This guy comes and challenges you to a 1v1 in a game of your choice.
What game do you choose?
This guy comes and challenges you to a 1v1 in a game of your choice.
What game do you choose?
I choose a rhythm game.
His power is just that he can foresee my inputs right? So he won't have any advantage from a rhythm game.
tell him to fuck off
What was his stand? I don't remember
Sex. I win because he won't be willing to do it with me
He can basically ask you anything and get a yes or no answer. I would challenge him to something non skill based. Nothing his power could do in a Mario party game.
A game of destroying and releasing the most soul puppets. Whoever destroys the most wins
that's not a videogame.
Being able to read someone's soul after asking him a yes or no question.
As for my choice, I'd totally also try a racing game. I used to be the champ at CTR
Castle crashers eating minigame.
I mash the hardest
Duel Monsters! I set two cards and play my Monster face down. Your move!
Rock Paper Scissors
neither does anyone else
Mario Kart 8.
He seemed to have trouble with Kakyoin, plus he'd have no experience with modern controls. If he did though, he should know that I've got a pretty high rank online and I only lose if item karma strikes me.
Are you going to do the ora thing ?
Go home Rohan.
Yes, yes, oh my god...
Mario Party
Would speedrunning be a thing, I wonder? Though I'm afraid he'd know the most unfair and gamebreaking glitches to do one.