What games have a really shit UI? The HUD in Battleborn is garbage.
What games have a really shit UI? The HUD in Battleborn is garbage
looks better than overmeme
Not really.
because you can actually tell who the enemies are instead of generic red outline on enemies
>Minimap on hud
>Not automatically a 0/10
>>Minimap on hud
As it should be. You're just loudly telling everyone you know jack crap about video game design.
Really not a fan of Fallout 4's UI. It isn't really cluttered or messy, but the information presented is done in a pretty bad way and the font/design is incredibly boring. Specifically the font or style used for the text and numbers looks terrible in my opinion. It looks like someone took everything and just hit the Bold option.
I think that's the least cluttered screenshot of the game that I've seen so far.
>having a gun that takes up 1/3 of the screen
This game deserved to fail.
Good thing it didn't fail.
Wildstar. I made it to level 4 before fighting the UI became so exhausting that I just went back to FFxiv
Gearbox shill pls go. Everyone knows this game is shit, and you got your shit smacked around by Blizzard.
Who are you trying to ruse?
>already 50% off on Steam
Because high selling games that came out a month ago always go for half off.
looks great
btw you can even more simplify your hud and you can increase your fov
It's so funny that the Blizzard marketing department and the try hard cucks want to shill for Overwatch and don't realize that this aren't any arguments.
Overwatch has the same problem.
I really like the UI of the new Zelda game
Somehow reminds of popular design choices currently used for websites or smartphone apps
>peak concurrent users yesterday
Burning up the charts.
Well if a modern Blizzard game does that must mean it is good.
>Everyone knows this game is crap
Confirmed for not playing the game. Critics and players love Battleborn.
I don't see what Blizzard has to go with any of this.
The UI of Bethesda's Fallout games in general is pretty bad. Having it be like the primitive display of the pipboy is cool idea, but they could do more with it like have fun with ASCII art and stuff instead of just a bunch of boring green lines and text.
>Voraciously defending a bad game made by a bad company who is only known for releasing meme-riddled trash
>know a friend who is a gearbox "fan" and buys all of their games
>he actually bought battleborn
>for the fucking xbone
>even he admits that there's nobody playing it
That means nothing. There's over 160 million cars in the US yet not all 160 million of them are all on the road at the same time.
Plus that's only Steam players. Battleborn is going great on consoles.
You mean shills.
Sales numbers, and player counts would say otherwise.
To think, if they just made a balanced pvp game where everything was unlocked from the start, that would be more than enough people.
The reason match making is fucked is because there is a huge range between starting and maxed out.
You're so desperate to be a contrarian troll you're pretending to adore Battleborne.
Or you genuinely do, I don't know which is not pathetic.
>Muh video game formula rules
Duck off you don't know shit
A 4channer complaining about contrarians. How ironic.
>defending a game you like is pathetic
Can you even be any more generic Sup Forums goer?
resident evil 6
Opposing force was actually really fun
I just wish that they'd do something decent on their own
>battleborn is going great on consoles
Prove it. I've provided steam numbers that show that nobody is playing that pile of shit. Show me that it's doing better on consoles. Also your traffic analogy is fucking stupid as shit.
>OP asks for poor HUDs and posts an example
>Battleborn damage control team immediately defends it to their last breath
>Thread derailed
Here, OP. I'll try to help out.
deus ex invisible war
Is this like some sort of overwatch/battleborn meme
Just say shit
Everyone is reads it when you say that
You should know the meaning of a word before using it.
God that game was bad. Even as a kid I knew it was an incredible downgrade from the original.
Fallout 4 in general just looks really shit.
it was such a poorly designed game all around
>game literally crashes and reboots when loading new areas
Battleborn really needed a new FOV, things at times can seem super cluttered, but it isn't nearly as bad as the one screen shot that keeps floating around.
>Just say crap
Some of us are actually over the age of 18 and don't need to curse.
Oh my god mom
Go to bed you don't even like vidya
The only game I can really think of is Under Night In-Birth. It's not that ugly it's just so unreadable by fighting game standards. The two most important bars in the game are fucktiny and hidden at the bottom of the screen. And they move fast as fuck, I just can't determine where I'm at in terms of vorpal at a glance.
Every other game I've ever played, I never had a problem going "oh okay so after I hit that heavy attack I will have enough meter to do the ex move of the attack after that", or "oh shit if I use my [special block] three more hits I'm gonna get bursted on", good fucking thing managing your meter and looking at the time and all just becomes second nature in normal games, UNiB though, it's like, I can just eyeball, uuuuh how many more hits am I allowed to make him block in order to not lose vorpal when the transfer comes...? Cause I have to look at my grid and my opponent's simultaneously AND at the timer for the shift. I need to look at those tiny bars 24/7 and I'm still often times off, and that shit singlehandedly decides games.
And that's not considering the anime shit like "2 hit combo - 541500 damage!" and the super meter conveniently showing you the amount of meter you have with two decimal places for no fucking reason whatsoever.
Tera, if you're using 1366x768 or lower. Yeah, there's UI scaling, but it's really choosing between not being able to see jack shit because there's a map in your face and having to read size 6 font.
I would be using a widescreen CRT for everything if UI scaling wasn't so bad at standard definition.
How could Bethesda go from this,
to THIS?
Nnnno user.... why do you ask?
why do you think? there is only one answer.
see Skyrim was built from the ground up with consoles in mind. They wanted to get the attention of Monster-drinking CoDfags (who were the best demographic to sell to at the time) so they gave it shooter controls and dumbed the RPG elements way the fuck down.
at least you can see the enemy and not have 15 different cheap particle effects clouding your screen
if BB didn't have a mini map it would be fucked, it is still a moba after all.
The gun taking up the whole screen is making me cringe not the hud.
Also nice b8 m8
It's literally £15 brand new. A fucking preowned copy of THPS5 is more expensive.
That's how badly the game is selling.
its too aggressive, the hud needs to be something that can be ignored easily, F4 hud is bright, solid shapes that also have no transparency whatsoever. its jarring when it pops up.
why is your fov so fucking wide? you shouldn't be able to see that far back of the gun
>A shit ton of people own the game they just don't wanna play it.
What is the point of having such a big gun model?
actually its pretty tame, it only effectively occupies about 1/7 th of the screen, and when it fires it goes straight back, and thus doesn't take up any more of the screen when in use or during movement.
>battleborn profile is better than overwatch
No. So much no.
Blizzard has professionals at work that do nothing but take care that you can´t mistake any of the characters for another at a glance, battleborn most likely not even had a single "professional" in their entire design department.
Solid green UI icons and text remind of of the first Serious Sam game.