Gaming youtube channels

You have a channel user? Post it!

No idea why the last thread was deleted, it was indeed vidya.

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, technically its against the rules to advertize. But then again we've already had hundreds of these threads and I don't think it bothers anyone.

Any sort of feedback is welcome, I know in the videos I commentate you can hear my keyboard, I'm looking for ways to minimize that.

>Shills threads everyday
>Eceleb advertising everyday
>Mods do nothing at all
>Anons chilling and comfy in a thread minding our own businesses talking about channels managing
>Mods delete it

I don't know anymore
Did Sup Forums created this horrendous "Sup Forums culture" ?
Or did Mods pushed it?

Hey, I'm one of those posts!

It's a bit strange to complain about shilling and e-celebs when this entire thread is people advertising their channels and hoping to one day become e-celebs because they read on the news the Sup Forums is the place where memes come true.
>talking about channels managing
Categorically not vidya, take it to Sup Forums or /r9k/
Hell, the second video in this thread isn't even pretending to be about video games.

Take this garbage somewhere else.

thicc thread

I was a guest in this one.

here's what i uploaded today

my, you've been quite busy

That audio buzz when you talk is quite annoying, though.

Can't seem to find the motivation to do reviews lately. Really wish I could find that spark again.

In the meantime, have a dumb LP I'm doing to show off a game dev I enjoy.

i need a new mic. also a new computer. too bad i'm disabled and live on a fixed income.

hot off the presses

There's fairly little advertising going on considering how few people you can reach in these threads. People do tend to get decent feedback here however.

Thank you user. I have gotten some very valuable feedback before.

Almost 100 subs, which is amazing!

Here is my channel

I let's play obscure games that are spooky or weird. Some other stuff too. My most viewed video isn't even gaming related which is funny.

I'm doing a playthrough of NightCry. It's fucking terrible. Though doing a youtube channel is a lot of fun and I enjoy it a lot.

How long have most of you guys been doing this for?

I just saw that I'm broke as fuck.
Maybe I should get my shit together.

You should always take care of your expenses first, before doing any hobby.

I've never considered doing youtube as anything but a full time job.
I've always looked at it as something I would have to dedicate hard though and time into working on and creating a backlog of content so that content would be coming out daily. The focus would need to be on the game and the experience and not the player. I'd have to do a variety of videos, LPs, Guides, Reviews but keep away from sketch. I've thought about it alot.

>daily content meme

2 years now, of course somewhat on and off. The "success" is in no way related to the time spent though, I have seen people get much further in half that.

Its my personal belief that if I'm to achieve any success in a short amount of time I'll need a continuous stream of varying content. My original plan was along the lines of five different LPs each dedicated to the days of the week with more different videos on the weekends.

Congrats user! I just Got past 100 myself not too long ago. My most watched video is video game related which is weird because I'm trying to do anime reviews/games later on.

My channel is pretty new but I hope to do more then just anime reviews. I've been thinking of playing through Sakura Dungeon or KaraKara but not sure yet.

Sure why the fuck not. Had the idea to do this in January. Had absolutely NO clue about ANYTHING video creation wise. Learned pretty much everything I needed (photoshop, after effects, premiere, audition etc) over 6 months and we officially launched on June 20th, now we've begun churning out content. I'm pretty happy with it, although I still have to do some work on audio.

Oh yeah, the idea is to bring RPG fans together from both Tabletop and Videogames. We started a podcast as well. Here's our first intro video.

All your shitty Lp channels are bad and you should feel bad.

But I don't have one yet.

Just ignore the mlp video

at least i'm not a nigger

my attempts at shilling have somewhat worked:

>People do tend to get decent feedback here however.
A pity this board isnt for youtube feedback then. I imagine there's a subreddit somewhere that might work better

At the time I thought it was funny.

i dont upload videos anymore and half of my videos are unlisted shit i only share with friends

Kill yourselves