is there a bigger scam out there?
Vr meme
Other urls found in this thread:
>This thread again
>vr meme
I tried a Gear VR in a store today, it was like a DK1 but with much nicer pixel density. The lenses are surprisingly nice, though I don't think it'll be competing with my Vive any time soon.
I spent like 3 minutes wearing an oculus rift devkit 1 two or three years ago and I was pretty impressed by it.
Don't think I'm going to pay more than $200 for a headset however, so it's going to be a while before I experience it again.
>Put vr headset on
>Upon strapping it on mustard gas squirting all over your face and on your clothes now it's everywhere
Wow, now how am I supposed to clean all of this up?
>Following giant bomb since they got acquired by GameSpot
Is this the biggest meme?
VR space sims are pretty goddamn incredible. It adds so much.
Jesus, why would you play that thing in public?
ah this is going to refuel my fire for bullying kids with new tech
takes me back to my highschool days when I used to beat the shit of little kids for bringing their stupid handhelds to school
Fuck I loved being a bully.
the "vr ready" 480.
How many times have we had this thread now?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
not even scam citizen is this big
to be fair even a PS4 is not a scam compared to the VR
however Sony is doing the VR meme so .......
i honest enjoy my VR games, don't know why everyone seems to be buttmad about them
I like using my Google Cardboard headset to play emulated games on a seemingly big screen while curled up in bed.
thanks, was looking for this
Older meme but it checks out sir
wouldn't the pixels be like inch wide each?
This is literally how the vive looks like.
edit too subtle
>PS4 user will never get Summer Lesson in the west
>PC get this
Accept its not 3d and not blurry
That's not even PC. It's a mobile app.
Oh well, thanks god I have an android phone.
What? The only reason people are buttmad is because they are poor and cant afford the latest technology. When VR is $250 for entry level headsets there will be constant VR threads here about game of the week.
Why do people get buttmad so easily? I remember when I was a poorfag, and I still enjoyed that everyone had discussion going on about their richer-than-me lifestyles.
You're the type of person I picked on in HS
its unclear as fuck, and the pixels are huge.
Well the big thing is that it doesn't have positional tracking innit.
>mustard gas
You dead
Mustard gas only killed about a percent of the people it was used on. The rest just wished they were dead.
Sup Forums hates any software they can't pirate, and any hardware that can't be bought at a day's salary at minimum wage.
You learn something new every day!
Scam Citizen
No, I won't accept it
yeah it's the condiment that's lethal, not the gas.
Subnautica good in VR? Just got it but haven't installed yet.
Gearbox charging people $60 for Battleborn then slashing the price in half 2 weeks after launch.
What is this program called?
>starting the thread with a Gerstmann image and it's not a Giant Bomb thread
I love how Jeff became the icon for vr disappointment. The vive week was great
>is there a bigger scam out there?
nintendo nx
Tiltbrush, it's for 3D drawing with a Vive.