It’s online. There are young, attractive people. But there’s no nudity. There’s no sex. But there’s a ton of food

>It’s online. There are young, attractive people. But there’s no nudity. There’s no sex. But there’s a ton of food.
>Welcome to the world of “mok-bang,” a mash up of the Korean words for “eating” and “broadcast.” Earlier this year, people online in South Korea were streaming themselves stuffing their faces at dinner.
>This fall, however, mok-bang really took off on Afreeca TV, a peer-to-peer online video network in South Korea. According to Ultralab, what makes Afreeca TV different from, say, YouTube is that viewers give the Afreeca TV live-streamers, aka “Broadcast Jockeys,” virtual currency called Star Balloons as a way to show thanks.
>The virtual currency is sold in denominations ranging from $1 to $50, and through them, broadcast jockeys can earn real-world money—up to thousands of dollars each broadcast. One popular broadcast jockey even earned $1,000 in Star Balloons from a single video!

What the actual fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

The internet was a mistake

Ive seen some shit, man.


>too poor to eat
>too ugly to have qt gf

What's the problem?

Doesn't sound bad desu


Looks like Japan is about to lose to the Koreans again.

how is it different than retards on twitch giving money to retards playing games

how is the new to anybody

this is what happens when you have a sexualy repressed society

This gook shit resulted in Twitch having a "social eating" channel, which now means that there's the slim possibility of watching ecelebs choke to death on stream.

I think this is a positive.

Porn is actually outlawed in South Korea.

who the fuck is going to it that much?

>People are only just now realizing this

This. Paying to watch women eat has been around since I think the early 2000's if not the 90's. Hell Dead Like Me even featured it on a television show.

Korea is a disease.

man its too early in the morning for shit like this

it all looks delicious

Doesn't sound like a bad idea if you hate to eat alone everyday.. ; ;

I don't see whats wrong about this. Food Porn has been a thing for ages.


I'll never understand why gooks bag up soup

Me on the chair

you can pay women to fist their ass til it prolapses on cam but koreans eating food is weird?

yea wtf indeed with all this nonironic normalfaggotry going on..whats next, losers will pay to watch women play LoL because they're cute and give them a moment of attention when they donate? pff

Why do canadians bag milk?

thats what happens when you ban porn

>american cuisine

that's also pretty fuckin' stupid.

bagging liquids is retarded.

Why is South Korea so weird.

It's not like this will cut down on the ridiculous amount of rape.

I'm guessing it's safer for transport, it's clearly delivery food.

Of course, cheap plastic bags and heat are some of the dumbest elements you could mix when eating, so that's probably why the first world doesn't do it because they don't really like giving people cancer.

>mfw grilling today

none of what you said is normal.

Kotaku shit shilling again

Fuck off!

as much as people like to meme about ancient chinese entertainment secrets, this really isn't that different from the food network.

All those plates look disgusting. I laughed when my cook friend told me presentation was important when cooking but seeing this makes me feel like a fool.

Why do Americans drink milk from Jugs?

How does she pronounce her name, Din Pang?

>they don't even stuff themselves until they look pregnant like most Asian girls who get paid to eat
What a waste.

>Koreans shit up the place and make """e-sports""" a thing
>Koreans shit up the place and eclipse J-Pop with plastic-loaded dolls
>Koreans again shitting up the place making broadcast eating a thing

fuck off Korean dog

Because you can open it, pour out what you need, reseal it, and put it back into the fridge without cross contamination.

I'm not the only one that thinks red meat is like, really gross, right


Video games?

I've heard Canadians have jugs or some kind of container that they keep at home, and the bag is for refilling it.

Fine videogames.

no user you're not the only faggot on Sup Forums

Yeah, it's banned in most of Asia. Of course, it's rarely enforced, at least in certain places.

>you can pay women to fist their ass til it prolapses
this is perfectly normal


So, a milk carton with more BPA?

Lived in Korea for a while. All major sites from rule34, paheel to xhamster etc were all blocked. It was pretty shitty for a few minutes before I remembered proxys.

Doesn't sound like video games to me

Where are the video games?

I swear to god I have friends who live in the states that use the same goddamned shit, how is it this confusing


That doesn't really make any sense though. Milk cartons get manky as fuck, do Canadians really have to wash out their jug every couple of days when the milk goes off? Also, how do they know when the milk goes off in the first place, if the label is on the bag?

You are a fag, but it is the worst of the three big meats.


worst korea makes the worst things

cancer of asia

do people really eat with their hats still on?

Yeah, sites are blocked, but I mean cops don't really go out of their way busting people for porn because they like walking the dog too. Wonder why Asia hates porn so much? When I was looking up porn laws around the world, it seemed like most of Asia had banned it, but most of the western world was cool with it.

Ah c'mon guys

I prefer chicken to pork to be honest.

The heights of chicken are better than the heights of pork.

Pork only really does well in the budget category, slices of ham vs slices of chicken, or sausages vs nuggets.

>chinks are weird and stupid
What a groundbreaking discovery OP

How the fuck is this new?

[spoiler[You're living in one.[/spoiler]

When Kacey is eat I pretend she is eat me. I go down Kacey wet Kacey throat and am in warm Kacey stomach. Then I go deeper into the Kacey. I am made into Kacey gold. The Kacey sits on toilet and frees me. I am sad I am no longer Kacey food. Then Kacey eats me again.

Caucasian is literally the undisputed supreme master race.

Why do people even watch this?

I never understood why people shit their pants over hats indoors.

thats alot of food. Is she gonna eat that all by herself?

Pulled Pork, Bacon, and the tenderloin still takes it to first place. In general I like Chicken more because pretty much all of it is delicious. But pork has the capabilities of being mindbogglingly delicious, while chicken sort of sits on the same level of deliciousness all the time. You can't really do as much with it I feel.

Seeing all that fat and grease is making my stomach turn.
Seriosuly Americans, wha the fuck

Did someone say dinner porn?

Same reason people watch girls stream games. They think if they spend enough time stalking them they will give them attention.

nuke it from orbit

>implying meat with color is bad
Meat without color is a like candy without sweet it sucks while meat with color you eat you actually feel like you are eating something in a completele manner, you eat it whole all of it and filling up with energy.

Not again

Imagine hijacking Nork state TV with footage of this. Would people defect or would they just start shelling?

>this is new to people

why is everyone such plebs


Eccchh. What is this for abomination.


>starved population see how good they have it
>mass defection

Food is the way to win wars. Why do you think England has always been warring with France?

low test


>He's never seen Iron Chef
>Or any cooking contest shows
A shitload of people loves seeing good food and people eating food.

You should see Japanese television, food porn and people eating food as a FOCUS has been mainstream there for a long while.

Bacon is the ultimate meme food in my opinion. It doesn't taste that great, and you're eating mostly fat and oil.

Chicken is more neutral as a meat, but that just means your marinades go further.

I'm convinced that the Internet is the worst invention of mankind, right next to the atomic bomb. I mean think about, without the internet none of us would be here, and that alone would imply a better life. The internet is the biggest enabler of social phobia and weird fetishes. What good has the Internet ever done of offset that harm done to millions of teens including us ;_:?

Tracer Tong was right!

meat looks disgusting and i don't know why most subhumans love it so much
you can get healthier proteins from eggs and cottage cheese while it also taste and looks much better

What the fuck is this?

This shit legitimately disgusts me
And I'm speaking from a country that has food that's far from "healthy" considering Polish cuisine is extremely tasty but also full of all kinds of meat. But even still, compared to this and American shit, our food is paragon of healthy.

Fucking hell


It is a meme food, but I do still really like it, probably because I don't eat that much of it.

Anyways, beef is pretty shit when you think about it. A good steak is great, and ground beef is useful, but like anything else is just sort of disappointing.

It's by the man who brought you this supreme article.

>steak cooked well done is a sin
>ground beef cooked well done is perfectly fine
>pulled pork cooked well done is amazing
>briskets cooked well done is a sin

you meatfags are the worst

what the hell is going on here

Somebody post some Ja/ck/.

replace meatfags with murifats.
Where im from we cook meat right.

>shameful, embarrassing things!
I'm sorry I thought this was a site for video game news, not puritan blogs.