crash the servers with the genji\hanzo jump glitch

in my experience competitive play has been a million times better than quick play

am i to understand that i can crash a match by vaulting up under the moving platforms in some levels?
explain further, user, and thank you

Just try to get over 50+ and then stop playing, blizzard is so stupid to think competitive works with pub games.

Competitive mode is a fucking joke

Anyone who says the comp playerbase is different from quickplay is right though, somehow they're worse

t. sub-50 turboshitter

Don't you love this new world we live in, where you have to be an expert on and enjoy horrible garbage in order to call it garbage?

>300 points for a golden weapon
>most people get around 50 per season

I did the math. It would take 80 solid hours of competitive play, assuming you hit "your rank" within the first few hours.

Because presumably unlike forced 50, you'll eventually hit a rank you stay at constantly winning and losing. Considering the amounts of double stars I see running around, people will have them within a week.

>making a system where you can lose your rank
>not just making a hidden score which can increase/decrease and the score you can see only increases, never decreases

Blizzard knows how to fuck up their community

You mean like having a level and a hidden MMR

like quick play?

Literally quick play. peoplecomplained on the forums

thats the place to fomplain since blizzard posts and reads there.

>got ranked comp level 50
>have stayed in level 50 after 10 hours in comp

i'm sure it's not forced 50 though

yeah, that's your rank. if you were better your forced 50 would be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat a different number.

>Is there exactly any given reason to play competitive mode for more than 10 rounds to get the placement skillrating and wait for the season to be over for your juicy competitive points?

You get a point for each win, too. Not much but it's more than nothing, which is what Quick Play gives you. You still get XP too.

Why do people play a mode of a game specifically about playing as a team to win when they don't want to do either of these things?

This is a serious question by the way. Why?

>making a system where you can lose your rank
>not just making a hidden score which can increase/decrease and the score you can see only increases, never decreases
Those both sound like fantastic ideas. You're hired.

Tfw the penalty for losing far outweighs the reward for winning.
Like I'm going to have any motivation when I have to win 2 matches for every match I lose just to stay at the same damn rank.

>do ranking games alone
>play with friends
>drop to 55 in the first two games

>this is unlisted
>going to put this on the forums

Have not played competitive much yet, can I just do my placement matches and fuck off for the rest of the season for points?

They already fucked up cause it was used against an esports player so now it has a great deal of attention

Yeah yeah I know
but still, it'll be noticed a lot quicker now