>game takes place in prehistoric times
>there are cavemen
Game takes place in prehistoric times
>entire area is just shitty volcanoes and jungles and unfun bullshit with tribal music
What's wrong with that?
You dumb nigger, all time before the Sumerian civilization is considered "prehistory." That's ~45,000 years of humans being around in their current form. So yes, it makes logical sense for there to be cavemen in prehistoric times.
dumb frogposter
>far cry: primal
>no dinosaurs
Okay, Einstein. Calm down. You know what I meant.
not accurate.
>Ancient Egyptian game
>Egyptians aren't black
I was thinking of opening a thread about good cavemen inspired games (most of which have fantasy or anachronisms). And mind you, I said games, not sandboxes.
What are your recommendations? The ones I know and enjoyed:
>Prehistorik (series)
>Joe & Mac (series)
>Bonk (series)
They are 2D platformers mixing cavemen with dinosaurs and other stuff.
Not him, but actually, I don't. What are you trying to say?
But as said, it is accurate. Are you on about cavemen and dinosaurs co-existing? That's inaccurate. But cavemen existing prehistory makes sense.
>thread takes play on Sup Forums
>there are frogposters
>dinosaurs have feathers
>game takes place in a distant future
>white people still exist
The Humans on Gameboy was fun, at least when I was a kid
>game takes place in a modern "utopia"
>black people still exist
That's because of their fruitloop religions I assume.
>Chrono Trigger
>65,000,000 BC
>90% of the map is useless, only interesting place is Tyrano Lair
Still, worth it for Ayla.
>their fruitloop religions
aka christianity aka the religion with the most followers worldwide. Ok bud
Chrono Trigger?
>And mind you, I said games, not sandboxes.
>it's popular so it's right
Good one.
>it has the most so it's the best
But were you there?
Humans and dinosaurs coexisted peacefully about 5,000 years ago. Humans were hunter gatherers and dinosaurs were herbivores.
>Game features space travel
>You never collide with anything whenever you use a FTL drive.
Well damn.
were you there
>Future game
>Africa is a clean technologically utopias
>Religious quacks.
You should have been gassed along with the trans/gays/etc.
Me posting from me cave right now, bunga.
>t. reddit
>most followers worldwide
Actual Christians are laughing at you
>Siding with Christians just because everybody else does
>Telling other people to go to normie.net
>WW2 game
>axis wasn't black
Americans think Catholics aren't Christians.
the most stupid image I have ever seen
>game takes place in 1000 AD
>there arent any dinosaurs
>Actual Christians
The ones with a freemason multiculturalist leader?
>christianity preaches loving your neightbour and ignoring your enemies
Have you read the bible?
>mfw people don't know that "prehistoric" means before the first humans walked the earth
Has anyone red the bible? Shits to long. This world needs more smarter atheists....
>ignoring your enemies
>"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
I can't find a good version of the bible. Shit always leaves out a few paragraphs or the translation is google translate tier.