If you play Overwatch on PS4 with a Mouse and Keyboard adapter.
If you play Overwatch on PS4 with a Mouse and Keyboard adapter
Other urls found in this thread:
If you FPS games on console
If you play videogames
>he bought an FPS game for a console
I Seriously Hope You Guys Don't Do This
Every adapter out there has a noticeable input delay.
Why do you keep posting these threads, honestly?
She's nice to look at but the saturation is leading me to associate her with cancer.
Who is this cream dream?
A coalburning slut.
The first few Stephania/Zarya threads were great, but it's time to stop now.
Just google her name and you'll see.
Stefania Ferrario
Shes a lesbian you manchild
>>>your wifes son
Stefania Ferrario
>implying I give a single fuck about what you lowtest cucks want
apparently she is bi, not lesbian
>zero visible muscle
yeah nah
>Stefania Ferrario
Go back to. LoL shes still a coalburner you butthurt betacuck.
Back to your cuckshed with your wife's son.
And dont forget to prep your bull.
Like it matters? Hitboxes are huge. Even with controllers, you should be able to hit heads.
I like the one on the left more
nothing wrong with race mixing user
my gf is eritrean and i desperately want to get her pregnant
>nothing wrong with race mixing
same user: it depends which races you mix
asian and white isnt that bad as black and white and I bet your girlfriend looks like a slightly tanned greak or itallian
>wife's son
>prep your bull
You Sup Forumssters have the most vivid cuckold fantasies, how do you even get through the day with so many distractions?
explain why its wrong bud
is this even an opinion you came up with yourself, or just a Sup Forums meme you're regurgitating
As a racemixed person, just don't. Unless you guys look close to the same ethnicity, your kids are gonna feel weird and confused about their heritage
She was dating some white guy not too long ago
But yes racemixing still isn't the best outcome for any race just watch this video some of you might even recognize the guy talking about racemixing
This was the best quality video of this interview before any one complains about the added stuff at the end.
>their heritage
Is this some murrican crap again?
i dont understand fucking nothing about technology, but why don´t make console just standar hardware that people can reliably buy knowing that´s going to last since devs can keep exploiting the hardware together as they learn more about it but while keeping the capabilities of regular pc hardware like the fucking kb+m. why invest money into creating something like a controller and ignoring that you can keep the possibility of using a fucking generic kb. i would buy and use a console if i could kb+m on it on almost every game. the frames ps are already going to be bad enought, why make it worse; its fucking retarded.
nope it's the games that have input delay, you get it with a controller too.
>their heritage
is it really important? i feel like most people dont care about this
like it seems weird to not have kids with the woman i love just because they might be confused about their heritage
Where does the turkroach meme comes from
Turkey :^)
Lel what a fucking pussy you are
Mexican father
Guatemalan mother
American born and raised , American first whatever else second
Called racial CA slurs by obvious Wetback Mexicans because I couldn't pronounced Spanish words properly(I can now)
Everyone in my family is light skinned enough to pass for white(especially my sister and little brother)
Heritage is whatever I want it to be , Hispanics , Mexican , Guatemalan doesn't matter I'm not going to cry over it
Whatever you say Juan.
>their heritage
maybe in america where "white culture" is actually a thing
in europe this is just a joke. I don't feel any connection to my "white heritage" in the same way that I don't give a shit about my scottish, french or german heritage.
this, why are you guys so obsessed with black cocks?
But at least you feel nationalistic right? You lose that you lost everything
You can't explain this to Americans, they're completely brainwashed in their obsession with race.
>my greatest achievement is being born in some random country
nationalism is pretty sad fampai
Literally why?
As a mixed race person I agree with you man but the word(s) your looking for is culture and a sense of belonging. Mixed race people are usually regarded as like some sort of half breeds especially when they or you can tell if they or you are mixed with a white, its even worse when your mother is white and the father is black because then it is seen and the father is a race traitor and your mom is a coalburning whore who just got knocked up.
Unless of course your a successful white-black mixed person than if your successful or famous your regarded as completely black
Where the fuck do you live that this is a thing? America?
Do you guys know how dante the demon killer feels? Or are you more like inuyasha?
none of this has to do with vidya anymore
As a race mixed person i genuinely don't know what happened in your life to fuck you up like this but your identity should be your own not something you just take from your background as an excuse to avoid having to think like an individual
>Not having pride in ones own genetic family
wew lad
can we get some slavs in here I forgot how cucked western europe is getting
>its even worse when your mother is white and the father is black because then it is seen and the father is a race traitor and your mom is a coalburning whore who just got knocked up.
It's not a stereotype if it's true.
nationalism is fucking pathetic
it's literally the worst fucking ideology
at least communism and socialism have some sort of theory behind them, even if it's retarded.
I have pride in having a big dick.
Isn't that enough?
gimme da fokin sauce
>having pride in something you didn't contribute to and don't control
Sounds pathetic.
>nationalism is fucking pathetic
t. subhuman mongrel who doesn't even know the name of his father
You're producing offspring with worse attributes of both races along with making your kid never really fit in with either race.
Jesus Christ
I'm a Canadian mulatto and genuinely didn't even know what constituted race until I got to junior high
Thank fuck for my blessed childhood because wherever the hell you're living it sounds like a fucking nightmare to grow up in
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
And that's the crux of it right there. You're equating no nationalism to being somehow cucked. It's really pathetic. Take your jingoism and stuff it up your own ass. I take pride in things I have actually done, not the wealth or nationality I was born into.
wow it's like you didn't click google or read the thread you fucking retard please jump off of a bridge and die
>are you more like inuyasha
Nice one.
what did you contribute to the achievements of your nation?
>tfw more reasons to be thankful I was bornon american soil
Just personal experience, so no.
I'd rather be all white or all native american than some wombo combo with weird facial structure.
History is cool
To be proud of it as an individual is literally unjustifiable by any rational means.
>i have no accomplishments of my own
This is one of stupidest things i've read. Attributes are always random. No one "fits in" to races. If that's really your only connection to other people are just a bland, boring person.
>people are not proud of the country they were born into
>I have sub highschool level understanding of genetics
But why advertise it though?
higher genetic diversity results in more adaptable offspring and people with mixed heritage are normally more attractive then either race
I know that it bothers liberals now that convservative opinions are no longer beat down and shamed but boy am I glad it's happening again.
>basing your worth on the random country you were born into
It's all they have, user.
she is just perfect. fucking perfect. great mixture of THICC and curvy
Nationalism isn't tied to liberalism or conservatism, try again. The world isn't left vs. right, us vs. them.
>having no sense of identity
I mean, I get it, you're mutts with everyone who's pure in blood and heritage looking down on you, so you want to bring them down to your subhuman levels.
But you could be less obvious about it.
>le ebin jew meme
shouldn't you be on Sup Forums, talking about muscular black men fucking your wife?
It's really sad. Especially since I bet their country is corrupt as fuck but their blind devotion to MUH FLAG allows it to continue.
So you have self esteem issues (welcome to Sup Forums) and have elected to user your heritage as your "external limiting factor completely outside of your control" of choice
Well, still healthier (and less damaging in the long-term) than anything else I've seen posted on /r9k/ but you're still going to want to nip that in the bud at some point
>worse attributes
how do you know?
>never really fit in with either race.
we dont have segregation, user
most people dont care or think about how much their mixed race friend "fits in"
>needing to base your identity on your fucking country
Jesus fuck, user, spare my god damn sides
You're a retard. My identity is as an individual, not as part of a group. You're not a country, you're a single person. If you need other people's history to make you feel good about yourself you're pathetic.
But you're the first person to mention those in this thread. What does that say about you?
Because Sup Forums are the actual cucks. They love it!
>Sup Forums ruins another thread
>blood and heritage
This guy doesn't get genetics
eugenics was wrong dude
go back to school an o your homework
>off topic threads gets ruined
>m-m-muh pol
Canada is american light also Canadians dont have all the black problems america has because well they barely got any blacks (compared to USA) but it sounds like the people who have to deal with that stuff are black living in big urban communities that you would find in large cities Chicago,New York,Atlanta,Jacksonville,Detroit, etc.
Ps4 already has native keyboard support the xbox is getting it at some point. Its just that developers choose not to support it in game because of the massive imbalance in shooters. There would be a massive backlash from console players if kb+m was in shooters because they would get absolutely shit stomped.
go back to if you need a safe space
Thanks you fucking retards now this bitch won't stop talking about how she looks like Zariya
hair like that never looks good
Listen, when it comes down to it, all that matters is confidence in our day to day actions.
Everybody psychs themselves up before their date or their interview, whatever, CV we've all done it. If what works for you is saying "yeah! Everybody I can trace back in my ancestry has never left this arbitrarily plotted (and historically inconsistently defined) piece of land" then more power to you. I'm a firm believer in everyone doing what works for them. But expecting that shit to be taken seriously in the real world? That makes no sense.
>looking at the hair