
>we still don't know at what price the 1060 will launch
>it could be $100 more than the 480
>retards will still say "480 BLOWN THE FUCK OUT"

>6GB of GDDR5 memory (so quite possibly 192-bit interface). The boost clock is somewhere around 1700 MHz, which gives us maximum compute performance of 4.4 TFLOPs.

6gb vram and 4.4 tflops





>same price
look, we both know that's bullshit. It goes for $300 dollaredoos

1060 is probably between $200-$300 following how Nvidia usually prices their *60s.



Where exactly are you pulling that from? Oh wait, you're making it up.

>posting photoshopped clickbait meme shill bullshit

wow, nvidiots are really scared of the 480 aren't they?

What is pascal technology

No no this will be great when it releases and is shown to be shit

AMD has bad drivers because their CEO is an Asian woman.

Welp this thread will die quickly when there's not much trolling to be done

Have fun with your motherboards catching fire AMDcucks lmao

>newer card in similar price range is better than older card in similar price range
I know this is just another video card wars shitposting thread but really? At least come up with better material to use for these kind of things like performance charts that actually show the 480 being the piece of shit it is or how AMD lied about power usage.

>b-but muh extra 40$
>AMDrones are so cheap they are willing to buy a card that can damage their hardware and requires more power just to save 40$

Besides, anyone who cared already upgraded to a 970 2 years ago. If people skipped it i's because they didn't feel the need to upgrade yet and a 970 tier cards isn't going to be the one they upgrade too. They'll get a 1070 to last them more.

I don't even know why AMD even bothers at this point, they'll never beat Nvidia with horrible market strategies like playing the "Budget Boys"

So its worse in every way, but remember they have this graph of performance with bars and it says its better :DDDD

Can I sue them for false advertising?

>newer than a 480

2 weeks difference in release date doesn't fucking matter at all because they were designed and manufactured at roughly the same time.

>Performance of 980
>Because we make sure developers criple their games with shitworks


>he doesn't know

I still have a 750ti and I'm able to play anything I want, why would you constantly get high end GPUs when there's literally nothing to use them on?

The 490 is going to blow everyone away, they'll capture both the low and high end markets

Still better than AMD lying about power usage, efficiency and potential HW damage.

I doubt you'd have the money too sue when your buying an AMD Card.

>le gameworks is bad meme
here we go again with the shitposter spewing lies and unproven conjectures once more

I'm going to buy literally whichever card has the best cost to performance upgrade ratio to my gtx 770.

i also havfe 750ti but i really want a 1080 now since i have the money. but 900 dolaridos is still a lot tb.h famalam so i am skeptic about upgrading.


>buying 60s

>480 is supposed to be 980Ti level but ends up 970 level
>AMD has no competition in the high end market where nVidia already has palpable 4K solutions
Come the fuck on AMD step it up

dat fucking graph kek

Sure you keep believing that idiot.

RX490 MIGHT be able to compete with 1060, but nobody will care as they should've launched that thing now and not with budget card. It's sufficient to say that 490 will have more than 1x 6pin connector.

AMD high end cards will be @late of the year with Vega launch and HBM2. But that's a solid 3 months of Nvidia domination.

me too nigga, my 770 needs a break. might go cray and get the 1070

If you don't even own a 4k monitor
or 2k monitor with 144Hz
Then there's no point to buy 1080

>It's okay for nvidia to intentionally gimp their older cards in an attempt to force consumers to upgrade because we can still shit on AMD
Neither are okay, don't give one a pass for their bullshit while condemning the other for equal bullshit. That's what macfags and twitter white knights do.

>83.4 to 85.2
>(Higher is Better)

These fucking charts are hilarious

noticed it too, holy fuck
>mile long difference between 1 and 1.4

I'll take gimpworks over damaging my PC components thank you

Yeah, let's launch our high end card after giving our market share leading competitor a fuckload of time as the only high end card provider.

That will translate to sales!


What so rad? 1070 already has less consumption than RX480. So they basically just make a card that's less potent than 1070, thus the power is dramatically lower than 480, because 1070 btfo's both 980 and 480 in performance

AMD on suicide watch. That's over double the performance.

>Using THAIF as a benchmark


In couple of years when Nvidia has gimped the card enough it will fall way below rx 480

>But that's a solid 3 months of Nvidia domination.

A solid 3 months of card makers putting out like one card per week to artificially inflate demand for GTX shit. Another 3 months of idiots buying overpriced garbage because they're too stupid, impatient, or deluded from "brand loyalty" to consider the superior 480 instead. Another 3 months of Nvidiots desperate flailing and pretending everything's fine while their pathetic little world burns down around them and AMD finally makes its long-awaited comeback.

The tears are going to be delicious.

well chart starts from 0.8 not 0. its still valid.

I think amd banked on holding vega and the 490 back

shit isn't be pretty especially if the 490 really does have hbm2

>Potential hardware damage
So far with all AMD and NVidia GPU's i've ever had, i've never had anything damage my hardware in any form or way.

What kind of damage are we talking about here, one caused by overheating?

It's widely known AMD's power usage is absolute shite (doesn't mean they should not give out the real specs though), and lies about efficiency is dont by both parties, so neither get a pass there.

Because it gets 1fps faster on the nvidia card

He's just laughing at the charts. A couple of decimal places should not be represented like that.

This card looks really shitty

Where's the cooling? One fan? Really?

>not waiting for msi or strix

wait hold the fuck up is this the actual graph they used yes they did I just checked holy shit the jump in performance is only slightly better except for power efficiency because AMD is gay about that

Human eye can't see below 0.8 performances.

and when that happens, neither the rx480 not 1060 will be relevant anymore, because increased gaming needs with higher gfx.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to get some doom 1 and doom 2 mass shooting action on modern gaming, but that's not happening anytime soon, and it's not some conspiracy of nvidia filling every developers pockets with cash, it's because people for some reason value Graphics over everything else in a video game. That's why will never see any true gaming until the graphics meme has been put on a halt.

One time my PSU burned out

Can't remember what card I was running though

Nvidia reference cards have looked like that since the Titan

when you zoom in and start the chart from 0.8 instead of 0, there is a big difference between 1 and 1.1. its all valid man, no lies here about the distance between bars.

Superb marketing tricks, and people will be tricked.
I only ever bought Nvidia but I still find it hilarious.

Especially when talking about fucking fps for god's sake

I'm not even going to bother reading that text, because AMD wont be releasing anything other than 490 before vega, and seeing how badly 480 was received, it's very hard to believe it will be 1070 level performance, only capable of competing with 1060.

And then the 1050 gets 970-equivalent specs but with unfucked RAM, for $150

Remember all the other times when people were shilling AMD and it actually BTFOs Nvidia.... like... oh sorry that never happened.
And AMD always failed because their own incompetence.

But maybe, after 16 years this will be the one time AMDrones will be right... i mean what is the chance of AMD losing 17 years in a row?

>implying 15% performance increase is insignificant
>implying 40% better efficiency is insignificant
I want underage retards to leave.


the AMD opterons were fucking sick

Depends on the price, really.

It's not a lie it's just a stupid and misleading way to represent the data, implying a far greater disparity than has actually been observed

The charts are valid, yes, but there is no need for the bars to be that different for a few decimal places unless you are deliberately trying to overstate the difference between cards

t. GTX 970 owner

desu AMD got it right with 68xx series or something, wasn't that the card that was released before fermi, and nvidiaidiots (including me) were waiting for "fermi", just to turn out that fermi TANKED ??


It's now a Founder's Edition.

>nvidia shill arrives

Well in my time as PCrepair idiot for my friends i count 6 dead ati/amd cards and 3 mobos some of them took with em to the grave to 2 dead Nvidia cards, both from smoker households.

>mfw my gtx 750ti ftw edition is still holding out strong.
only reason to upgrade my card is for star citizen and my i5 and ram are just fine.
shit great

Who wants noisy slapped together ork junk that can explode any minute (amd) when you can have high tech and noble Space Marine technology (nvidia) is beyond me. Oh well, some people pay for bleached jeans with holes at the knees.

It was a great card before the 960 arrived. I'd still be on mine if my brother didn't upgrade to a 980 Ti due to the 3.5GB meme getting along with GTAV.

so AMD uses red because red makes the cards go fast because of ork magic?

>192-bit bus
>on 6GB

I don't like it, but that clock is pretty high. Did newer architectures make bandwidth not matter anymore?

>tfw my 7950 is 384 bits with 3gb of VRAM

It plays like a champ.

My 7950 is 3GB on a

Cant trick me, I watched that cyberchase episode

Nvidia doesn't need "paper specs" to perform, they've proven this in earlier generations too that Nvidia can perform without specs. Only thing that matters are the benchmarks with the card running.

I was going to upgrade to a 970 then decided against it until the 1060 and shit came out I guess it payed off and really I play fallout arma and borderlands and gmod (based steam sales) so the wait wasn't half bad

same, 750ti is such a good card goddamn

Yes. It's the same principle as LED lighting in your computer case. Red makes your components run more powerfully but also much hotter. Blue makes them run at a lower temp. Green just looks cool.

telling the truth is shilling now


yes it is stupid but this is marketing and it is not mislieading in any manner, nvidia can rightfully say "well you should have check your eyes while looking at charts". as long as they are telling the truth they arent misleading you, it is you who is misleading you with your expectations and half working brain.

only thing holding that power house back is its 2gb of ram imagine if nvidea but at least 3-4 in it shit would never fuck'n out date

>Nvidia doesn't need "paper specs" to perform, they've proven this in earlier generations too that Nvidia can perform without specs.

You mean gameworks? Too bad they can't gameworks themselves around dx12

Why would I care about DX12 if I'm never going to run Win10?

Enjoy playing the same old games forever then

>literally nothing

besides transition to dx12 wont be that smooth, just remember the abomination called dx10 and how a lot of people skipped it.

like any other multi-billion company, nvidia people are pretty clever, if they dont optimize for dx12 yet it is because they dont see as an immediate problem, maybe they believe their current generation will simply brute force dx12 performance with high clocks and since there arent much dx12 titles other than new hitman and ashes of singularity it doesnt really worth developing a good gpu architecture from scratch for dx12.

I believe that paper specs can still give some clue about performance. The extra good performance probably comes from all their cards being plain fast.

Wasn't that the same thing that people told when vista and dx10 came? How long did it take exactly for people to leave windows XP, and enter realms of newer than DX9? Mind reminding me faggot?

Brute forcing seems possible, what if they make graphics whores double dip by claiming they totally fixed the problem in next year's architecture?

Post yfw even the GTX 1050 will beat the RX 480.

It's still a great card, better under Windows 10 as GTAV recognizes it as a 4GB card and allows you to use higher settings.

A true gentleman and a scholar only games on windows 95. Why would I upgrade my Riva TNT? It's still perfectly good enough for Commander Keen.

seriously it's not mindblowing but it's a 2GB card that costs a hundred bucks, it's totally bus-powered, and it still runs modern games if you lower the settings and/or resolution

>Did newer architectures make bandwidth not matter anymore?
Memory clocks go up with every generation. Bus width isn't the only thing that determines memory bandwidth, you know, and over the years, bus width hasn't changed all that much. 256-bit buses were common 13 years ago already.

There's no real point in making it wider. Just takes a lot more space on the die.

There are people memeing that they dual boot win10 and linux, but they probably don't do audio, photog or video, because none of those have any footstep on linux environment. So if gaming is not my only need from OS, why would I want to touch win10?

>Pajeet my son
>yuo can buy this 200 dolla card that will eventually burn your mohdaboard with hot curry power
>or you can buy this ~300 dolla card that is literally better in every way

40% of gamers are already DX12 capable. I don't think same happened with DX10 in less than a year.

>tfw yuro
>tfw nvidia will probably deliver better value here anyway