What is the WORST of the Classic MegaMan games?
What is the WORST of the Classic MegaMan games?
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2 on Game Boy
Mega Man and Mighty No. 9 has at least one thing in common.
Their first game was shit.
Nevermind actually megaman on DOS is worse
Very nice
MM3 gave us Protoman but is otherwise an irredeemable pile of dogshit.
Bootleg DOS Megaman doesn't count.
Id have to go with 1 it was a mediocre game when it originally released and it hasn't aged well at all.
Bootleg? It has endorsed by capcom USA
Inafune's early art is very cute in a Tezuka-kind of way.
In an astro boy copycat kinda way
He'd be the first to admit what a giant boner he has for Tezuka. Hell, I remember seeing a promo event he was doing with Takeshi Kaneshiro for Onimusha 3 and being pleasantly surprised by the fact he was wearing a Jetter Mars t-shirt.
KILL yourself my good man.
You know it's true buddy
Bland levels, worthless powers, forgettable bosses, objectively glitchy and broken areas, it was not a good game.
People might say it's MM1, it was experimental but it's fairly balanced around the Mega Buster.
MM2 improved everything wrong with the first game. MM3 introduced the slide and MM4 the charge shot.
I feel like MM5 is the worst of the bunch, as it did not introduce anything new and also ruined a couple things on it's way.
First of all, the Mega Buster in MM5 is OP, it charged faster than in MM4 and it was also bigger. Second, the weapons are the worst in the series by far. Third, the soundtrack, while good, it's pretty generic in comparison to the rest, I even believe it only had one track per fortress.
Bottom line, MM5 is the worst.
Fite me.
8 has more auto scrolling levels than all mega man game combined. No other game makes you sit on your ass and wait for shit more than 8.
Want to get through Astro Man's level? Wait for floating platforms. Get past that? Auto scroller. Past that? More platforms that require you to wait, they aren't even set up timed so you can have your go immediately, you have to fucking wait.
Clown Man? Wait on the arbitrary game board blocks for the bell to ring and be teleported.
Sword Man? Wait for this lava fountain to clear and then make sure the lava isn't in your way when you manuver your tiny boat with fucking jumps.
Tengu Man? maneuver around these spikes with a slow ass bubble and then get rewarded with more auto scrolling and also let's just dump as much mettools on the screen as possible because we're 32 bits now
Frost Man? I don't even need to say it.
Fuck this shitty game and fuck your nostalgia. It's NOT good.
7, 8 and 1 are all pretty bad.
8 tried a lot of gimmicky things to a fault, it didn't pan out.
For an enjoyable experience though play the Famicom Demake version of it.
I've changed my mind.
5 is the second worst, 8 is definitely the worst of the series. At least the PC demake is okay.
This. The weapons are bland and seriously? The super arrow?
how can people go back to the old ones after the x series?
Isn't the Super Arrow a support item though?
But even if it was, for every Super Arrow there is a Star Crash, a Charge Kick, a Crystal Eye and ESPECIALLY the Power Stone.
Gravity Hold is pretty cool though.
>Fite me
Why fight you when your fighting your terminal cancer already with you're shit taste lmao
one of the best
Common candidates are II, 7 and 8.
II was outsourced and pretty lacking, but it's still fun. Cool new music too.
I really don't see the problem with 7, it's probably my favorite.
8 is plain bad, everything about it makes me want to wretch. Now wonder it killed the franchise for almost a decade.
5 by far, most boring and uninspired game in the series.
I'm pretty sure you just don't like mega man if you seriously believe this. 9 does everything a mega man should and could do. Even the fucking music is on the level of the first 3 games.
it splits the bosses into to groups of four. MM8 also does this but does it way better, for example it uses Clown man's power as a grapple in most levels in the second half.
Hate this nonsensical meme.
>how do hips work.jpg
Kill yourself.
not a big fan of the original. I vastly prefer X. I don't even really see the "charm" of the original. dr. light and roll are barely even in the damn games, and have little to no input. also, the controls are just plain ass. even for nes games.
It's at least better than most of the GB games if I include them
>buster stripe on the wrong side
please stop
wall jumps ruined the series by making it super forgiving and making bosses super easy.
Because the X series went to shit as well
>implying it's not on both sides
You just described MM2 though..
I wanna fuck this roll
not until 7.
they made it super FUN is what they did.
the old games are just frustrating and cheap. sorry, I don't like trial and error bullshit in games. if you want to waste your time go ahead.
the original series actually has more good games than the X series both overall and on average
nothing in the original series even comes close to being as bad as X7
X shined twice as bright, but burned half as long.
A tenth as long, you mean.
YOU GODDAMN FUCKING FAGGOT, could you possibly out yourself any harder? The Gameboy games were fucking fantastic, especially IV and V arguably blows most of the NES games out of the waters. You do NOT rate those equal to II.
The old games are pretty easy themselves the jumps aren't even frame perfect and they never throw too many enemies on the screen like most NES games do, they're perfectly fair. The x series just takes it too far and makes it braindead easy.
All of them.
I didn't find the first or second one great. It picked up with 3.
>"Spark Mandrill"
..and gave up on the X series instantly
The GB games have a terrible slowdown problem whenever more than 1 enemy shows up. Outside of V they're pretty much unplayable. On top of that the boss patterns are much less complex because of limited memory and only V had original bosses.
I actually like the Charge Kick personally, I think attaching an attack to Megaman's slide is a neat idea. IIRC the Crystal Eye was decently useful. But yeah, Star Crash is pretty shite (the only balanced shield weapon is Water Shield from 10 IMO, Jewel Satellite from 9 was way too fucking broken) and Power Stone is one of the worst weapons in the entire series.
5 might've added nothing new but I honestly think it's an overall better game than 6 still. The Rush suits are nice but once you get past the novelty the rest of the game is even more bland than 5.
5 without a doubt. Probably the worst weapons in the original series. I can't speak for anything after 7 since I can't go back to the originals after playing X.
Wrong on every account, the awesome Mega Man Killers originated there. Also, aisde from having the best level designs in the franchise, IV had more cutscenes that the rest of the original franchise combined, and they're all hype.
Name a cooler weapon than Gravity Hold.
5 or 6. 5 was a rehash from other megamans and 6 had the most unsatisfying weapons to date.
X7 still boggles my mind to this day
like just how did it turn out so bad?
I could understand if it was an outsourced project but it wasn't at all
prior to X7 Capcom was releasing some great games
after X7 they continued to release some great games including X8 which was way way better
so what the hell happened? what could've gone wrong in this short time frame that led X7 turning out so bad
do you think it could've all been Inafune's fault?
Anyone saying any of the first 4 is trying way too hard
wrong. it makes it so that you're in more control. the originals were lackluster (mainly due to hardware restraints) and as a result are painfully linear. you can only tackle things in a very rigid manner.
and anyway, since when does easy make something bad? you just said yourself the originals aren't even hard. this series isn't known for its difficulty, and other games from the era that are actually hard (like ghosts and goblins) are just cheap and pedantic as hell.
mmzero > x > legends > dogshit>original
Either MM1 or MM8, but they're all fun.
you got it backwards
anyone who thinks 1 and 2 are better than any among 5-10 are just contrarian plebs or maybe have nostalgia goggles for them
but hey at least you aren't as bad as this poor user
8 isn't even a Mega Man game, it's some shitty anime minigame collection.
1 is way better than anyone gives it credit for. I really cannot understand the hate it gets. Is it because it has less robot masters? A score system? SLIGHTLY more slippery movement? Fuck off Mega Man 1 is a great game there's a reason it took off so well.
Dude, the meme opinion now is that 3 is best. You're going against the hivemind.
Mega Man 1 is bad design-wise, but everything else about it is pretty good.
I don't like Mega Man 3. It has a terrible, terrible final boss that's just broken, repeating stages isn't fun, it has lots of slowdowns during stages and some glitched weapons (the top man spin attack simply don't work).
To me, it's 3.
1 is just kinda boring honestly
all of the stages are pretty boring compared to the stages in literally every other MM game after that
yellow devil is the most memorable part of MM1
Slippery controls, shitty robot masters with 1 attack, very situational weapons, empty uninteresting levels.
Top Spin is really glitchy for sure but it's actually a surprisingly good weapon when you use it the right way. The worst thing about it is how the energy gets drained fast as fuck if you're blinking- really dumb oversight.
literally unbeatable without the glitch
3 is definitely very overrated
I'm honestly beginning to doubt you've even played the GB games if you don't know about the painful slowdown and boss patterns that usually only consist of attack, jump to the other side, attack. The levels are also generally shorter than the NES games, especially the later NES games. Having bosses other than robot masters was not a new concept in MM. Maybe you're and archie comic fanboy if you think Ballade and crew are relevant.
The ridiculously fast drain and taking hits while using it are what I call glitchy. I only use it on suicide runs anyway.
Mainline? 2 or 6.
Others? MMII on Game Boy.
>boss patterns that usually only consist of attack, jump to the other side, attack
Unlike which NES game? Eat shit, I'd beaten Mega Man 1-6 before you were born.
Of 1 through 10?
8. Though it's still pretty good.
It has a fucking kickass soundtrack, but yeah, if we're talking Mega Man 1-6 then the worst is 5 or 1
I never liked 5 and 6.
5 might be worse than 6 though
I think you're forgetting about the fucked up falling mechanics. Like if you fall off something, you instantly hit the ground, but if you jump, you fall nornally.
OOT of Megaman: Everybody says its the best but only say it because they heard someone else say it.
3 shits on it so hard its not even funny.
an example for you
>oh no I'm falling down a bottomless pit because I'm shit at video games and especially platformers
>good thing you can just wall jump up so there's no consequences :^)
>oh no the boss is attacking
>good thing I can just wall jump 3/4 up the wall indefinitely until that attack ends then jump over the boss's head :^)
its a terrible design choice that makes it so there aren't enough consequences for player failure
I'm pretty sure stuff like that was intentional, to punish mistakes more severely. I mean, I get if you don't like it but I don't really think you can cite those as "objective" flaws. It's like spikes killing you even while you're still blinking- it's just a different set of rules is all.
I honestly can't play 7. Megaman's sprite is just waaaay too big.
Yes, unlike the NES games, which were things like: attack/attack2-> jump to the other side/jump halfway, attack, then to the other side/run to the other side->attack/attack2
they had more options and more randomness which made the games more interesting.
6 or 8.
You're delusional. Woodman has one attack, Heatman crosses the room and shoots fire, meanwhile the gameboy had no problem handling Geminiman splitting in two and switching to his second attack pattern. I'll be expecting non-cherry picked examples if you want me to take you seriously.
Yeah, it just seems needlessly punishing.
2 is not the "OoT of MM." It's more like ALttP in that it was the first to make the series widely appealing while still being very mechanically similar to MM1.
I think MM2 is better than 3 because I think it has more enjoyable stages and special weapons, but 3's implementation of the slide was pretty interesting.
megaman and bass or Everything else is wrong
I think the level design takes it into account well enough
Megaman and Bass is fucking good
you're the only one thats wrong
Megaman & Bass.
MM4 > MM2 > MM6 > MM9 > MM3 > MM7 > MM > MM10 > MM5 > MM8 > MM&B
>its okay when X does it
>Bullshit level design and bosses
>tfw liked the Rush Jet sections in MM8 and hated the bike sections in the X games